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研究生(外文):Hui-Chu Ke
論文名稱(外文):Genetic diversity among and within Rice Varieties Based on ISSR DNA Markers
指導教授(外文):Maw-Sun Lin
中文關鍵詞:水稻遺傳歧異度ISSR DNA分子標幟
外文關鍵詞:ricegenetic diversityISSR DNA markers
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台灣的水稻品種有遺傳基礎狹隘之現象,研究水稻品種間親緣關係有助於日後在育種上選擇親本時的考量。本研究是利用Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats(ISSR) DNA分子標幟來(1)分析13個不同來源的越光品種之遺傳歧異度;(2)觀察兩個世代中八個水稻品種內的變異性,以瞭解ISSR分子標幟的穩定性;以及(3)探討水稻品種間遺傳歧異情形,並在使用的引子中篩選出核心引子。
從80個ISSR引子中,篩選出16個能清楚地產生多型性標幟之引子,以分析品種內(間)的差異。在分析不同來源的越光品種中,發現引子UBC811及UBC848分別在越光品種KHK11及KHK8各增幅出一多型性片段,而此二片段的序列分析結果,並未比對到任何水稻基因序列。將八個稻種經過兩個世代的栽培後做分析,結果每個稻種內均呈現單型性,世代間並無差異。將上述之材料,以11組Simple Sequence Repeats(SSR)引子進行分析。發現有三組引子OSR20、OSR22、RM249,在三個越光品種KHK6、KHK10及KHK11中,共產生五個多型性條帶;以引子OSR22、RM204及RM206分析稻種IR8及台南5號,發現在品種內呈現多型性,但世代間仍無差異。比較這兩種分子標幟,可得SSR的變異性大於ISSR。在兩個世代中,ISSR分子標幟是穩定的。
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars of Taiwan were developed on a narrow genetic base. Therefore, the knowledge of relationship among rice varieties is helpful in selecting mates for hybridization breeding program. In this study, we employed Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) DNA markers 1) to analyze the genetic variation of Koshihikri from thirteen seed sources; 2) to detect the stability of ISSR markers from eight rice varieties in two generations of seed propagation; 3) to evaluate the genetic diversity among rice varieties, and to identify the core primers that are informative in estimating diversity.
Sixteen of 80 ISSR primers were sufficient to produce polymorphic banding patterns. We have found specific fragments for KHK11 and KHK8 amplified the by primer UBC811 and UBC848, respectively. The eight rice varieties were propagated for two generations and showed monomorphic banding patterns. Three Simple Sequences Repeats (SSR) primers, OSR20, OSR22, and RM249, amplified five polymorphic banding patterns from eleven primers for SSR analysis. The three SSR primers, OSR22, RM204, and RM206 showed polymorphism within IR8 and Tainan 5, but no variation between two generations. Based on these results, SSR markers revealed more genetic variation than that by ISSR markers, and the ISSR marker is stable in two generations.
The genetic diversity among 76 rice varieties including 25 ancestors and 51 cultivars (25 Japonica and 26 Indica cultivars) were used for ISSR analysis. 16 ISSR primers amplified 288 banding patterns with 208 polymorphic. The averaged similarity estimates were 0.27 among ancestors, 0.66 among Japonica cultivars, 0.54 among Indica cultivars, and 0.29 among all rice varieties. Based on the clustering dendrograph, 16 ISSR primers were the core primer to differentiate varieties tested, except primer UBC810. The previous SSR data from the same material showed that the average similarity estimates among ancestors, Japonica cultivars, Indica cultivars, and all rice varieties were 0.42, 0.55, 0.63, and 0.40, respectively. ISSR showed lower averaged similarity estimates than SSR did. Therefore, ISSR analysis proved to be an efficient method for determining genetic diversity among Taiwanese rice varieties.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
目錄 V
壹、 前言 1
貳、 前人研究 3
一、 作物種原遺傳變異性的流失 3
二、 台灣栽培稻品種之變遷與研究 4
三、 DNA分子標誌的建立及ISSR的應用 7
四、 稻種分類之研究 12
五、 ISSR在水稻方面的研究 15
參、 材料與方法 18
一、 試驗材料 18
二、 DNA的萃取與定量 19
三、 ISSR分析 21
四、 SSR分析 22
五、 歸群分析 23
六、 ISSR核心引子的篩選 24
七、 ISSR片段的選殖與定序 24
肆、 結果 26
一、 不同來源的越光品種之變異性 26
二、 品種內的變異性 28
三、 品種間變異性 29
伍、 討論 36
一、 不同來源越光品種之探討 36
二、 ISSR分子標幟穩定度之探討 37
三、 品種間變異性之探討 38
四、 篩選核心引子之探討 44
陸、 參考文獻 47
柒、 表與圖 57
捌、 附錄 91
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