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研究生(外文):Tzu-Hsiu Ku
論文名稱(外文):Diversity of litter spiders and their effects on litter decomposition in Nanjenshan rain forest, Taiwan.
指導教授(外文):Ping-Chun Lucy HouHsueh-Wen ChangI-Min Tso
外文關鍵詞:communitydiversitylitter spidermonsoonlitter decompositionlitter invertebratespredatorsNanjenshan
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底棲性蜘蛛是森林落葉層中最重要的捕食者之一,但是對於牠們在生態過程(例如落葉分解)中所扮演角色的認知仍極為有限。本研究的主題在於探討底棲性蜘蛛對落葉層無脊椎動物之捕食效應,以及其是否會間接地對落葉分解產生影響。首先,我在實驗樣區的迎風坡與背風坡進行每月一次底棲性蜘蛛多樣性與密度的調查。我一共採集了733隻成熟個體,並鑑定出其屬於17科中的46種。 底棲性蜘蛛在背風坡的密度明顯高於迎風坡,不過在季風季與非季風季之間卻十分相近。此外,底棲性蜘蛛之群落組成不但在迎風坡明顯易於背風坡,在季風季與非季風季之間也有顯著差異。
以前述的實驗結果為基礎,我設立了排除所有底棲性蜘蛛與包含Ctenus yaeyamensi該種底棲性蜘蛛的圍籬。利用落葉分解袋比較圍籬之間的落葉分解速率與落葉無脊椎動物群落,實驗將分別在兩受風區與兩季節間進行。結果發現有、無底棲性蜘蛛圍籬間,無論是落葉分解速率或落葉無脊椎動物群落皆無顯著差異,我推測底棲性蜘蛛在落葉無脊椎動物與落葉分解上,造成的由上而下之效應可能並不顯著。此外,在非季風季時的落葉分解速率明顯高於季風季時,而迎風坡與背風坡之間並無顯著差異,由結果來看,在南仁山雨林中影響落葉分解的主要因子應為溫度與濕度,而非東北季風。還需要後續研究來確認碎屑食物網的結構與落葉分解者開始分解落葉所需的時間,以釐清底棲性蜘蛛在落葉分解過程中所扮演的角色。
Litter spiders are one of the most important predators in the forest litter layer, but little is known about their roles on ecological processes, such as litter decomposition. The aim of this study was to investigate the predatory effects of litter spiders on litter invertebrates and indirectly on the rate of litter decomposition. At first, densities and diversitiess of litter spiders were examined monthly in the wind-exposed and wind-shielded locations for the monsoon and the non-monsoon seasons. A total of 733spiders were collected and 46 species from 17 families were identified from the adult specimens Mean density of the litter spiders in the wind-shielded area was significantly higher than the wind-exposed area, however, the spider density in the monsoon season was very similar to that in the non-monsoon season. In addition, composition of litter spiders in the wind-exposed area was different from that in the wind-shielded area and also varied between the monsoon and the non-monsoon seasons.
Based on the above results, enclosures excluded of all spiders and containing the litter spider, Ctenus yaeyamensi, were setup. Decomposition rates and the invertebrates in the litterbags from these enclosures were compared in two locations and two seasons. The decomposition rates and the invertebrates in litterbags from the enclosures containing spiders did not differ from those in the spider-excluded enclosures, suggesting the litter spiders have insignificant top-down effects on the invertebrates and the litter decomposition. Furthermore, the decomposition rate in the non-monsoon season was faster than that in the monsoon season and the decay rate in the wind-exposed locations did not differ from that in wind-shielded area. These results suggest that the influences of temperature and moisture are more important than the monsoon winds on litter decomposition in Nanjenshan rain forest. Further studies on the timing at which the fragmenters begin to feed on the litter and the structure of detrital food web are crucial to understand the role of litter spiders on litter decomposition.
Chinese abstract ......................................... Ⅰ
English abstract ......................................... Ⅱ
Acknowledgements ......................................... Ⅳ
List of tables ........................................... Ⅷ
List of figures .......................................... Ⅹ
General introduction ..................................... 1
1. The effects of northeasterly monsoon on litter spiders
in Nanjenshan rain forest, Taiwan ........................ 3
Introduction ............................................. 3
Materials and Methods .................................... 8
Study site ............................................... 8
Sampling ................................................. 8
Community structure ...................................... 9
Guild structure .......................................... 10
Results .................................................. 12
Litter spider diversity in Nanjenshan Nature Reserve ..... 12
Density of litter spiders ................................ 12
Community structure ...................................... 12
ANOSIM and MDS Analysis .................................. 13
Guild structure .......................................... 14
Discussion ............................................... 15
Density and species richness of litter spiders ........... 15
Influence of northeasterly monsoon on litter spiders
community ................................................ 16
Influence of habitat structure on litter spiders
community ................................................ 20
The difference of guild structure between two areas and
seasons .................................................. 22
2. Effects of northeasterly monsoon and litter spiders on litter decomposition in Nanjenshan rain forest, Taiwan. .. 24
Introduction ............................................. 24
Materials and Methods .................................... 28
Study site ............................................... 28
Experimental design ...................................... 28
Enclosure setup .......................................... 30
The litterbags ........................................... 30
Measurement of invertebrate density and composition ...... 30
Results .................................................. 32
The effect of spider on the decay rates and invertebrates in
the litterbags ........................................... 32
The effects of wind exposure and season on the decay rates and
the invertebrates in the litterbags ...................... 33
The relationships between the decay rate and the invertebrate
density/diversity in the litterbags ...................... 34
Discussion ............................................... 35
The reasons for lack of spider effects ................... 35
Litter decomposition in different seasons and locations .. 36
Further studies .......................................... 38
Conclusion ............................................... 39
Reference ................................................ 40
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