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研究生(外文):Cheng-Feng Lin
論文名稱(外文):Ankle Biomechanics of Ballet Dancer''s Fundamental Movements
指導教授(外文):Fong-Chin Su
外文關鍵詞:anklebiomechanicsballet dancer
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另外,各組動作間在最大角度及最大力矩、力矩範圍的差異性以及左右腳的對稱性也同時在此研究中探討。結果顯示,在各組動作間的最大角度有顯著差異性存在,除了pointé 和 passé這組例外;而在左右腳的比較上,兩腳最大角度只有在demi-pointé此動作有顯著差異性存在。若從動力學來看,左腳在動作過程中的力矩形態較右腳多,尤其是在pointé及grand-plié這兩個動作,這指出了這兩個動作的困難度較高且右腳踝關節在整個動作過程中對動作有較好的控制表現。
Foot and ankle injuries are the most common injuries in ballet dancers, which can influence dancers’ performances and lead to significant anatomical structure changes and biomechanical functions of the foot and ankle. Although, evaluation and understanding either normal or compensation mechanism of dance movements through biomechanical analysis is greatly important in discovering the etiology of ankle sprain and foot deformity, at present, few biomechanical studies have been conducted in this population. Therefore, the major objective of this study was to investigate the ankle biomechanics of ballet dancers in five fundamental dance movements, demi-pointé, relevé on pointé, grand-plié, demi-plié and passé. A three-dimensional (HIRE) motion analysis and two force platforms were used to collect data of segmental motion and ground reaction forces during these dance movements respectively. Fifteen ballet dancers, with dance years over five years, were investigated in this study. By means of the information, the normal ankle biomechanics of dance movements can be better understood, and the possible etiology of ankle sprain and foot deformity can be easily identified. Consequently, the information will provide additional guidelines for the clinical diagnosis and treatment.
The ROM and moment comparison between five dance movements and right-left symmetrical comparison were also investigated. The results showed that the maximal ankle ROM demanding was significant different between pair of movements except the pointé and passé pair. But in right-left comparison, the difference only existed in the demi-pointé group. From the kinetics points, the left ankle showed up more excursion patterns than right ankle especially in pointé and grand-plié movements. It meant the two movements were more difficult than others and right ankle had better control throughout the dance movements.
Biomechanical patterns of ballet dance movements had also been constructed in this study to help interpret and understand the excursion patterns of bilateral ankle joint.
Abstract I
中文摘要 II
致謝(Acknowledgements) IIIII
Contents IV
List of tables VI
List of figures VII
Nomenclature IIX
Chapter 1: Introduction and Literature Review 1
1.1 Clinical Problem 1
1.2 Structure and Injury Mechanism of Ankle and Foot 2
1.3 Injury Rate in Ballet Dance 6
1.4 Components of Dancing Movement 7
1.5 Other Factors Contribute to the Ankle and Foot Injury in Dancers 12
1.5.1 Shoes 12
1.5.2 Ballet Dancer’s Body 12
1.6 Biomechanical Studies of Dance Movement 13
1.7 Summary 14
1.8 Purpose 15
1.9 Specific Aims: 15
Chapter 2: Materials & Methods 18
2.1 Subjects 18
2.2 Measurements of Anthropometry 18
2.3 The Setup 19
2.4 Experimental Instruments 19
2.4.1 HIRE Motion Analysis System 19
2.4.2 Retro-reflective Markers 19
2.4.3 Forceplates 20
2.5 Experimental Procedures 21
2.6 Mathematical Models 24
2.6.1 Definition of the Coordinate System 24
2.6.2 Kinematics 25
Euler angle 25
2.6.3 Kinetics 29
2.7 Data Reduction 31
2.7.1 Phases Definition in Dance Movement 31
Transient phase (Phase T) 31
Stable phase (Phase S) 32
2.7.2 Estimated Parameters 32
2.8 Statistical Analysis 33
Chapter 3: Results 34
3.1 Subjects description 34
3.2 Analysis of Kinematic and Kinetic Patterns 35
3.2.1 Movement and moment patterns 36
3.3 Comparison of ROM, Moments-between Movements 52
3.3.1 Ankle Plantarflexion/Dorsiflexion ROM 52
3.3.2 Ankle Plantarflexor/Dorsiflexor Peak Moment 53
3.3.3 Ankle Plantarflexor/Dorsiflexor Moment Range 54
3.4 Right and Left Ankle Comparison - ROM, Moments 55
3.4.1 Ankle Plantarflexion/Dorsiflexion ROM 55
3.4.2 Ankle Plantarflexor/Dorsiflexor peak moment 56
3.4.3 Ankle Plantarflexor/Dorsiflexor Moment Range 58
Chapter 4: Discussion 60
4.1 Excursion pattern of angular velocity and moment 60
4.2 Each Pair Comparison - ROM, Moments 65
4.3 Right and Left Ankle Comparison - ROM, Moments 68
4.4 Relationship between Injury and Moment 71
Chapter 5: Conclusion 73
Bibliography: 75
Appendix A 799
自述 80
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