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研究生(外文):Jing-ching Lee
論文名稱(外文):Design of an information cascade update component for information integrity maintenance
指導教授(外文):Yuh-Ming Cheng
外文關鍵詞:enterprise information systemCascade Updateinformation integritydata integrity
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有效的企業經營管理與決策有賴正確的資訊,而正確的資訊的基礎在於資料完整性(data integrity)與資訊完整性(information integrity)。目前資料庫之cascade update功能滿足了資料完整性之需求,而資訊完整性則多運用所使用之特定資料庫所提供之Active Database 實作機制,針對企業邏輯撰寫維護程式,由於受限於特定資料庫品牌,使得維護程式缺乏可攜性(portability),再由於係針對企業邏輯撰寫使得該維護程式僅適用於特定企業而缺乏一般性(genericity)與可設定性(configurability),以致於不具軟體可再用性(reusability),也使得企業資訊系統之開發與維護成本居高不下。
本研究提出一具一般性之資訊完整性維護模式(information integrity maintenance model),使之適用於各個企業或組織,並依此模式設計一資訊串連更新元件,使其具有企業邏輯可設定性、資料庫可攜性,以利資訊完整性維護機制之建立,提供資訊系統開發者與維護人員更簡易、更具彈性之解決方案。
Business administration and complicated decision making fully rely on the accurate information gathered from the whole enterprise on the basis of data integrity and information integrity . As far as data integrity is concerned, the cascade update functionalities provided by database systems are often used for the data integrity maintenance. Meanwhile, Active Database mechenisms provided by some specific database firms are often used to maintain information integrity, and the logic of information integrity mainenance program are designed for specific enterprises under specific specification proposed by different database system providers. The differences of enterprise business logic and program implementation specification cause that all the information integrity maintenance programs are lack of portability, genericity, configurability and reusability, and the unacceptable high cost of system
development and mainenance.
In this thesis a generic information integrity maintence model is proposed and can be applied to every kind of enterprises or organizations. Then, according to the model, an information integrity maintenance component model is developed, with the property of business logic configurability, database portability that can facilitate the construction of information integrity maintenance mechanism, providing a simple and flexible information integrity maintenance solution for
information system developer and maintainer
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景1
1.2 研究動機2
1.3 研究目的2
1.4 問題分析3
1.5 研究步驟與方法3
1.6 論文架構5
第二章 文獻探討7
2.1.1 資料完整性定義7
2.1.2 資料完整性維護9
2.1.3 串連更新11
2.2 資訊完整性13
2.2.1 資訊完整性定義13
2.2.2 資訊完整性維護14 Active Database15
2.3 企業規則16
2.4 軟體元件18
第三章 資訊完整性維護分析與模式設計20
3.1 使用者觀點之資訊完整性維護分析20
3.2 使用者觀點之資訊活動型態分析24
第四章 資訊串連更新元件設計42
4.1 串連更新程序分析42
4.1.1 來源資訊活動43
4.1.2 串連更新之資訊活動46目的資料表與目的資料操作型態定義47 來源資料表與目的資料表之對應關係定義52
4.1.3 檢查規則59 operand61 operator62
4.2 串連更新程序之定義綱要設計64
4.3 串連更新之資料庫交易模式分析73
4.4 元件設計80
第五章 元件實作與驗證92
5.1 實作環境介紹92
5.2 元件實作93
5.3 元件模型驗證99
5.3.1 YJS-ERP簡介99
5.3.2 資訊串連更新元件之驗證105
第六章 結論與未來研究方向128
6.1 結論與成果128
6.2 未來研究方向建議130
附錄A 定義綱要說明134
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