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研究生(外文):Yu-Ling Wen
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the Microorganisms Control in Fresh Porks with Crude Extracts and Fractions of Herbs
指導教授(外文):Yuan-Chuen Wang
外文關鍵詞:Scutellariae RadixFresh porkMicroorganisms control
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本研究室在黃芩抑菌作用的研究成果指出,黃芩粗萃物能抑制大多數革蘭氏陽性菌及部分革蘭氏陰性菌,於pH 4~10 的介質中具有良好的殺菌作用,對熱的穩定性相當好。因此,本研究延續先前黃芩抑菌作用之研究,將黃芩粗萃物、區分物應用於新鮮豬肉中,探討對新鮮豬肉微生物污染之降低,以及對4 ℃儲藏期間微生物存活之影響。
黃芩粗萃物及黃芩區分物對新鮮豬肉微生物控制之研究中,0.2-3.2 % (w/v) 黃芩粗萃物或黃芩區分物均能有效降低切片豬肉之微生物含量,處理濃度愈高,降低程度愈大。黃芩區分物對切片豬肉之生菌數、低溫菌、乳酸菌屬、金黃色葡萄球菌、李斯特單胞菌、沙門氏桿菌及大腸桿菌污染之降低效果均優於粗萃物。
0.4 %-3.2 % (w/v) 黃芩粗萃物或黃芩區分物,均能有效抑制4 ℃儲藏切片豬肉微生物之存活。對起始菌數及最終生長均能產生抑制作用,濃度愈高,抑制程度愈大。除生菌數外,黃芩區分物對低溫菌、乳酸菌屬、金黃色葡萄球菌、李斯特單胞菌、沙門氏桿菌及大腸桿菌存活之抑制效果,均優於黃芩粗萃物。
切片豬肉以0.8 %-1.6 % (w/v) 黃芩粗萃物處理,並於4 ℃儲藏六~九天之消費者感官品質分析,在色澤、香氣、蒸熟後的味道及整體接受度上,均以未經處理未經儲藏之對照組最為消費者所喜歡,其他各處理間無顯著性差異。
綜合本論文之研究成果,黃芩之粗萃物與區分物均能有效降低切片豬肉之微生物污染,以及有效抑制4 ℃儲藏切片豬肉微生物之存活,並表現出相當優異的微生物污染之降低及食品保藏效果。將黃芩粗萃物開發成為天然食品殺菌劑、天然食品保存劑或天然清潔殺菌劑等產品,將具有相當大的市場潛力。
Results of numerous studies on the antimicrobial actions of Scutellariae Radix (SR) by our lab had revealed that crude extracts of these herbs could suppress greatly most species of gram-positive bacteria and some species of gram-negative bacteria. More important, bactericidal actions of these extracts were exhibited at pH 4-10 and had good thermal stability. In this studiy, we furthermore studied crude extracts and fractions of SR to investigate the reduction of microorganisms in fresh porks and microorganisms control for 4 ℃ stored porks.
Microorganisms control for fresh porks treated with crude extract and fraction of SR were studied. Both 0.2%-3.2 % of crude extracts and fractions of SR could effectively reduction microorganisms in sliced pork. As higher the concentrations of antimicrobials, the better on the reductive effect had showed. Reduction effects of fraction of SR on the total arobic plate count, psychrotrophs, Lactobacillus sp., S. aureus, L. monocytogenes, S. typhimurium, E. coli were better than that of crude extracts.
0.4 %-3.2 % (w/v) of crude extracts and fractions of SR were capable to substantially control the growth of microorganisms of 4 °C stored porks. They could cause effective inhibition not only of the initial bacterial counts and the level of final growth. The higher the concentrations were, the better the inhibitory effects showed. Inhibitory effects of fractions of SR on the psychrotrophs, Lactobacillus sp., S. aureus, L. monocytogenes, S. typhimurium and E. coli were better than that of crude extracts, except for arobic plate counts.
Sensory evaluations of sliced porks treated with 0.8 %-1.6 % (w/v) crude extracts of SR and stored for 6-9 days at 4 ℃ were performed. The results indicated the control which without crude extract and storage were more acceptable on color, aroma and after steamed taste than that of all the treated samples.
In summary, all the crude extracts and fractions of SR could effective reduction microorganisms in the sliced porks and could effective inhibition populations of microorganisms in 4 °C stored porks. The excellent effects of both bactericidal actions and preservative properties of SR, it is a food additive which is legal and permitted to use. There will have a higher commerical potential in extract of SR for used as natural food bactericide, natural food preservative and natural clean bactericidal agents.
壹、 前言………………………………………………………………4
貳、 文獻整理…………………………………………………………6
(一) 鹽藏法與糖藏法…………………...…………………………6
(二) 乾燥法……………………………...…………………………7
(三) 低溫法……………………………...…………..…………..…8
(四) 高溫法……………………………...…………..……………..8
(五) 酸化法……………………………...…………………..……..9
(六) 煙燻法……………………………...…………………..……..9
(七) 輻射法……………………………...………………………..10
(八) 調氣儲藏法……………………….…………………………10
(九) 保存劑...........……………….………………………........…11
(十) 欄柵技術……….……………...........................……………11
(十一) 危害分析重要管制點系統………………………………12
(一) 食品保存劑之特性………………….………………………13
(二) 食品保存劑之抑菌作用機制………….……………………13
(三) 食品保存劑對微生物生長之抑制型式.……………………14
(四) 食品保存劑之種類……………….…………………………15
(五) 現行保存劑的優缺點……...…….…………………………29
(一) 優良肉品之相關規定….…………................………………30
(二) 屠體的微生物主要污染源及途徑…………….……………33
(三) 屠體常見之污染病原菌及食品中毒……….....……………34
(一) 含氯消毒劑……………………….…………………………40
(二) 有機酸…………………………….…………………………41
(三) 無機磷酸鹽類…………………….…………………………42
(四) 生物素…………………………….…………………………42
(五) 過氧化氫………………………….…………………………42
(六) 臭氧……………………………….…………………………43
(七) 水………………………………….…………………………43
(八) 超高靜水壓……………………….…………………………44
(九) γ-射線………………………….......…………………………44
(十) 電擊……………………………….…………………………45
(十一) 超音波………………………….…………………………45
(十二) 紫外線………………………….…………………………45
參、 材料與方法………………………………………………………48
(一) 黃芩........................................................................................48
(二) 切片豬肉……….........…………....…………...……………48
(三) 試驗細菌菌株…………………....…………………………48
(四) 化學試劑................................................................................48
(五) 儀器設備................................................................................49
(一) 黃芩粗萃物及區分物製備…….…………………………49
(二) 黃芩粗萃物及區分物抑菌活性測定……………….……50
(三) 切片豬肉之微生物檢測……….…………………………52
(四) 處理時間對切片豬肉生菌數存活影響之測定.................61
(五) 黃芩粗萃物及區分物對新鮮豬肉微生物污染降低
(六) 黃芩粗萃物及區分物對4 ℃儲藏新鮮豬肉微生物存活
(七) 消費者型喜好性感官品評分析………..…………………65
(八) 統計分析………………………………..…………………65
肆、 結果與討論………………………………………………………67
(一) 黃芩粗萃物及區分物之抑菌性質…………….………..…..67
(二) 新鮮豬肉之微生物分佈………………………...……….….70
(三) 處理時間對切片豬肉生菌數存活之影響.............................72
(四) 黃芩粗萃物及區分物對新鮮豬肉微生物污染降低
(五) 黃芩粗萃物及區分物對4 ℃儲藏新鮮豬肉微生物存活
(六) 消費者型喜好性感官品質分析............................................105
伍、 結論………………………………………………............…......…108
陸、 參考文獻…………………………………………………..………110
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