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研究生(外文):Chien-Liang Kuo
論文名稱(外文):A research on the relevance of key factors and organization performance of ISO 9001:2000 quality management system-Based on an example of the manufacturers in South of Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Han-Jung Liu
中文關鍵詞:ISO 9001關鍵因素品質管理系統績效衡量
外文關鍵詞:ISO 9001achievement measuringquality control systemkey factor
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任何組織若通過ISO 9000 系列驗證,表示該組織符合某種特定程度之品質,即保證對產品、服務和製程可提供一致性之品質。然ISO 9000 系列標準並無隱含提供品質管理系統架構或文件的一致性之意圖,其所規範的標準僅建議適當品質管理系統的必要元素,而非當作運用的方法,每個組織必須設計自己的系統來配合這些要求。ISO 9000 系列驗證並不保證該組織的產品或服務的品質,優於其他組織的品質,充其量只能說,ISO 9000 系列驗證之組織可能提供較一致性之品質。
一般認為,ISO 9000 系列驗證能帶給組織某些績效-分為內部和外部的績效。內部績效是與組織的程序及結構有關,例如,增加生產力、改善效率、降低成本、明確的組織任務及責任、利於決策制定及增強人員的參與動機等。而外部績效則是與組織外在環境有關的效益,例如,競爭優勢、增加銷售及市場佔有率、進入新市場的可能性、維持顧客關係、尋找新顧客、增進顧客滿意度、增加公司信賴度及聲譽。
獲得ISO 9000 系列驗證,除了能帶來這些效益外,從文獻上也找到一些不利點,例如,完成ISO 驗證之額外成本、增加紙上作業、忽視人員的發展及組織內支援單位,同時,由於員工被迫遵行既定之程序書及規則,ISO 9000 系列驗證可能阻礙創意性思考。
本研究藉由文獻探討,蒐集國內、外學者所提出之ISO 9000系列驗證導入動機、推行之關鍵成功因素,加以整理歸納出本研究之ISO 9001:2000 品質管理系統關鍵因素與績效衡量變數等,並經由專家之建議修改,採取問卷調查方式,對台灣南部已通過ISO 9001:2000驗證之製造業進行調查。經由統計分析後,得到下列研究結果:
1.企業尋求ISO 9000 系列驗證的動機,可分為內部誘因及外部誘因兩大方面。
2.台灣南部製造業推行ISO 9001:2000 品質管理系統之關鍵因素,在認知重要度方面,萃取出六個關鍵因素構面分別為:「監測稽核與制度合理化」、「客戶導向與溝通」、「教育訓練與持續改善」、「高階層的支持與決心」、「全員參與和認同」及「驗證與輔導單位的選擇」。
3.台灣南部製造業推行ISO 9001:2000 品質管理系統之關鍵因素,在實施滿意度方面,萃取出五個關鍵因素構面分別為:「制度合理化、客戶導向與持續改善」、「高階層人員的支持與決心」、「教育訓練、公司文化與領導風格」、「溝通協調、稽核與矯正預防」、「外部專業顧問的協助」。
4.台灣南部製造業通過ISO 9001:2000 驗證後之經營績效,萃取出四個績效構面分別為:「顧客滿意與製程之改善」、「員工激勵」、「成本降低」、「市場獲利因素」。
5.台灣南部製造業推行ISO 9000 系列品管系統後對各項績效均有正面的改善。
6.針對台灣南部製造業推行ISO 9000 系列品質管理系統之動機構面、關鍵因素認知重要度以及關鍵因素實施滿意度三大構面,所萃取出之因素與績效構面之四個因素,作關聯性分析結果,呈顯著相關之變數共有9 組,分述如下:
7.由個案研究結果分析發現,五家公司均一致認為ISO 9001:2000 修訂方向,比1994 年版來得好,對企業經營績效有正面之效果與幫助,但改善程度還是要看企業本身所下的功夫。另外,彙整受訪公司認為較重要之前四項關鍵因素可發現,他們認為「高階層的支持與決心」和「制度合理化、客戶導向與持續改善」為推行ISO 9001:2000 品質管理系統最重要之關鍵因素。
If any organization passes the verification of ISO 9000, it means this organization conforms to the quality of a specific standard that guarantees the consistency of the quality on the products, service and process. However, the standard of ISO 9000 series doesn’t have any attempt to hide the structure of quality management system and consistency of the documents. The standard of its regulation only suggests the necessary factors for the proper quality management system, not use it as the way for the operation. Each organization must design their own systems to reach these requests. The verification of ISO 9000 series doesn’t guarantee the quality on the products and services of the organization are better than others. At most, we can only say that the organization with ISO series verification might be able to provide the consistent quality.
Generally, ISO 9000 series verification can bring some performances to the organizations-internal and external performances. The internal performance is related to the procedures and structures of the organization, for example: increase the capacity, improve the efficiency, lower the cost and clarify the organization assignments and responsibility. These are advantageous to the decision of policy and participation motives of the staff. The external performances are the benefits related to the external environments of the organizations. For example: Competition advantage, increase the sale volume and market share, possibility of entering a new market, maintain the relationship with the customers, enhance the satisfaction of the customers, improve the reliability and reputation of the company.
With the ISO 9000 series verification, except for these benefits, we also found some disadvantages from the documentation. For example, the extra cost for finishing the ISO verification, increase the paper work, overlook the development of the staff and backup units in the organization. At the same time, that the staffs are forced to obey the fixed procedure manual and regulations of ISO 9000 series verification might hinder the creative thought
This study was done by referring documentation, collecting the ISO 9000 series verifications brought up by the domestic and foreign scholars and then added the successful key factors of the motives and fulfillment. After arrangement, it sums up the key factors and performance measuring variables of 2000 quality management system of ISO 9001 in this study. After being rectified according to the propositions of the specialists, the questionnaire was adopted for the manufacturers that passed ISO 9001: 2000 verification in South of Taiwan. After statistics and analysis, it obtains the following results:
1.The motives of the enterprises for ISO9000 series verification. There are two major matters, internal inducement and external inducement.
2.The key factors of the manufacturers that carry out ISO 9001: 2000 quality management systems in South of Taiwan. On the importance of recognition, it extracts 6 key factor aspects; “Rationalize the monitoring and examination and system”, “ Educational training and continuous improvement”, “ Support and determination from the high management”, “Participation and agreement of all staff” and “ The choices of the verification and counseling units”.
3.The key factors of the manufacturers that carry out ISO 9001: 2000 quality management system in South of Taiwan. On the aspect of satisfaction on the fulfillment, it extracts 5 key factor aspects. They are respectively “System rationalization, customer-orientation and continuous improvement”, “Support and determination of the high management”, “Educational training, company culture and leading styles”, “Communication, negotiation, examination, rectification and prevention” and “assistance from the external specialized counselors”.
4.The operation performances of the manufacturers in South of Taiwan after passing ISO 9001: 2000 verification. It extracts 4 performance aspects. They are respectively “Improvement on satisfaction of the customer and production process”, “Staff encouragement”, “Lower the cost” and “Profit factors of the markets”.
5.The manufacturers in Sought of Taiwan that carry out ISO 9000 series quality system all have positive improvements on all performances.
6.The followings are the 4 factors of factors and performance based on the 3 major aspects, motive aspect, the importance on recognition of the key factors and satisfaction on the fulfillment of key factors, of the manufacturers in South of Taiwan that carry out ISO 9000 series quality management system. By analyzing the relevance, the results show the relevant variables, totally 9 sets as following.
(1). Internal inducement: Improvement of customers’ satisfaction and process.
(2). System rationalization, customer-orientation and continuous improvement: Improvement of the customers’ satisfaction and process.
(3). Support and determination of the high management: Improvement of the customers’ satisfaction and process.
(4). Educational training, Company culture and Leading style: Improvement of the customers’ satisfaction and process.
(5). Internal inducement: Staff encouragement.
(6). External inducement: Staff encouragement.
(7). Support and determination of high management: Staff encouragement.
(8). System rationalization, customer-orientation and continuous improvement: Staff encouragement.
(9). Assistance from external specialized counselors: Staff encouragement.
7.From the analysis on the study results of individual case, five company consistently considered that ISO 9001: 2000 revision direction is better and the version of 1994. It has positive result and help to the operation performances of the enterprises. But the extent of the improvement still depends on how much efforts the company put. Besides, by arranging the more important first 4 key factors, considered by the interviewed companies, it can be found that they thought “Support and determination of high management” and “System rationalization, customer-orientation and continuous improvement” are the most important factors for carrying out ISO 9001: 2000 quality management system.
第一章 緒論--------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機與背景------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的------------------------------------------------3
第三節 研究流程與研究架構--------------------------------------4
第四節 研究範圍與限制------------------------------------------6
第二章 文獻探討----------------------------------------------------7
第一節 ISO 9001 品質管理系統之探討------------------------------7
一、 ISO 9000 系列發展的歷程與演進--------------------------7
二、 比較ISO 品質系統1987、1994及2000年版三版的差異------13
三、 ISO 9001:2000 年版改版特色----------------------------22
第二節 ISO 9001 品質管理系統之關鍵因素--------------------------27
一、 組織尋求ISO 9000 系列驗證的動機-----------------------27
二、 關鍵成功因素之定義------------------------------------29
三、 ISO 9001之關鍵因素------------------------------------30
第三節 ISO 9001品質管理系統之組織績效--------------------------37
一、 績效衡量指標之定義------------------------------------37
二、 績效衡量----------------------------------------------40
三、 ISO 9001之績效衡量------------------------------------48
第三章 研究方法----------------------------------------------------51
第一節 研究架構------------------------------------------------51
第二節 研究假設------------------------------------------------52
第三節 研究對象、問卷發放及回收--------------------------------52
第四節 問卷設計------------------------------------------------53
第五節 資料分析方法--------------------------------------------57
第六節 變數定義------------------------------------------------59
第七節 個案研究法----------------------------------------------63
第四章 資料分析與研究結果------------------------------------------64
第一節 樣本基本資料分析----------------------------------------64
第二節 動機誘因之因素分析--------------------------------------68
第三節 關鍵因素認知重要度之因素分析----------------------------70
第四節 關鍵因素實施滿意度之因素分析----------------------------75
第五節 組織績效之因素分析-------------------------------------79
第六節 推行ISO 9000系列品管系統對組織績效之影響分析-----------83
第七節 構面因素對組織績效因素之相關分析------------------------85
第八節 個案公司資料分析----------------------------------------90
一、 A 個案公司--------------------------------------------90
二、 B 個案公司--------------------------------------------92
三、 C 個案公司--------------------------------------------94
四、 D 個案公司--------------------------------------------96
五、 E 個案公司--------------------------------------------98
六、 個案研究結果分析--------------------------------------100
第五章 結論與建議--------------------------------------------------103
第一節 研究結論------------------------------------------------103
第二節 研究建議------------------------------------------------107
附錄 問卷----------------------------------------------------------117
表2.1.1 國際標準制定程序--------------------------------------------8
表2.1.2 MIL-Q-9858、BS 5750 與ISO 9001 之比較-----------------------10
表2.1.3 ISO 9000 系列1987 年版內容架構表----------------------------13
表2.1.4 ISO 9000 系列1994 年版內容架構表----------------------------15
表2.1.5 ISO 9000 系列其它輔助標準-----------------------------------16
表2.1.6 ISO 9000 系列(2000 年版)架構涵蓋內容-----------------------16
表2.1.7 ISO 9000 系列1987 年版品質保證標準對照表--------------------17
表2.1.8 ISO 9000 系列1994 年版品質保證標準對照表--------------------18
表2.1.9 ISO 9001:2000 與ISO 9001:1994 之條文差異對照表------------19
表2.1.10 品質管理的八項原則-----------------------------------------22
表2.2.1 組織尋求ISO 9000 系列驗證動機相關研究對照表-----------------28
表2.2.2 推行ISO 9001:2000 關鍵因素彙整表----------------------------35
表2.3.1 組織彈性之衡量指標------------------------------------------41
表2.3.2 衡量製造目標之競爭要項表------------------------------------42
表2.3.3 製造績效之衡量指標------------------------------------------42
表2.3.4 績效指標彙整表----------------------------------------------47
表2.3.5 績效指標構面統計表------------------------------------------50
表3.3.1 企業尋求ISO 9000 系列驗證的動機衡量變數---------------------53
表3.3.2 推行ISO 9001:2000 品質管理系統關鍵因素衡量變數-------------54
表3.3.3 問卷尺度評量表----------------------------------------------55
表3.3.4 推行ISO 9001:2000 品質管理系統績效衡量變數-----------------55
表3.5.1 動機變數定義表----------------------------------------------59
表3.5.2 關鍵因素變數定義表------------------------------------------59
表3.5.3 經營績效改善程度變數定義表----------------------------------61
表3.5.4 基本資料變數定義表-----------------------------------------62
表4.1.1 填卷者職稱統計表--------------------------------------------64
表4.1.2 品質管理代表統計表------------------------------------------65
表4.1.3 產業別統計表------------------------------------------------65
表4.1.4 導入ISO 9000 系列品質管理系統方式統計表---------------------65
表4.1.5 選擇驗證機構統計表------------------------------------------66
表4.1.6 推行ISO 9000 系列驗證的主要動機統計表-----------------------66
表4.1.7 品質管制活動統計表------------------------------------------67
表4.2.1 動機誘因特徵值及解釋變異表----------------------------------68
表4.2.2 動機誘因之因素分析表----------------------------------------69
表4.2.3 動機誘因之因素命名與信度分析表------------------------------70
表4.3.1 關鍵因素認知重要度特徵值及解釋變異表------------------------70
表4.3.2 關鍵因素認知重要度之因素分析表------------------------------72
表4.3.3 關鍵因素認知重要度之因素命名與信度分析表--------------------74
表4.4.1 關鍵因素實施滿意度特徵值及解釋變異表------------------------75
表4.4.2 關鍵因素實施滿意度之因素分析表------------------------------76
表4.4.3 關鍵因素實施滿意度之因素命名與信度分析表--------------------79
表4.5.1 組織績效特徵值及解釋變異表----------------------------------80
表4.5.2 組織績效之因素分析表----------------------------------------81
表4.5.3 組織績效之因素命名與信度分析表------------------------------82
表4.6.1 推行ISO 9001品質管理系統對組織績效影響分析表---------------83
表4.7.1 組織績效因素與各構面因數之相關分析表------------------------86
表4.8.1 個案公司之基本資料------------------------------------------100
表4.8.2 個案公司ISO 9001:2000 品質管理系統推行現況彙整表-----------101
表4.8.3 個案公司關鍵因素彙整表--------------------------------------102
表4.8.4 個案公司驗證通過後之經營績效改善程度彙整表------------------102
表5.1.1 研究假設結果驗證--------------------------------------------105

圖1.3.1 研究流程圖--------------------------------------------------5
圖2.1.1 ISO 品質管理系統之發展流程----------------------------------12
圖2.1.2 ISO 9000系列1994年版之架構圖-------------------------------14
圖2.1.3 ISO 9001、ISO 9002、ISO 9003 三者的關係圖--------------------15
圖2.1.4 ISO 9001:20000 年版之PDCA 架構----------------------------21
圖2.1.5 以流程為基礎之ISO 9001:2000品質管理系統模式---------------25
圖2.3.1 績效金字塔--------------------------------------------------44
圖3.1.1 研究架構圖--------------------------------------------------51
圖4.2.1 動機誘因之陡坡圖--------------------------------------------69
圖4.3.1 關鍵因素認知重要度之陡坡圖----------------------------------71
圖4.4.1 關鍵因素實施滿意度之陡坡圖----------------------------------76
圖4.5.1 組織績效之陡坡圖--------------------------------------------80
圖4.7.1 研究架構統計分析圖------------------------------------------85
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1.International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) Technical Committee 176 on Quality Management and Quality Assurance, About ISO Committee TC176.
網址:http://www.tc176.org/abouttc176/abouttc176 main.html
2.ISO/CD2 9001:2000
3.ISO and IT:a vision for the future
4.ISO’s long-term strategies 1999-2001
網址:http://isotc.iso.ch/livelink/livelink/fetch/2000/2123/sds_WEB/sds_dms/ GEN15e_pdf
5.TC 176 surveys ISO 9000 user requirements for Year 2000 revisions
6.The New Year 2000 ISO 9000 Standards-An Executive Summary
7.Transition Planning Guidance for ISO/DIS 9001:2000。
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