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研究生(外文):Jin-Fu Liou
論文名稱(外文):Design and Control of a Low-friction Servo-hydraulic Slider
指導教授(外文):Ming-Chang Shih
外文關鍵詞:servo-hydrualicsliderfriction compensationlow-friction design
  • 被引用被引用:1
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The purpose of this paper is to discuss how to improve the position accuracy effect by the friction force. The improving methods can be designing a low-friction hardware and compensation in controller. The hydraulic slider designed in this paper is with the PTFE slipper-seal and linear guide so it can achieve the low-friction goal. After measuring the friction force of the slider in each kind of working condition and multi-point positioning, the control performance of the slider designed in this paper is better than the general hydraulic slider, but when the slider reaches the goal position, it slips easily because of the null point draft. According to the friction character of the system, we can try to design the compensation signal for the stick friction due to the low working velocity. In the result of the control experiment, the controller with either the max static friction compensation or the dither signal can let the general slider achieve 1μm position accuracy.
1-1 研究動機與目的1
1-2 文獻回顧2
1-3 研究目標與本文架構3
2-1 微電腦與控制介面7
2-2 感測器7
2-3 電液伺服閥9
2-4 液壓滑台11
2-5 實驗設備元件12
3-1 油壓滑台的運動特性13
3-2 油壓滑台之構造與低摩擦化方式15
3-3 線性滑軌20
3-4 油壓缸低摩擦設計23
4-1 系統模式推導27
4-2 油壓缸摩擦力的量測原理32
4-3 量測結果與討論35
5-1 低摩擦滑台之定位控制與實驗結果46
5-2 一般油壓滑台之定位控制與實驗結果56
5-3 具摩擦補償之PD控制器設計65
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