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研究生(外文):Yu-Lian Wen
論文名稱(外文):Preparation and Characterization of YAG:Ce Phosphors with Different Particle Size
指導教授(外文):In-Gann Chen
外文關鍵詞:nano solid state methodcitric gel methodco-precipitation methodYAGphosphor
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在膠體共沈法及檸檬酸凝膠法之燒結過程分別添加SiO2及HMDS,由光激發光圖譜顯示添加SiO2的濃度愈高有較佳的發光強度(10 mole%>5 mole%>1 mole%>20 mole%>0 mole% SiO2),但過多反而變差;有加入HMDS的螢光粉體亦較未添加的發光強度強很多,故Si的存在確實有助於發光。
This research is to investigate the effect of particle size of Ce-doped Y3Al5O12 (YAG: Ce) phosphors on luminescence. The effect of Si elements on luminescence properties of YAG: Ce phosphor is also studied here.
The nano-scale with well crystalline and single phase powder of Ce-doped Y3Al5O12 was synthesized by heat treatment of co-precipitation method, citric gel method and nano solid state method. Then, the different particle size of phosphors were changed by chemical and physics methods, for example, by varying calcinations temperature, holding time and grinding time. The X-ray diffraction, EDS, and FTIR were utilized in the characterization of crystal structure and phase purity. The particle size of YAG: Ce phosphors were calculated by X-ray diffraction pattern. Particle size analyzer and TEM were also utilized in the characterization of particle size. Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy was used to characterize the optical properties (emission intensity).
The minimum grain size was found to be 22.0 to 34.4nm for YAG phase synthesized by co-precipitation method. The minimum grain size was found to be 24.4 to 34.8nm for YAG phase synthesized by citric gel method. The minimum grain size was found to be 51.8 to 57.9nm for YAG phase synthesized by nano solid state method. The intensity of luminescence emission for Ce-doped YAG phase was found to increase with increasing particle size.
The effect of Si in YAG PL property was studied by two processing method, (a) Silicon oxide (SiO2) powders was added co-precipitation YAG and (b) HMDS (the organics compound of Si) was added in the citric gel YAG, respectively. The intensity of luminescence emission for Ce-doped YAG phase was found to increase with increasing SiO2 concentration, then reach a maximum and decrease as it further increase. Therefore, the Si element enhances the PL intensity of luminescence emission.
第一章 緒論...........................1
第二章 理論基礎與文獻回顧.............4
2-5.1 螢光體結構......................10
2-5.2 螢光體的設計....................11
2-5.3 螢光體的發光特性................12
2-5. 稀土離子的發光特性...............13
2-7 YAG型螢光材料的簡介...............17
2-7.1 歷史沿革........................17
2-7.3 YAG:Ce3+的發光光譜..............19
2-8.1 超徵粒子粉體之簡介..............19
2-8.2 一次粒子與二次粒子..............20
2-8.3 超微粒子的特性..................20
第四章 結果與討論.....................57
4-1.1.5添加SiO2 粉末..................58
4-2.1 XRD繞射法.......................75
4-2.5 FTIR 分析.......................77
4-3.1粒徑大小對YAG: Ce螢光體PL光譜之影響.........92
4-3.2添加HMDS及SiO2對YAG: Ce螢光體PL光譜之影響...92
第五章 結論...........................100
5-2 Si對發光強度之影響................101
Fig.1-1 The mechanism of energy transform.......3
Fig.2-1 Jablonski diagram, which explains photophysical processes in molecular systems........32
Fig.2-2 Configurational coordinate diagram.......33
Fig.2-3 The diagram of Stokes shift.......34
Fig.2-4 The influence of coupling on emission spectra.......34
Fig.2-5 Nonradiative transitions in the configurational coordinate diagram.(a)strong coupling; (b) weak coupling; (c) combination of both.......35
Fig.2-6 Energy transfer of the activator A in its host lattice.......36
Fig.2-7 Energy transfer of a sensitizer S to an activator A in its host lattice.......36
Fig.2-8 Munsell coordinate diagram.......37
Fig.2-9 Tristimulous Response of the Human Eye.......37
Fig.2-10 CIE Chromaticity coordinate diagram.......38
Fig.2-11 The effect of activator concentration on phosphor efficiency.......39
Fig.2-12 The effect of poison centers on phosphor efficiency.......39
Fig.2-13 The effect of temperature on phosphor efficiency.......40
Fig.2-14 Concentration quenching occurs when the activator concentration becomes sufficiently high that efficient energy transfer permits the excitation energy to migrate through the host until it is trapped at a poison site.......40
Fig.2-15 The phase diagram of the Y2O3-Al2O3 system.......41
Fig.2-16 The unit cell and properties of the YAG compound.......42
Fig.2-17 Energy levels of trivalent lanthanide ions.......43
Fig.2-18 Energy-level diagram and absorption / fluorescence spectra of Ce3+ doped Y3Al5O12 at 295.......44
Fig 2-19 The schematic aggregate and agglomerate.......45
Fig 2-20(a) The formula of citrate acid.......46
Fig 2-20(b) The formula of ethylene glycol.......46
Fig 2-21 The schematic of esterification and Polymerization .......47
Fig 2-22 The formula of Citric gel.......48
Fig.3-1 The flow chart of synthesis of YAG:Ce phosphor powders by co-precipitation.......53
Fig.3-2 The flow chart of synthesis of YAG:Ce phosphor powders by solid state.......54
Fig.3-3 The flow chart of synthesis of YAG:Ce phosphor powders by citric gel method.......55
Fig.3-4 The equipment of Labgide spectrofluorophotometer.......56
Fig. 4-1 The XRD pattern of YAG powders by co-precipitation and calcinated at 850℃ for 2hrs65
Fig. 4-2 DTA-TGA analysis of YAG precursor powders by co-precipitation method.......65
Fig.4-3 The XRD patterns of YAG: Ce phosphor prepared by co-precipitation and calcinate 8 hrs at (a)980℃ (b)900℃ (c)850℃ (d)800℃.......66
Fig.4-4 The XRD patterns of YAG: Ce phosphor prepared by co-precipitationand calcinate at 850℃for (a) 8 hr (b) 32 hr (c) 64 hr (d) 128hr.......66
Fig.4-5 The XRD patterns of YAG: Ce phosphor prepared by co-precipitation and calcinate at 850℃for 128hr with grinding time (a)12 hr (b)25 hr (c)50 hr (d)100 hr.......67
Fig.4-6 The XRD (420) peak intensity of YAG: Ce phosphors with different grinding time.......67
Fig.4-7 The XRD patterns of YAG: Ce phosphor prepared by co-precipitation method and adding (a) 0mole% (b) 1mole% (c) 5mole% (d) 10mole% SiO2.......68
Fig. 4-8 The XRD pattern of YAG powders by citric gel method and calcinated at 900℃ for 2hrs.......69
Fig. 4-9 DTA-TGA analysis of YAG precursor powders by citric gel method69
Fig.4-10 The XRD patterns of YAG: Ce phosphor prepared by citric gel method and calcinate 2 hrs at (a) 1100℃(b) 1000℃(c) 900℃(d)800℃(e)700℃.......70
Fig.4-11 The XRD patterns of YAG: Ce phosphor prepared by citric gel method and calcinate for 2 hrs at (a) 650℃with adding LiCl flux (b) 800℃no flux.......70
Fig 4-12 金屬氧化物利用sol-gel法所製成之非晶質材料經熱處理過程其微觀結構之示意圖.......71
Fig 4-13 經由HMDS 處理之前驅物,其粒子與粒子之間在熱處理過程中,不會因為表面官能基的反應而拉近,而各自單獨進行局部性的結晶過程.......72
Fig.4-14 The FTIR spectra patterns of YAG: Ce phosphor precursor by citric gel method.......73
Fig.4-15 The XRD patterns of YAG: Ce phosphor prepared by citric gel method calcinated at 800℃ for 2hr (a) no HMDS (b) adding HMDS.......73
Fig. 4-16 The XRD pattern of YAG by nano solid state sintered at 1200℃ for 4hr.......74
Fig.4-17 The XRD patterns of YAG: Ce phosphor prepared by nano solid state sintered at 1200℃ for 4hr and with a grinding time (a)12 hr (b)50 hr (c)100 hr.......74
Fig 4-18 A plot of log(grain size) (log D) versus the reciprocal of absolute temperature(1/T) of samples processed by co-precipitation method.......81
Fig 4-19 A plot of log(grain size) (log D) versus the reciprocal of absolute temperature(1/T) of samples processed by citric gel method.......81
Fig. 4-20.The TEM picture and SAD of YAG:Ce powder by citric gel method.......82
Fig. 4-21 The TEM picture and SAD of YAG:Ce powder by co-precipitation method.......82
Fig. 4-22 The TEM picture and SAD of YAG:Ce powder by nano solid state method.......83
Fig. 4-23 The particle size analysis of YAG:Ce by co-precipitation method calcinated at 980℃ for 8hr.......83
Fig. 4-24 The particle size analysis of YAG:Ce by co-precipitation method calcinated at 900℃ for 8h.......84
Fig. 4-25 The particle size analysis of YAG:Ce by co-precipitation method calcinated at 850℃ for 8hr.......84
Fig. 4-26 The particle size analysis of YAG:Ce by co-precipitation method calcinated at 850℃ for 32hr.......85
Fig. 4-27 The particle size analysis of YAG:Ce by co-precipitation method calcinated at 850℃ for 64hr.......85
Fig. 4-28 The particle size analysis of YAG:Ce by co-precipitation method calcinated at 850℃ for 128hr and with grinding 12hr.......86
Fig. 4-29 The particle size analysis of YAG:Ce by co-precipitation method calcinated at 850℃ for 128hrfor 850℃ 128hr with grinding 25hr.......86
Fig. 4-30 The particle size analysis of YAG:Ce by co-precipitation method calcinated at 850℃ for 128hr with grinding 50hr.......87
Fig. 4-31 The particle size analysis of YAG:Ce by co-precipitation method calcinated at 850℃ for 128hr with grinding 100hr.......87
Fig. 4-32 The particle size analysis of YAG:Ce by citric gel method calcinated at 800℃ for 2hr.......88
Fig. 4-33 The particle size analysis of YAG:Ce by citric gel method calcinated at 900℃ for 2hr.......88
Fig. 4-34 The particle size analysis of YAG:Ce by citric gel method calcinated at 1000℃ for 2hr.......89
Fig. 4-35 The particle size analysis of YAG:Ce by citric gel method calcinated at 1100℃ for 2hr.......89
Fig. 4-36 The particle size analysis of YAG:Ce by nano solid state method calcinated at 1200℃ for 4hr with grinding 12hr.......90
Fig. 4-37 The particle size analysis of YAG:Ce by nano solid state method calcinated at 1200℃ for 4hr with grinding 50hr.......90
Fig. 4-38 The particle size analysis of YAG:Ce by nano solid state method calcinated at 1200℃ for 4hr with grinding 100hr.......91
Fig. 4-39 The FTIR analysis of YAG:Ce phosphor processed by (a) nano solid state (b) citric gel method (c) co-precipitation method.......91
Fig. 4-40 Effect of sintering temperature on the PL of YAG:Ce phosphors by co-precipitation method.......94
Fig. 4-41 Effect of different holding time at 850℃ on the PL of YAG:Ce phosphors by co-precipitation method.......94
Fig. 4-42 Effect of different grinding time on the PL of YAG:Ce phosphors prepared by co-precipitation method.......95
Fig. 4-43 Effect of different sintering temperatures on the PL of YAG:Ce phosphors prepared by citric gel method.......95
Fig. 4-44 Effect of different grinding time on the PL of YAG:Ce phosphors by nano solid state method.......96
Fig. 4-45 The integration intensity of emission spectra of YAG:Ce phosphor vs. particle size by different synthesis methods.......96
Fig. 4-46 Effect of adding HMDS on the PL of YAG:Ce phosphors by citric gel method.......97
Fig. 4-47 The integration intensity of emission spectra of YAG:Ce phosphor vs. particle size by citric gel method with(out) HMDS.......97
Fig. 4-48 Effect of adding SiO2 on the PL of YAG:Ce phosphors by co-precipitation method.......98
Fig. 4-49 The integration intensity of emission spectra of YAG:Ce phosphor vs. particle size by co-precipitation method added different amounts SiO298
Fig. 4-50 Effect of adding (or not adding) 10mole% SiO2 on the PL of YAG:Ce phosphors by co-precipitation method.......99
Fig. 4-51 The integration intensity of emission spectra of YAG:Ce phosphor prepared by co-precipitation method added 10mole% SiO2 after(or before calcinations).......99

Table 2-1 Phosphor Devices.......28
Table 2-2 Anions that can be used to form Phosphor.......29
Table 2-3 Anions that are optically active-“self-activation’.......29
Table 2-4 Cations that can be used to form phosphors.......30
Table 2-5 Cations that can be used as activator center.......30
Table 2-6 Cations with unpaired spins which function as quenchers of luminescence.......31
Table 2-7 The measurement of particle size.......31
Table 2-8 The radius of metal ion.......31
Table 4-1 Experimental design of different calcination temperatures by co-precipitation method.......61
Table 4-2 Experimental design of different holding times by co-precipitation method.......61
Table 4-3 Experimental design of different grinding times by co-precipitation method.......62
Table 4-4 Experimental design of adding different amounts SiO2 powders by co-precipitation method.......62
Table 4-5 Experimental design of different calcination temperatures by citric gel method.......63
Table 4-6 Experimental design of citric gel method adding 20wt% LiCl flux.......63
Table 4-7 Experimental design of different calcination temperatures by citric gel method adding HMDS.......63
Table 4-8 Experimental design of different grinding times by Nano solid state method.......64
Table 4-9 YAG:Ce particle size from Scherrer’s equation (by XRD pattern) .......78
Table 4-10 EDS analysis of th YAG:Ce phosphors prepared by co-precipitation method.......80
Table 4-11 EDS analysis of th YAG:Ce phosphors prepared by citric gel method.......80
Table 4-12 EDS analysis of th YAG:Ce phosphors prepared by nano solid state method.......80
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