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研究生(外文):Li-Wei Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Dynamics of Independent Residential Building Reconstruction after the 921 Earthquake
指導教授(外文):Chien-Liang Chen
外文關鍵詞:921 earthquakereconstruction speedindependent residential buildingtime series data
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Taiwan struck by a devastating earthquake on September 21st, 1999. The 921 earthquake was one of the worst quakes to strike the country this century. Although the government has devoted all efforts in earthquake-related reconstruction after the quake, there are no clear indicators to evaluate the accomplishment of reconstruction. To examine the issues of independent residential building reconstruction after the quake, collect the related data correctly and comprehensively is the first step. However, there are no reliable data to evaluate the results of reconstruction efforts since the reconstruction statistics from government exist large difference from that of nongovernmental sources.
The main purpose of this study is to closely re-examine the after-quake reconstruction efforts and accomplishments. Two issues are addressed as follows: first is to discuss the reconstruction policies related to the independent residential buildings, second is to collect and compare reconstruction statistics from various sources.
Three years after the quake, it is time to re-examine the reconstruction policies and follow the evolution of the strategies. We find some policies, e.g., the Emergency Loan with Favored Interest Rate, does help the housing rebuilt of quake victims, while some policies with evident flaws that can do little to help the reconstruction. The discussion can provide references for the design of future reconstruction policy.
Through collecting and comparing statistics from the local government, tax administrative bureau, the Central Bank, and central government, we try to re-build the after-quake time-series reconstruction statistics to depict the dynamics of residential housing rebuilt, and to make comparisons between various sources. Our findings document the rapid reconstruction process that is attributed to the efforts of both government and private sectors. Furthermore, we find the confusion of after-quake statistics is the fundamental problem that might impede the reconstruction speed. Policy recommendation is to set-up an emergency survey system in peacetime in order to serve as the guideline of after-disaster reconstruction.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 論文架構 3
第二章 住宅重建與政策之文獻回顧 5
第一節 救災、災戶安置與行政規劃之研究 5
第二節 重建速度與社會經濟層面之研究 6
第三節 住宅重建政策與實施方案 10
第四節 住宅重建政策與實施方案之檢討 13
第五節 未來住宅重建政策之建議 17
第三章 中央銀行九二一震災千億元緊急房貸專案動態資料分析 19
第一節 南投縣重建貸款與重購貸款比較 19
第二節 台中縣重建貸款與重購貸款比較 28
第四章 九二一地震前後南投縣稅捐處稅籍建檔資料動態分析 36
第一節 南投縣住宅構造類別及折舊年數資料分析 36
第二節 南投縣及其轄下各鄉鎮稅籍資料認定全半倒戶數與房租補助發放認定全半倒戶數之比較 38
第三節 南投縣稅籍資料認定全倒戶數與各鄉鎮市建照發照數之累計比例 45
第五章 重建區建築執照發照數與使用執照發照數動態資料分析 50
第一節 南投縣、台中縣之建築執照與使用執照發照數比較 50
第二節 南投縣及其轄下各鄉鎮發照數比較 53
第三節 台中縣市及其轄下各鄉鎮發照數比較 58
第四節 南投縣及其轄下各鄉鎮之建築執照數與重建會之建築執照數比較 62
第五節 台中縣市及其轄下各鄉鎮之建築執照數與重建會之建築執照數比較 69
第六章 結論與建議 74
第一節 結論 74
第二節 未來研究方向 75
參考文獻 77
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