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研究生(外文):Chao-Jun Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Tooth Contact Analysis of Silent Chains
指導教授(外文):Chin-Tien Huang
外文關鍵詞:TCAtooth contactsilent chain
  • 被引用被引用:11
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本論文針對靜音鏈作嚙合運動分析,將其歸類為多剛體連接的接觸運動,根據二維的嚙合理論來做鏈片和鏈輪的齒面接觸分析(Tooth Contact Analysis, TCA),建立分析靜音鏈的數學模型。並依照鏈片實際的運轉情形,採用緊邊鏈條作分析,並把靜音鏈作正規化,再求得鏈片固定住時的高度及節圓半徑、兩固定片的夾角,鏈片固定角,再假設兩種鏈片固定的模式,以作為以後鏈片運動分析的依據,並分別求出兩種鏈片假設固定模式接觸的初始點與三個不同的鏈片運動階段。
In mechanical power transmission applications, two of the most popular chain drive types are the roller chain and the silent chain, both of which have been employed in industry for decades. Silent chains have many advantages. It is quieter and more efficient than roller chains. However, there are not many research reports of silent chains in literature. This thesis aims to investigate the kinematics of pin-jointed silent chains.
Based upon conjugate theory, this thesis studies the motion analysis of silent chains. We analyze silent chains by using the techniques of tooth contact analysis with force equilibrium equations incorporated. First, we assume two fixed models of link with respect to the sprocket. Second, we establish four stages of the motion of a link, starting from tight chain span until it is fixed with respect to the sprocket. These four stages are conjugate contact stage, stationary contact stage, pulled suspension stage, and conjugate suspension stage. Finally, we change the curvature of the inner curve of the link to investigate the relationship between the curvature of links and the chain motion. Some animations of the engagement process are demonstrated to illustrate the results.
In conclusion, we have proposed a systematic approach for analyzing the motion of silent chains. The results of this research can also be applied to mechanical system with multiple bodies in contact.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
誌謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
表目錄 Ⅵ
圖目錄 Ⅶ
符號說明 Ⅹ
第一章 緒論
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究動機與目的 3
1.4 本文架構 3
第二章 基礎概念
2.1 鏈條之簡介 4
2.2 靜音鏈與滾子鏈 6
2.3 靜音鏈的名詞與圖示 9
2.4 漸開線鏈輪齒形 12
2.5 接觸傳動的基本定理 14
2.6 共軛曲線 15
2.7 齒面接觸分析 16
第三章 靜音鏈鏈片與鏈輪的嚙合分析
3.1 靜音鏈的拘束條件與假設 19
3.1.1 條件一、分析緊邊鏈條 19
3.1.2 條件二、靜音鏈的正規化 20
3.1.3 假設一、鏈片固定後插銷中心位於鏈輪中心的輻射線上 21
3.1.4 假設二、兩種鏈片開始固定的模式 22
3.2 假設固定模式的運動情形 22
3.3 固定鏈片的高度與夾角及相鄰鏈片的固定角 24
3.4 求解鏈片內緣接觸的初始點 33
3.5 鏈片懸空期的運動情形 40
3.6 鏈片嚙合擺動期的運動情形 42
3.7 鏈片暫時固定期的運動情形 46
3.8 結論 48

第四章 結論與未來展望 50
參考文獻 52
1.American Chain Association, 1974, Design Manual Roller and Silent Chain Drives, St. Petersburg, Florida.
2.American Chain Association, 1982, Chains for Power Transmission and Material Handling, Marcel Dekker, New York.
3.Bucknor, N. K., 1991, Kinematic and Static Force Analysis of Silent Chain, Doctoral Dissertation, Columbia University, New York, NY
4.Hermeling, P. G., 1974, “Don’t Overlook the Merits of Silent Chain Drives,” Plant Engineering, 4, Apr., pp. 108-110.
5.Horie et al. 2001, “Low Noise Silent Chain,” Patent No. US20010023212 A1, United States Patent.
6.Jackson & Moreland, 1955, Design Manual for Roller and Silent Chain Drives, Association of Roller and Silent Chain Manufactures.
7.Litvin, F. L., 1968, Theory of Gearing, 2nd ed., Nauka, Moscow.
8.Litvin, F. L., 1994, Gear Geometry and Applied Theory, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
9.McCarthy, A. M., Stevenson R., 1978, “Higher Load and Speed Limits for Silent Chain,” Machine Design, Jan., 12, pp. 121-125.
10.Morse Product Catalog, United States of America, pp. A-121-A-122.
11. Suzuki et al. 2002, “Silent Chain Drive Mechanism,” Patent No. US6464263 B2, United States Patent.
12. Suzuki et al. 2002, “Power Transmitting Silent Chain Apparatus,” Patent No. US6334828 B1, United States Patent.
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