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研究生(外文):Chung-De Chen
論文名稱(外文):Singular Electro-Elastic Fields of Piezoelectric Bonded Wedges and Piezoelectric Composite Layer with Electrodes
指導教授(外文):Ching-Hwei Chue
外文關鍵詞:Wedge StructurePiezoelectricStress SingularityStress Intensity Factor
  • 被引用被引用:1
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Based on the generalized Lekhnitskii complex potential associated with eigenfunction expansion, the stress singularities occurring near the apex piezoelectric-piezoelectric, piezoelectric-composite and piezoelectric-conductor bonded wedges are studied. The stress singularity orders, which depend on the poling and fiber orientations and wedge angles, are obtained numerically through solving the eigenvalue problems. If the piezoelectric is polarized in some specific directions, the singularity orders can be decoupled into inplane and antiplane cases. The numerical results can be used as a guideline in the design of the piezoelectric structures.
For the special case that piezoelectric is polarized along z-axis, the characteristic equations governing the antiplane stress singularities are obtained analytically by using the Mellin transform. The results can be reduced to one-piezoelectric-wedge, piezoelectric-composite bonded wedge and piezoelectric-conductor wedge. In the case of one-piezoelectric-wedge under free-ground and clamped-insulated boundary conditions (i.e., C-D boundary conditions), the antiplane stress singularity order is found to be complex. The imaginary part of the singularity order may be greater than 0.5. In the case of free-insulated boundary at both edges (i.e., A-A boundary conditions), the singular electro-elastic fields near the apex of piezoelectric bonded wedge are investigated further by using the complex variable technique associated with eigenfunction expansion. The angular functions and intensity factors are obtained analytically. The results show that the antiplane stress singularity orders are always complex if a≠b, R2^2-4R1<0, a≠0 and b≠0. This is quite different from the elastic material wedge, in which the antiplane stress singularity orders are always real.
There are two models to be analyzed in the piezoelectric layer with semi-infinite electrode, i.e., the anti-plane deformation with in-plane electrical field and the in-plane electroelastic field. Based on the Fourier transform and the Wiener—Hopf technique, the electroelastic fields near the electrode tip are found to exhibit the square root singularity. The energy density factor criterion is applied to examine the fracture behavior near the electrode tip.
第一章 緒論............................................................1
第二章 壓電材料之廣義Lekhnitskii複變函數公式...........................12
第三章 含壓電材料楔形之應力奇異性......................................31
第四章 含壓電材料楔形之面外應力奇異性探討..............................66
第五章 含電極壓電片之電彈場探討........................................103
5.3.2傅立葉轉換與狀態空間(State space)...............................125
5.3.4電極尖端附近之電彈場漸近解(Asymptotic solution)及其強度因子.....134
第六章 結論............................................................142
第七章 本文貢獻........................................................148
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