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研究生(外文):Chuen-Chi Shiu
論文名稱(外文):The ecophysiological study of two hemiepiphytes-Ficus microcarpa and F. superba
指導教授(外文):Jen-Hsien WengTien-Szu Liao
外文關鍵詞:hemiepiphyteFicus microcarpaFicus superba
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Two Ficus hemiepiphytes, included evergreen, F. microcarpa and deciduous, F. superba were selected to elucidate their ecophysiological characteristics, such as leaf structure, leaf flushing, defoliating and water relation.
In the tree-phase of two tested Ficus which leaf flushing and defoliating were occurred in both wet and dry seasons. However, epiphytic F. microcarpa was occurred in wet season only. In both tree and epiphytic-phase, F. microcarpa were flushed and defoliated their leaves continually, but tree-phase F. superba flushed their new leaves in a short-term and then fallen their old leaves immediately, thus the leaf life span of F. microcarpa was longer (4 to 28 months) than that of F. superba (3 to 9 months). In both tree and epiphytic-phase, F. microcarpa showed more xeromorphism, such as thicker of palisade tissue, cuticle and leaves, in addition, in F. microcarpa the arrangement of sponge tissue of epidermis similar to that palisade tissue, and the epidermis were multiseriate epidermis and sunken stomata. Two species could maintain higher leaf water potential and relative water content under water stress, indicating those have the capacity of water storage, and F. microcarpa have better capacity than F. superba. In water deficit, both two species showed stomatal closure and photoinhibition, maybe the reason of photosynthesis capability decline.
The results indicated that expect the flushed and defoliated, the differences of two Ficus between tree and epiphytic-phase were not so large. While the leaf life span and capacity of water storage of evergreen F. microcarpa were higher than those of deciduous F. superba in both tree and epiphytic-phase. The difference of water status between F. microcarpa and F. superba may be due to the difference of leaf structure and stomata behavior.

二、水分生理(water relation)…………………………………..38
1. 體內水分狀態之季節變化………………………………...38
2. 缺水處理對一些生理特性之影響………………………...39
二、水分生理(water relation)…………………………………..61

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