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研究生(外文):Po-Yen Ouyang
論文名稱(外文):The perceived evaluation and willingness to buy of commodity bundle: A study of cellular phone and number.
指導教授(外文):Chun-Hsiung Liao
外文關鍵詞:purchase experience.anchoringperceived switching costperceived evaluationcommodity bundle
  • 被引用被引用:25
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本論文以Monroe and Krishnan(1985)的知覺評估模型為基礎,並納入「知覺轉換成本」、「定錨點」與「購買經驗」等變數,分析消費者對手機搭門號的知覺評估流程,試圖了解各知覺構面間的關係;同時藉由操弄組合商品的價格,分析高價組合商品及低價組合商品在知覺評估流程各構面的關係是否因此有所改變。而主要的研究結果整理如下:
1. 由於受訪者辨別品質的能力相當高,故「知覺品
2. 由於手機的價格比門號的價格高出許多,受訪者在評估
3. 當組合商品的售價較低時,受訪者「知覺價格」對「購
The mobile telecommunications market is getting more competitive since the deregulation in 1997. The operators provide various promotion projects to attract more subscribers. All of these marketing strategies are basically based on “commodity bundling”, the practice of selling cellular phone and account number in one price. Therefore, it is critical for the operators to understand well the willingness to buy of consumers for their commodity bundles in order to achieve higher market shares. The related literature revealed that consumer’s willingness to buy is decided via a perceived evaluation process. While purchasing a new bundle of cellular phone and account number, the “perceived switching cost”, “anchoring” and “purchase experience” of consumers also influence the perception of the bundle evaluation.

Based on the perceived evaluation model of Monroe and Krishnan(1985), we analyze the perceived evaluation process of consumers for cellular phone and number and attempt to understand the relationship between the perceived dimensions in the process. The possibly influential factors described above are considered in the model. We also study whether those relationship change with the different prices of the bundle. Our main results can be summarized by the following three points.
1. Since the interview participators have the high
ability to distinguish the quality of cellular
phones and numbers, their “perceived quality”
plays the vital role on the willingness to buy
for the bundle. However, the “perceived
switching cost” (i.e., switching to different
operators or changing number) decreases their
willingness to buy.
2. Since the price of a cellular phone is usually
much higher than the one of a number, the
participators pay more attention to the quality
of cellular phone when they evaluate the
quality of the bundle. Especially for those
whose “anchoring” is on the number, they pay
attention to the quality of cellular phone as
well as the one of number. As participators
have high involvement with cellular phone and
number, the “purchase experience” does not
affect their evaluation on the bundle.
3. The negative impact of participators’
“perceived price” on their willingness to buy
for the bundle decreases when the price of the
bundle is lower. Therefore, in this case the
“perceived quality” has a positive and even
stronger influence in their willingness to buy.
目 錄
第一節研究背景與動機 ...........................1
一、 組合商品的定義與形式......................6
二、 組合商品的相關研究........................7
一、 知覺評估流程..............................8
二、 各變數的定義與相互關係....................10
一、 定錨點對知覺品質的影響....................17
二、 購買經驗對知覺品質的影響..................17
一、 外部線索之操弄............................24
二、 手機及門號品質高低的定義..................24
三、 價格的選取................................25
四、 受測者的選取..............................25
一、 外生變數..................................26
二、 內生變數..................................29
一、 問卷調查流程..............................32
二、 預試......................................33
一、 外部線索操弄結果之驗證....................42
二、 量表信度分析..............................44
一、 模式適合度評估............................49
二、 假設驗證..................................53
一、 定錨點影響之驗證..........................57
二、 購買經驗影響之驗證........................60
一、 模式適合度評估............................62
二、 假設驗證..................................64
一、 消費者對手機搭門號組合商品之知覺評估......67
二、 定錨點及購買經驗對消費者知覺品質之影響....67
三、 售價高低對消費者手機搭門號知覺評估的影響..68
一、 中文部分..................................77
二、 英文部分..................................77

表 目 錄
表 3-1各假設之整理................................23
表 3-2本論文操弄變數及各受測群組之展示樣本........24
表 3-3外生變數衡量問項之整理......................28
表 3-4內生變數衡量問項之整理......................30
表 3-5預試資料各問項之因素負荷....................34
表 3-6預試資料各問項之特徵值及解釋變異............35
表 3-7預試資料之信度分析..........................36
表 4-1有效樣本基本資料描述........................41
表 4-2不同操弄變數下受訪者認知差異之驗證..........44
表 4-3量表信度分析................................45
表 4-4各人口統計變數對購買意願之影響..............48
表 4-5SEM模型各問項名稱對照表.....................50
表 4-6SEM模式刪去問項過程.........................51
表 4-7SEM最終模式分析結果.........................53
表 4-8假設的驗證(H1~H6)...........................54
表 4-9以手機為定錨點的消費者在知覺品質上之差異....59
表 4-10以門號為定錨點的消費者在知覺品質上之差異....60
表 4-11購買經驗對知覺品質之變異數分析結果..........61
表 4-12假設的驗證(H10~H15).......................64
表 4-13本研究之假設驗證彙整........................69

圖 目 錄
圖 1-1研究流程圖..................................5
圖 2-1Monroe and Krishnan(1985)的知覺評估流程...9
圖 2-2本研究初步知覺評估流程......................10
圖 3-1本研究之研究架構............................22
圖 3-2本研究分析流程及方法........................38
圖 4-1手機、門號品質及知覺價格之常態機率圖........43
圖 4-2購買意願之常態機率圖........................46
圖 4-3本研究SEM模型路徑及集結問項.................49
圖 4-4SEM最終模式分析結果.........................52
圖 4-5知覺品質之常態機率圖........................58
圖 4-6高價組合商品樣本之SEM模型...................63
圖 4-7低價組合商品樣本之SEM模型...................63
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