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研究生(外文):Yang-Kao Wang
論文名稱(外文):Mechanisms of regulation of focal adhesion complex proteins by collagen gel in MDCK cells
指導教授(外文):Ming-Jer Tang
外文關鍵詞:collagen gelsubstratum rigidityapoptosisproteolysisfocal adhesion kinase
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適當的細胞及細胞外基質間的反應,可以促進細胞的生長、生存及分化。在本實驗室之前的研究發現,將MDCK種入膠原蛋白凝膠中會形成囊泡,而囊泡中的空腔的形成則是與細胞的凋亡有關。為了證實膠原蛋白凝膠造成細胞的凋亡是透過MDCK細胞之頂端或是基側端將訊息傳入,我們首先以膠原蛋白凝膠覆蓋MDCK細胞。在我們之前的研究發現:以膠原蛋白凝膠覆蓋可引發MDCK上皮細胞重塑(remodeling)形成管腔狀構造及細胞凋亡。在本實驗中, 我們發現以膠原蛋白凝膠覆蓋24小時所引發之細胞凋亡是開始於一些無法造成細胞重塑之區域(第一階段之凋亡), 在覆蓋48小時後會延伸到已產生重塑之區域(第二階段之凋亡)。膠原蛋白凝膠覆蓋引發之凋亡現象並伴隨有細胞在focal adhesions區FAK,talin,p130cas,及c-src選擇性蛋白酵解。然而在focal adhesions的蛋白質如paxillin,a-actinin,vinculin等在膠原蛋白凝膠覆蓋引發之凋亡現象中並無蛋白酵解現象。我們使用了各種不同的蛋白酵素抑制劑中, 只有protease inhibitor cocktail抑制了膠原蛋白凝膠覆蓋引發之蛋白酵解及第一階段細胞凋亡。但是protease inhibitor cocktail無法阻礙膠原蛋白凝膠覆蓋引發之細胞重塑及第二階段之凋亡。為了要了解再第二階段的凋亡的生化機轉,我們使用了各種不同的caspase抑制劑。我們發現:DEVD-fmk及z-VAD-fmk可抑制第二階段的FAK之酵解,但是只有z-VAD-fmk可以抑制膠原蛋白凝膠引發之第二階段凋亡。若混合protease inhibitor cocktail及z-VAD-fmk可完全的抑制膠原蛋白凝膠引發之細胞凋亡及focal adhesion complex之蛋白質酵解。綜合以上,我們發現:膠原蛋白凝膠覆蓋可引發兩個階段的細胞凋亡:第一階段的凋亡與focal adhesion complex之蛋白質酵解有關,第二階段之凋亡則與caspase的活化有關。
接下來為了測試細胞的基側端是否會接受膠原蛋白凝膠的訊息,而影響細胞的形態及功能,我們將MDCK培養在膠原蛋白凝膠上,探討細胞培養在膠原蛋白凝膠上時,膠原蛋白凝膠對細胞功能的調控,特別是focal adhesion complex蛋白質的表現。我們發現:當細胞培養在膠原蛋白凝膠上時focal adhesion complex蛋白的表現如FAK、talin、p130cas、paxillin、PYK2受到選擇性的抑制,細胞質內的蛋白質如c-src及內質網內的蛋白質如calnexin則不受影響。此種現象並不是MDCK細胞獨有,在我們觀察到的上皮細胞,腫瘤細胞以及纖維母細胞都會發生。除了膠原蛋白凝膠外,我們發現基質膠亦可造成focal adhesion complex蛋白表現下降,而膠原蛋白凝膠、基質膠鍍膜以及洋菜膠則不會。顯示基質軟硬度與focal adhesion complex蛋白表現下降有關。膠原蛋白凝膠影響focal adhesion complex蛋白表現下降主要是透過alpah2 beta1整合蛋白將訊息傳入,透過後轉錄機制,造成細胞蛋白質合成下降及蛋白酵素calpain的活性增加導致。
Proper interaction between extracellular matrix and cells offers benefit for cell growth, survival, and differentiation. Our previous studies have found that MDCK cells formed cysts structures when cultured in three-dimensional collagen gel. The formation of the cavity in cyst was caused by apoptosis. To assess whether signals of collagen gel induced cellular behavior was transduced from the apical site of the cells, we used collagen gel overlay to the apical membrane of subconfluent MDCK cells. We found that collagen gel overlay induced cell remodeling and gradually developed lumen-like formation in 24 hr. In addition, apoptosis could be observed in these cells. In this thesis, I try to elucidate the mechanisms of collagen gel controls cellular behavior. First, I found that collagen gel overlay induced apoptosis was initiated at the areas exclusive of cell remodeling within 24 h (first phase) and extended into areas of cell remodeling within 48 h (second phase). The collagen gel overlay-induced apoptosis was found to be accompanied by selective proteolysis of proteins in focal adhesion complex, i.e. focal adhesion kinase (FAK), talin, p130cas, and c-src, but not paxillin, a-actinin, and vinculin. Cycloheximide abolished collagen gel overlay-induced degradation of FAK, talin, p130cas, and c-src as well as apoptosis. To elucidate whether selective proteolysis of focal adhesion complex proteins results in apoptosis of the first phase, we employed various protease inhibitors, only protease inhibitor cocktail blocked collagen gel overlay-induced proteolysis of focal adhesion complex proteins as well as apoptosis of the first phase. The second phase proteolysis of FAK was inhibited by DEVD-fmk and z-VAD-fmk, but only z-VAD-fmk blocked collagen gel overlay-induced apoptosis of the second phase. Finally, combination of protease inhibitor cocktail and z-VAD-fmk could completely block collagen gel overlay-induced apoptosis as well as the proteolysis of focal adhesion complex proteins. Taken together, collagen gel overlay induces two phases of apoptosis: the first phase is dependent on proteolysis of focal adhesion complex proteins and the second is dependent on activation of caspases.
The second project was to understand whether morphological and biochemical changes were presented in cells cultured on collagen gel. We found that focal adhesion complex proteins, including FAK, talin, paxillin and p130cas, but not vinculin, were decreased within 1 h when MDCK cells were cultured on collagen gel. Collagen gel-induced selective decrease of focal adhesion proteins was observed in all lines of cells examined, including epithelial, fibroblastic and cancer cells. Matrigel also induced selective down-regulation of focal adhesion proteins. However, cells cultured on collagen gel- or matrigel-coated dishes did not show any changes of focal adhesion proteins. These data suggest that the physical nature of the gel, i.e. the rigidity, is involved in the expression of focal adhesion proteins. The collagen gel-induced down-regulation of focal adhesion complex proteins was caused by reduction of protein synthesis and activation of proteases such as calpain. Over-expression of dominant negative mutant of discordin domain receptor 1 (DDR1) or FAK-related non kinase (FRNK) did not prevent, whereas anti-a2b1 integrin neutralizing antibody completely blocked collagen gel-induced down-regulation of focal adhesion complex proteins. Taken together, our results indicate that the rigidity of collagen gel controls expression of focal adhesion complex proteins, which is mediated by a2b1 integrin, but not DDR1.
Abstract----------------------------------------------------------------- i
中文摘要 ----------------------------------------------------------------iii
誌謝 -------------------------------------------------------------------- v
Chapter 1 Introduction
Extracellular matrix (ECM)----------------------------------------------- 1
Receptors for the ECM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Focal adhesion complex proteins ----------------------------------------- 4
Regulation of the expression of focal adhesion complex proteins by calpain 5
ECM and apoptosis ------------------------------------------------------- 6
Mechanical property of substratum --------------------------------------- 7
Chapter 2 Materials and methods
Animals ----------------------------------------------------------------- 9
Cells and cell culture -------------------------------------------------- 9
Preparation of collagen gel, matrigel and agarose gel ------------------- 9
Preparation of cell lysates for overlay model --------------------------- 10
Western blot analysis --------------------------------------------------- 10Flow cytometry analysis ------------------------------------------------- 11
Treatment with protease inhibitors or caspase inhibitors ---------------- 11
RNA extraction ---------------------------------------------------------- 12
RT-PCR ------------------------------------------------------------------ 12
Measurement of protein synthesis rates ---------------------------------- 13
Cloning and selection of stable clone of DDR1 in MDCK cell -------------- 13
Immunofluorescence and confocal study ----------------------------------- 13
Statistics -------------------------------------------------------------- 14
Chapter 3 Collagen gel overlay induces two phases of apoptosis in MDCK cells
Abstract ---------------------------------------------------------------- 15
Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------ 17
Results ----------------------------------------------------------------- 20
Discussion -------------------------------------------------------------- 25
Chapter 4 Rigidity of collagen fibrils controls collagen gel-induced down-regulation of focal adhesion complex proteins mediated by alpah2beta1 integrin
Abstract ---------------------------------------------------------------- 30
Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------ 31
Results ----------------------------------------------------------------- 33
Discussion -------------------------------------------------------------- 38
Chapter 5 Summary ------------------------------------------------------- 42
References -------------------------------------------------------------- 46
Table ------------------------------------------------------------------- 60
Figures ----------------------------------------------------------------- 61
作者簡歷 ----------------------------------------------------------------87
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