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研究生(外文):Chiao-Hsin Hu
論文名稱(外文):Aerobics and Concept Intervention on Health Related Physical Fitness and Exercise Behaviors of Mid-aged Female Adults
外文關鍵詞:Health related physical fitnessperceived exercise barrierperceived exercise benefitexercise self-efficacy.stages of exercise
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摘 要
三、自覺運動利益與自覺運動障礙平均分數,分別於介入前(5.57 與 3.20)、介入後(5.53與3.18)及結束後一個月(5.45與3.05),兩變項於不同時段間皆未達顯著差異(p>.05)。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of aerobics and concept intervention on health related physical fitness and exercise behaviors. Twenty five female adults with mean age of 35.09 ± 7.72 yrs were recruited in an 8-week fitness program. Health related physical fitness (body mass index, waist hip ratio, 3-min step test, sit and reach, 30 second and one minute sit up) and exercise behavior questionnaires were evaluated prior to, immediately post and one month post exercise. Chi squire, t test, one way ANOVA with repeated measures and LSD post hoc comparison were applied for statistical analysis. The significance level was set at α= .05.
The results were: 1) Prior to, immediately at the end and one month post intervention, the percentage of the subjects with regular exercise habit, were 40%, 100% and 48% respectively. 2) Even though cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance and flexibility were significantly improved, no significant effect was found in body mass index and waist hip ratio. 3) No significant difference was found among mean perceived exercise barrier score and mean perceived exercise benefit score prior to (5.57 and 3.20), at the conclusion (5.53 and 3.18) and one month post intervention (5.45 and 3.05). 4) Exercise self-efficacy one month post intervention (3.86) was significantly higher than that of the end of intervention (3.66). In conclusion, eight weeks of aerobics and concept intervention improve cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness, and flexibility of mid-aged female adults. However, in order to further improve their body composition, the necessity of additional measures during intervention is indicated.
目 錄
第一章 緒論--------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機-----------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的-----------------------------------------------3
第三節 研究假設-----------------------------------------------4
第四節 名詞解釋-----------------------------------------------4
第五節 研究範圍與限制-----------------------------------------5
第二章 文獻探討--------------------------------------------------7
第一節 有氧運動與概念宣導介入對身心健康之影響-------7
第二節 有氧運動與概念宣導介入對運動階段之影響-------9
第三節 運動健康信念對運動行為之影響--------------------10
第四節 運動自我效能與運動行為間之關係-----------------13
第三章 研究方法與步驟---------------------------------------15
第一節 研究對象---------------------------------------------15
第二節 研究設計---------------------------------------------15
第三節 研究架構---------------------------------------------16
第四節 實驗地點與日期---------------------------------------16
第五節 研究工具製作與修定----------------------------------17
第六節 資料處理----------------------------------------------29
第四章 結果與討論-----------------------------------------------30
第一節 個人背景因素------------------------------------------30
第二節 有氧運動與概念宣導對運動階段之變化情形--------34
第三節 有氧運動與概念宣導對健康體能的影響-------------35
第四節 有氧運動與概念宣導對自覺運動利益的影響--------37
第五節 有氧運動與概念宣導對自覺運動障礙的影響--------40
第六節 有氧運動與概念宣導對運動自我效能的影響--------42
第五章 結論與建議---------------------------------------------45
第一節 結論---------------------------------------------------45
第二節 建議---------------------------------------------------46
附錄一 受試者同意書----------------------------------------56
附錄二 運動行為預試量表-------------------------------------57
附錄三 運動行為正式量表-------------------------------------62
附錄四 檢測流程-----------------------------------------67
附錄五 健康體適能檢測表-------------------------------------68
附錄六 有氧運動與概念宣導課程大綱-----------------------69
附錄七 概念宣導課程(一)國民體能概說---------------------70
附錄八 概念宣導課程(二)運動原則的應用------------------74
附錄九 概念宣導課程(三)運動與體重控制------------------76
附錄十 概念宣導課程(四)運動傷害預防與緊急處理-------79
表 目 錄
表3-1-1 受試者之基本資料-----------------------------------------15
表3-2-1 實驗處理方式-----------------------------------------------15
表3-5-1 自覺運動利益量表之項目分析表-------------------------20
表3-5-2 自覺運動障礙量表項目分析表----------------------------21
表3-5-3 運動自我效能量表之項目分析表-------------------------22
表3-5-4 運動行為心理因素分析之整體解釋之變異量-----------24
表 3-5-5 運動行為心理因素分析之轉軸後因素負荷量與共同性25
表3-5-6 運動行為心理因素各分量表一致性信度分析表---------26
表4-1-1 不同背景因素參與運動行為現況及差異情形-----------33
表4-2-1 運動階段於不同時段之變化情形-------------------------35
表4-3-1 活動介入前、後及結束後一個月健康體適能之變化情形-----------------------------------------------------------37
表4-4-1 活動介入前、後及結束後一個月自覺運動利益之變異數分析表---------------------------------------------------38
表 4-4-2 活動介入對自覺運動利益各題項之差異考驗表--------39
表 4-5-1 活動介入前、後及結束後一個月自覺運動障礙之變化情形---------------------------------------------------------41
表 4-5-2 活動介入對自覺運動障礙各題項之差異考驗表-------41
表 4-6-1 活動介入前、後及結束後一個月運動自我效能之之變 化情形------------------------------------------------------43
表4-6-2 活動介入於運動自我效能量表各題項之差異考驗表---44

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