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研究生(外文):Yi-Hong Zhou
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Vehicle-Pavement Interaction Due to Roughness
指導教授(外文):Chen-Ming Kuo
外文關鍵詞:dynamic loadrigid pavementfinite elementABAQUSvehicle-road interaction
  • 被引用被引用:2
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Dynamic load is the most important factor for stress prediction and life assessment of pavements. The dynamic effect cannot be resolved with either isolated pavement system or vehicle kinematic formation because vehicles and pavements are coupled as an interaction system. This article describes simulation of the coupled system and analysis of the impact force associated by moving vehicle and pavement roughness. A quarter-car model was built with a linear spring and a mass element as half of wheel axle, and a spring-dashpot system as vehicle suspension connecting the lumped car mass and the wheel axle. The concrete pavement was composed of 20-node brick elements resting on springs and dashpots. The pavement elevation was input according to sinusoidal curve to simulate surface irregularities. The model was successfully validated with theoretical solutions and was further expanded to a S122 tractor-trailer model. The dynamic effect and coupled interaction were thoughtfully discussed.
Keyword: ABAQUS, vehicle-road interaction, dynamic load, rigid pavement, finite element.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章緒論 1
1-1文獻回顧 1
1-2研究動機 3
1-3研究目標 4
1-4研究範圍與方法 5
1-5論文架構與流程圖 6
第二章有限元素法互制模型介紹 10
2-1ABAQUS接觸滑動模式 10
2-2ABAQUS互制模型建立 12
2-2-1ABAQUS元素的選用 12
2-2-2ABAQUS車體與鋪面模型 14
2-2-3路表糙度產生方式 16
2-3ABAQUS接觸滑動模式動態分析參數控制 18
2-4分析比較項目與符號 20
第三章模型驗證 21
3-1二維車體模型經糙度引發動態反應之驗證 21
3-2三維剛性鋪面受移動車體質量靜態平衡驗證 24
3-3三維剛性鋪面受移動車體質量之有限元素模型驗證 27
第四章四分車互制模型應用 31
4-1四分車互制模型 31
4-2分析時間增量比較 33
4-3四分車行經平滑路表分析 35
4-3-2車體質量比較 37
4-3-3車體速度比較 39
4-4四分車行經起伏路表分析 42
4-4-1路表波形振幅比較 42
4-4-2路表波形頻率比較 44
第五章S122車互制模型應用 50
5-1S122半聯結車模型互制模型 50
5-2分析時間增量比較 53
5-3S122車體行經平滑路表分析 55
5-4S122車體行經起伏路表頻率分析 58
5-5S122車體行經現地量測路表分析 60
第六章結論與建議 62
6-1結論 62
6-2建議 64
參考文獻 65
ABAQUS/Standard User’s Manual Version 6.3
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