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研究生(外文):Jyun-Rong Jhang
論文名稱(外文):Deposition of super-hard abrasion-resistance films by plasma chemical vapor ion plating method
指導教授(外文):Chau-Nan Hong
外文關鍵詞:thermal stabilitystresshardnessDLC
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本研究主要分為兩部分,在第一個部分主要針對類鑽碳應用上的瓶頸加以改質,而第二部分則是發展新型的蒸鍍技術沉積不含氫之類鑽碳膜。類鑽碳(Diamond-like Carbon, DLC)膜有許多優良的性質,硬度高、絕緣、耐磨耗、熱導性佳、抗氧化、耐化學侵蝕等特性,因此已被廣泛應用在工業界上。然而,類鑽碳膜的應力過大及熱穩定性不佳,卻限制了其在高溫環境上的應用,因此本研究使用濺射輔助電漿化學氣相沉積法,以乙炔為碳源,並通入氬氣濺鍍矽靶材,且於低溫下沈積矽摻雜之類鑽碳膜,得到熱穩定性較佳且應力較低的膜。不過隨著矽添加的量越多,其硬度亦相對越低;在矽含量超過50﹪以上時,其應力僅0.48GPa且熱穩定性在空氣下可耐到600℃,此結果相較未摻雜矽之類鑽碳膜之應力為2.13GPa而熱穩定性在400℃以下來的更佳,不過硬度卻從18.6GPa下降到10.9GPa。本研究輔以SEM、TEM、IR、ESCA及拉曼光譜分析,探討矽含量的增加對鍵結結構改變之影響以及瞭解應力下降和熱穩定性上升之主要原因。
The technology of modified diamond-like carbon (DLC) films by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition has been developed in this study. Besides, a novel technology to deposit hydrogen-free DLC films by particle-free hollow cathode arc discharge is also attempted. Diamond-like carbon films were employed for a variety of industry applications owing to their unique properties including high hardness, high dielectric constant, scratch resistance, excellent thermal conductivity, oxidation and chemical resistance, etc. However, the high compressive stress and poor thermal stability of DLC films limited their applications especially in high temperature conditions. As a result, we tried to improve thermal resistance of DLC films by incorporating a high concentration of silicon in the films. Acetylene was employed as the carbon source, and argon was used to sputter Si target for low temperature depositions. Low stress and thermally stable silicon-containing DLC films were deposited on the silicon wafer substrates. We found that the hardness decreased with increasing the concentration of silicon. When the atomic percent of silicon was higher than 50 %, the DLC films stress was only 0.48 GPa, and the films was stable up to 600℃, in comparison to the conventional undoped DLC films with a high stress of 2.13 GPa and thermal stability only below 400℃.However, the hardness was decreased from 18.6 GPa to 10.9 GPa when the atomic percent of silicon was increased from 0 % to 50 %.The nanostructures and bondings of the films were analyzed by SEM, TEM, FTIR, ESCA and Raman spectroscopy to study the structure-property relationship.
Hydrogen-free DLC films were also deposited by particle-free hollow cathode arc discharge. By employing a variety of anode target designs, we found that high sp3carbon nanostructures could be deposited at -250V substrate bias (ENI RPG50, bipolar pulse duty cycle 50% in 250 kHz), and the hardness of hydrogen-free DLC films was 18.2 GPa. High thermal stability was correlated with the high nanostructures containing a high concentration of sp3 carbon.
第一章 緒論1
1-1 前言1
1-2 類鑽碳膜應用上的瓶頸3
1-3 研究的背景目的及方向5
第二章 理論基礎7
2-1 類鑽碳膜7
2-2 提升類鑽碳膜熱穩定性的主要機制12
2-3 電漿化學14
2-4 濺射輔助電漿化學氣相被覆系統20
2-5 中空陰極電弧離子被覆系統.................................................25
第三章 實驗參數與研究方法27
3-1 實驗流程27
3-2 實驗設計28
3-2-1~1 使用濺射輔助電漿化學氣相沉基法的構想28
3-2-1~2 碳源的選擇29
3-2-2~1 使用中空陰極電弧法沉基類鑽碳膜的構想30
3-3 實驗裝置32
3-4 實驗材料34
3-4-1~1 實驗氣體34
3-4-1~2 基板材料34
3-4-1~3 靶材材料34
3-4-2~1 實驗氣體35
3-4-2~2 基板材料35
3-4-2~3 陰極及陽極靶材材料35
3-5 實驗操作36
3-5-1~1 基板前處理36
3-5-1~2 實驗操作步驟36
3-5-1~3 TEM試片的準備與分析37
3-5-2~1 基板前處理37
3-5-1~2 實驗操作步驟37
3-6 分析與鑑定39
3-6-1 表面型態觀察39
3-6-2 成長速率測定39
3-6-3 薄膜結構分析39
3-6-4 薄膜組成及鍵結型態分析41
3-6-5 硬度值測定42
3-6-6 微結構分析42
第四章 結果與討論44
4-1-1 鍍膜條件之實驗設計45
4-1-2 靶材功率的效應45
4-1-3 基板偏壓的效應45
4-2 含矽類鑽碳膜之性質探討47
4-2-2 應力分析48
4-2-3 膜組成分析48
4-2-3~1 IR分析49
4-2-3~2 ESCA鍵結分析49
4-2-4 膜結構分析51
4-2-4~1 SEM表面結構分析51
4-2-4~2 TEM微區結構分析52
4-2-4~3 XRD結晶繞射分析53
4-2-5 熱穩定性分析53
4-3-1 鍍膜條件之實驗設計57
4-3-2 初步陽極靶材設計57
4-3-3 改良式陽極靶材設計58
4-3-4 熱穩定性分析59
第五章 結論84
第六章 參考文獻86
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