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研究生(外文):Chi-Chou Kao
論文名稱(外文):Technology Mapping for Lookup-Table Based FPGAs
指導教授(外文):Yen-Tai Lai
外文關鍵詞:Graph PartitionVLSITechnology MappingFPGA
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  The increasing popularity of the field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology has generated a great deal of interest in the algorithmic study and tool development for FPGA specific design automation problems. The most widely used FPGAs are LUT based FPGAs, in which the basic logic element is a k-input lookup table (LUT) that can implement any Boolean function of up to k variables. This unique feature of the LUT has brought new challenges to technology mapping. This dissertation studies the technology mapping problem for LUT-based FPGAs.

  We first present problem formulations for various optimization objectives such as area and routability. And then efficient algorithms that focus on the given objectives are presented. The technology mapping algorithms in this dissertation is divided into three categories: 1) Minimizing area for homogeneous FPGAs, 2) Maximizing routability for homogeneous FPGAs, and 3) Optimizing area for heterogeneous FPGAs

  Minimum area is one of the important objectives in technology mapping for lookup table-based FPGAs. It has been proven that the problem is NP-complete. This dissertation presents a polynomial time algorithm which can run in O(n3) time to generate a solution where n is the total number of gates in the circuit. The proposed algorithm partitions the graph representing the given circuit into subgraphs such that the solution can be obtained by merging the subgraph solutions. The greedy technique is then used to find the solution for each subgraph. It is shown that except for some cases the greedy method can find an optimal solution of a given problem. We have tested our algorithm on a set of benchmark examples. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm.

  Since interconnections in an FPGA must be accomplished with limited routing resources, routability is the most important objective in a technology mapping algorithm. To optimize routability, the goal of the presented algorithm is the production of a design with a minimum interconnection. The Min-cut algorithm is first used to partition a graph representing a Boolean network into clusters so that the total number of interconnections between clusters is minimum. To decrease further the number of interconnections needed, clusters are then merged into larger clusters by a pairing technique. This algorithm has been tested on the MCNC benchmark circuits. Compared with other LUT-based FPGA mapping algorithms, the algorithm produces better routability characteristics.

  A heterogeneous FPGA provides an array of homogeneous LUTs of different sizes or an array of physically heterogeneous LUTs. It has been shown that the heterogeneous FPGA leads to the attainment of various objectives. In this dissertation, a technology mapping algorithm is proposed for heterogeneous FPGAs. The technology mapping problem is formulated first as a flow network problem. An algorithm based on the min-cost max-flow algorithm is then presented to select a proper set of feasible LUTs for various objectives. Finally, two objectives, the minimum number of LUTs and the total area composed of the LUTs and routing area, are discussed. This algorithm has been tested on the MCNC benchmark circuits. According to the experimental results, the proposed algorithm generates favorable results for various FPGA architectures.
1 Introduction 1
  1.1 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) 2
  1.2 Lookup Table Based FPGAs 2
  1.3 The CAD System for LUT-Based FPGAs 4
  1.4 Technology Mapping Algorithms 8
  1.5 Organization of Dissertation 11

2 Terminology and Problem Formulation 15
  2.1 Terminology 15
  2.2 Problem Formulation 18

3 A Technology Mapping Algorithm for Finding the
Minimal Area 21
  3.1 Outline of the Mapping Algorithm 21
  3.2 Partitioning the Given DAG into Primary Blocks 23
  3.3 The Mapping Solution for a Primary Block 28

4 Routability Driven Technology Mapping Algorithms 40
  4.1 Partitioning Network 41
    4.1.1 Partitioning Algorithm 41
    4.1.2 Evaluation Method for Selecting Vertices 45
  4.2 Selecting Pairs 49

5 A Technology Mapping Algorithm for Heterogeneous FPGAs 55
  5.1 Formulating Technology Mapping Problem as a Flow Network Problem 56
  5.2 An Algorithm for Finding the Min-cost Max-flow as a Mapping Solution 59
  5.3 An Algorithm to Enumerate All Feasible Cones 62
  5.4 The Optimization Objectives 65
    5.4.1 Finding the Mapping with Minimum Number of LUTs 65
    5.4.2 Finding the Mapping with Minimum Area 66

6 Experimental Results 69
  6.1 Decomposition Step 69
  6.2 Mapping for Minimal Area 74
  6.3 Mapping for Optimizing Routability 77
  6.4 Mapping for Heterogeneous FPGAs 83

7 Conclusions 89

References 91

List of Tables
1.1 A truth table for f = A¢BC+AB¢C¢ 4
6.1 Performance of the proposed algorithm 75
6.2 Comparison of the numbers of LUTs with Chortle-crf and MIS-pga 76
6.3 Comparison of the numbers of interconnections and tracks required with
Chortle-crf, Flow-map, and the proposed system 80
6.4 Comparison of the number of CLBs and depth with Chortle-crf,
Flow-map, and the proposed system 81
6.5 Comparison of pins-per-CLB (P/C) 82
6.6 Comparison of the numbers of CLBs 84
6.7 Comparison of Area and CPU Time on XC4000 series FPGAs 86
6.8 Comparison of Area on a Given Heterogeneous FPGA 87

List of Figures

1.1 A conceptual diagram of a typical FPGA 3
1.2 A Typical CAD System for LUT-Based FPGAs 7
1.3 Three mappings of a given circuit with various FPGAs 13
1.4 Combinational Models of Various LUT-Based FPGA CLBs 14
2.1 a) A combinational circuit;
b) The DAG corresponding to the circuit in (a) 16
2.2 Two different mappings of a given DAG
a) A given DAG
b) A mapping of the DAG in (a)
c) A mapping with minimal interconnection of the DAG in (a) 20
3.1 Four cases in which a SO cone is not totally included in a primary block 25
3.2 The result of labeling vertices of the given graph 27
3.3 a) A given DAG ; b) The new DAG after selecting a critical
floor cone Cv as a cone in the optimal mapping solution (k =5) 30
3.4 Transformation of an optimal mapping solution such that every feasible
floor cone is covered with a cone in this solution 31
3.5 The case in which every floor cone tipped at a vertex in Ui is feasible 32
3.6 Transformation of an optimal mapping solution such that the prime cone
whose fan-out vertex is a critical leading vertex in this solution 34
3.7 An example of finding an optimal mapping solution by the greedy
method (k =5) 35
3.8 An example of selecting the prime cone as a cone in the solution (k =5) 36
4.1 Cell gains 42
4.2 Bucket list structure 43
4.3 Critical nets 43
4.4 Determining a cut for gi2 46
4.5 Determining a cut for gi3 47
4.6 A partition tree 50
4.7 Selecting pairs 54
5.1 a) A given DAG; b) The flow network constructed from (a) 58
5.2 A min-cost max-flow 60
5.3 The logic block model 67
5.4 A model for estimating the routing area 68
6.1 MISII script 70
6.2 Decomposition of a multi-input gate 73
6.3 A circuit routing succeeded by the VPR tool 77
6.4 Flowchart of experimental procedure 78
6.5 The impact of the routing area 88
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