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研究生(外文):Chih-Hsien Lin
論文名稱(外文):Analytical Method applied to evaluate mechanistic performance of asphalt concrete
指導教授(外文):Jian-Shiuh Chen
外文關鍵詞:time-temperature superposition principlegeosyntheticmechanistic coefficientrutting modeloverloading truckelasto-visco-plastic material model
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為更加瞭解瀝青混凝土之於永久變形的相關性,首先以時間-溫度重疊原理(Time and Temperature Superposition Principle, TTSP)與彈-黏-塑(Elasto-Visco-Plastic, E-V-P)材料模式的建立,考量瀝青混凝土複雜的材料特性,將其納入力學觀念,作為力學模擬之材料輸入參數。結合上述材料模式,以有限元素程式ABAQUS建立鋪面系統,進一步探討載重與鋪面間所產生之力學反應,分析重車超載與預測永久變形,並再將力學觀念納入AASHTO鋪面設計,建立力學-經驗鋪面厚度設計。以上,主要研究論述可歸納整理相關結論如下:
Recently, serious overloading problem has resulted in severe rutting and cracking distresses on the highways in Taiwan. Thus damage rate of flexible pavements is faster than annual rehabilitatoin, which costs about 70 percent of the maintenance budget. The combination between fundamental properties of asphalt concrete and mechanistic analyses of pavement system are going to be characterized to meet the demand.
In order to get more understanding of asphalt-concrete (AC) material property related to permanent deformation, parameter characterization methods of time-temperature superposition principle (TTSP) and elasto -visco-plastic (E-V-P) model are evaluated at first. The results of TTSP and E-V-P model could be input in further mechanic simulation. The pavement system based on above material models could be simulated by three-dimensional finite-element program ABAQUS and set into the analytical processes for calculating mechanical responses and predicting permanent deformation. Involving mechanistic concept into AASHTO pavement design, the mechanistic-empirical pavement design could be developed. Based on the analysis presented in this study, the following conclusions can be made:
1.According to results using TTSP, the master cure could be spearated in three regions, such as elastic, viscoelastic and viscous, evaluated by power-law model. It was found that the larger the viscoelatic interval, the better rutting resistance the AC. The established model demonstrated its application to evaluate the viscoelastic property and pavement performance made of different materials. On the other hand, the simple linear elastic-law could not be used to evaluate AC without concept of viscoelastic interval.
2.A series of creep and wheel-tracking tests are effective in evaluating the viscoelastic property of asphalt concrete mixtures to permanent deformation. The formulaic E-V-P model could determine deformations of time dependent-independent and recoverable-unrecoverable components occur simultaneously. Resulting the static creep tests, the contribution of the recoverable viscoelastic and viscoplastic components to the residual deformation is reduced at high temperature. Under cyclic loading, the accumulated residual deformations increase because of contributions of plastic components at high temperature. Hence, pavements modified with polymers possessed less permanent deformation induced by the better recoverable viscoelastic property.
3.Data collected from toll stations indicated that the semi-tractor trailer named T4, whose axle-number distribution reaches about 37.88%, overloading-rate reaches about 80%, and damage factor over the maximum allowable mass is about in 50%~70%, could be the major overloading truck. Results of moving loading at high speed of 90km/hr, the “vertial” and “horizontal” strain on the top and bottom of surface layer varied up and down from compression to tension alternately in the meanwhile. Thus it can be seen that surface cracking might occur when heavy truck traveled at high speed with increasing numbers of passing.
4.The dynamic analytical results of using three-demention finite element on pavement system incorporated with the mechanistic-empirical approach in the prediction of rutting are different from former subgrade-strain-based rutting models developed by the Asphalt Institute and Shell, and provided value information on the contribution of each layer, surface, base, subbase and subgrade, to permanent deformation in flexible pavements. The rutting parameters in the model were calibrated using rut depths obtained from the field test, and the validation outcome showed that their predictions were in good agreement with measured ones.
5.Mechanistic coefficients (MC) were involved in AASHTO pavement design to make correlation between performance and mechanistic analyses. The mechanistic-empirical pavement design is shown to reduce rutting and cracking in reasonable distribution surrounded pavement without increasing the pavement total thickness. After introducing the MCs, the adjusted pavement structure is improved better to evenly distribute distress even under overloading. In addition, it was found that geosynthetic could better prevent pavement cracking and rutting when placed at the bottom of surface course. The use of geosynthetic was shown to prolong pavement life and had savings in materials of base or subbase.
摘 要I
誌 謝VII
目 錄IX
表 目 錄XIII
圖 目 錄XV
附 錄 表 圖XIX
符 號 說 明XXI
第一章 緒 論1
1-1 前言1
1-2 研究動機及目的3
1-3 研究範圍及方法5
第二章 文獻回顧7
2-1 瀝青混凝土之黏彈力學性質及理論7
2-1-1時間─溫度疊加原理(Time-Temperature Superposition)7
2-1-2 瀝青混凝土之材料模式10
2-2 美國州公路及運輸官員協會(AASHTO)柔性路面設計15
2-3-1 雨量及路基土壤分佈情況19
2-3-2 交通荷重狀況22
2-3-3 路面應用與管理狀況22
2-3-4 公路局試驗道路23
2-4 鋪面力學解析準則25
2-5 鋪面解析概念與數值分析方法26
2-6 鋪面績效預測模式30
2-6-1 永久變形(車轍)預測模式30
2-6-2 疲勞龜裂破壞模式32
第三章 研究方法35
3-1 研究流程35
3-2 試驗材料39
3-2-1 瀝青材料39
3-2-2 骨材級配39
3-3 實驗室試驗40
3-3-1 基本物性試驗40
3-3-2 配合設計與試體製作41
3-3-3 潛變試驗(creep test)42
3-3-4 車轍輪跡試驗(wheel-tracking test)45
3-4 分析資料庫之建立46
3-4-1 交通量現場觀測46
3-4-2 收費站重車靜態地磅觀測48
3-4-3 收費站超載率分析50
3-4-4 橫斷面試驗-車轍深度55
3-4-5 現場鋪面車轍深度觀測57
3-4-6 鋪面溫度調查58
3-5 鋪面結構分析程式60
3-6 數值運算分析程式65
第四章 瀝青混凝土之時間-溫度重疊原理67
4-1 時間-溫度疊加原理(TTSP)架構黏彈性主曲線67
4-2 利用乘冪模式模擬主曲線70
4-3 乘冪模式對瀝青混凝土黏彈性之解釋72
4-4 主曲線參數分析與鋪面模擬力學驗證78
4-4-1 黏彈區間(t v~ te)與勁度變化率m值之影響效應79
4-4-2 各種瀝青混凝土之力學分析81
4-5 小結82
第五章 瀝青混凝土彈-黏-塑材料模式85
5-1 彈-黏-塑模式測定變形分量86
5-2 不同溫度下變形分量(deformation component)之變化94
5-3 靜態潛變變形分量之於永久變形的相關性96
5-4 變形參數應用於輪跡試驗模擬永久變形之預測與驗證100
5-4-1 有限元素網格之切割與參數設定100
5-4-2 輪跡試驗之永久變形預測105
5-5 小結108
第六章 移動載重模擬及車轍預測109
6-1 重車超載軸組效應之力學分析110
6-2 載重型式之建立115
6-2-1 載重延滯之設定115
6-2-2 模型之切割與設定116
6-3 FHWA/DIVINE現場試驗與模擬驗證118
6-4 一次移動軸組載重分析121
6-5 連續載重之車轍預測125
6-5-1 累積永久變形預測模式之推演125
6-5-2 累積永久變形預測130
6-6 小結134
第七章 解析方法應用於鋪面厚度設計135
7-1 本省AASHTO厚度設計136
7-2 解析方法應用於鋪面厚度設計概念140
7-3 不同鋪面結構之力學分析142
7-3-1 車轍之分析144
7-3-2 龜裂之分析146
7-4 發展力學係數於鋪面厚度設計148
7-4-1 力學係數之定義149
7-4-2 力學校正模式之比較與驗證152
7-5 地工膜布改善方案159
7-5-1 地工膜布放置位置之選擇159
7-5-2 地工膜布應用於不同鋪面結構設計之比較162
7-6 小結165
第八章 結論與建議167
8-1 結論167
8-2 建議169
附錄A 瀝青鋪面ABAQUS模擬指令183
附錄B 潛變變形參數測定MATLAB指令187
附錄C 一次移動軸組載重ABAQUS模擬193
附錄D 連續載重ABAQUS模擬197
附錄E 相同路基強度案例之力學反應199
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