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研究生(外文):Shuei-Lung Chen
論文名稱(外文):The study of sputtering-deposited Indium-Zinc Oxide films and its application on GaN-based LEDs
指導教授(外文):Shui-Jinn Wang
外文關鍵詞:Hall measurmentAFMLight output pwer(LOP)Indium-Zinc-Oxide(IZO)Transparency
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於本研究中,我們係利用RF濺鍍法成長IZO薄膜,並針對所得薄膜進行光、電特性量測與分析。藉由濺鍍參數之調變,所得室溫下之最佳電阻率為3.69�e10-4 �-cm2,於可見光區域內(400-800nm)平均穿透率為80%以上。IZO薄膜經霍爾(Hall)量測顯示係為一n型高濃度材料。我們亦嘗試將IZO膜在氮氣或氧氣環境下進行熱處理,實驗結果顯示3000Å厚度的IZO薄膜於藍光波長區間具有92%的穿透率,經氧氣環境下熱處理後IZO之電阻率會大幅提高,並據原子力顯微鏡AFM測得其表面粗糙度亦呈現大幅增加,而穿透率之波峰於頻譜上則顯現出紅移位現象。
In this thesis Indium-Zinc-Oxide (IZO) layers prepared by RF sputtering were investigated. By suitable adjusting the deposition condition, the IZO films have an optimum resistivity of 3.69�e10-4 �-cm and an average transparency of 80% in visible light range (400-800nm). Based on Hall measurement it indicates that the obtained IZO film is essentially n-type and with a high carrier concentration. After thermal annealing in N2 or O2 ambient for 5-15 min, according to AFM measurement, both resistivity and surface roughness were seen increasing substantially, especially in O2 ambient. In addition, an obvious shift in the peak of transmittance was observed.
Experimental current-voltage characteristics show that IZO/p-GaN is a Schottky contact even after thermal annealing at elevated temperature in either N2 or O2 ambient. To improve the contact property, a thin Au(45Å)/Ni(25Å) or Ni(50Å) layer is then employed in this work to serve as a cladding layer between IZO and p-GaN. Experimental results revealed that the IZO(3000Å)/oxidized-Au(45Å)/Ni(25Å)/p-GaN contact system has a specific contact resistivity (SCR) of 4.85×10-2 Ω-cm and a transparency of 73-75% in the wavelength of 465-475 nm. As compared to the case without the IZO layer, at a forward current of 20 mA, about 30% improvement in light output power (LOP) of GaN-based LEDs has been obtained.
Abstract (Chinese)
Figure Captions
Table lists
Chapter 1.Introduction…………………………… 1
1.1 The basic properties of IZO material …………………… 1
1.2 The comparisons of properties between IZO and ITO material……… 3
1.3 Motivation………………………………… 4
Chapter 2… The preparation and characteristic of In2O3-ZnO (IZO) films by RF sputtering …………………5
2.1 The sputter system and basic properties of IZO film ………… 5
2.1.1 RF sputter system …………………………… 5
2.1.2 The electrical property of IZO film …………………… 7
2.1.3 The optical property of IZO films ………………… 8
2.2 Process flow of the IZO films ……………………… 10
2.2.1 Cleaning process ………………………………10
2.2.2 Sputtering parameters ………………………… 13
2.2.3 Thermal annealing process …………………………… 14
2.3 Material property analysis…………………………15
2.3.1 The electrical property analysis……………………17
2.3.2 The optical property analysis………………………………… 25
2.3.3 ESCA analysis…………………………… 28
2.3.4 AFM analysis……………………………… 28
Chapter 3. Investigation of IZO film contact to GaN-based LEDs ……………………………… 30
3.1 Introduction…………………………………… 35
3.1.1 Key issues of GaN-based LEDs…………………… 30
3.1.2 Contact resistivity measurement using CTLM………… 33
3.2 The electrical characteristic of IZO/p-GaN contact…………35
3.3 The use of a cladding layer between IZO and p-GaN……………………………… 38
3.3.1 The IZO/Au/Ni contact to p-GaN………………… 39
3.3.2 The IZO/Ni contact to p-GaN………………… 42
Chapter 4. The Fabrication of GaN-based LEDs and application of IZO film…………………… 44
4.1 The process flow for GaN-based LEDs fabrication………… 44
4.2 Measurements and discussions……………………… 49
4.3.1 L-I measurement……………………………49
4.3.2 I-V measurement……………………………… 50
4.3.3 d-I measurement…………………………… 51
Chapter 5. Conclusions……………………………… 53
References…………………………………… 55
誌謝…………………………………………………………… 57
自傳……………………………………………… 58
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