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研究生(外文):Chiung-Ying Lee
論文名稱(外文):The Construction of Production Planning System for Integrating Wafer Fabrication and Probing Process
指導教授(外文):Shu-Hsing Chung
外文關鍵詞:multi-site planningwafer probingprocess capabilityproduction scheduling
  • 被引用被引用:4
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Following the development of semiconductor industry, an enterprise will establish a new factory or merge others to get enough capacity for satisfying the customers’ order needs. The production planning of an enterprise thus is extended for cooperating with others. At the same time, there is a trend to integrate the up-stream and down-stream semiconductor factories for achieving the mission of producing final products. This study will focus on wafer fabrication and probing process and will develop an efficient production planning system for planning the product type and production quantity produced at each factory in each stage.
The thesis proposes two mechanisms. The first is basically applying the production planning system for the wafer fabrication by Lai [27]. With this mechanism, according to the throughput plan of the enterprise, we derive product mix at each site with the considerations of the capacity limitation of each fab site, profits of each generation in order to suit the performance of leveled utilization rate and cycle time. Next, based on the estimated cycle time, we can predict the due date of each order that is an input data for the production planning system of probing process.
The production planning mechanism for the wafer probing factory aggregates planning results of wafer fabrication, such as predicted due date of each order, throughput target of each product type, capacity supply and capability constraints of every workstation. The load resulted from each capability type is allocated to each probing factory with load leveling consideration. With this result, this thesis then assign job-order of each product type to the workstation that can provide corresponding capability, in order to not only fulfill goal of leveled utilization rate but also have competitive cycle time.
Simulation result shows that the proposed production planning mechanisms can quickly derive the product type and corresponding quantities that each wafer fabrication should produce. Also the allocation of job orders to wafer probing factories can achieve the goal of leveled utilization rate among workcenters in a factory and can maintain competitive production cycle time. Such results can provide information to managers about how to process order accept ion and to set due date.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目 錄 v
圖 目 錄 viii
表 目 錄 ix
符號一覽表 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與限制 3
1.4 研究方法 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 供應鏈管理 6
2.1.1 供應鏈管理之定義 6
2.1.2 供應鏈管理之挑戰 9
2.1.3 供應鏈管理之績效衡量 10
2.1.4 供應鏈管理之相關研究 11
2.2 委外測試的產能租用方式 15
第三章 生產規劃系統之模式構建 17
3.1 問題定義與分析 17
3.2 整體邏輯與架構 19
3.3 晶圓製造廠之生產規劃機制 21
3.3.1 產出規劃模組[27] 21 產出目標驗證階段[27] 22 可行解求解階段[27] 23 績效評估階段[27] 26 工作站利用率檢測[27] 28 生產週期時間檢測[27] 28 整體貢獻值推估[27] 29
3.3.2 可交貨日程表規劃模組[27] 30
3.4 晶圓針測廠之生產規劃機制 32
3.4.1 移轉分派規劃模組 34 產能估算階段 36 製程規格能力負荷估算階段 38 產能分析階段 40 負荷分配階段 43 產品指派求解階段 50
3.4.2 績效評估模組 51 利用率檢測階段 52 生產週期時間檢測階段 52
3.4.3 工單指派模組 55 工單分配階段 55 工單排序流程 56
第四章 模擬驗證 59
4.1系統環境說明 59
4.1.1 生產環境說明 59
4.2 晶圓針測廠之生產規劃機制執行過程及規劃結果 63
4.2.1移轉分派規劃模組之執行結果 63 產能估算階段 63 製程規格能力負荷估算階段 66 產能分析階段 67 負荷分配階段 69 產品指派求解階段 80
4.2.2 績效評估模組 81 利用率檢測 81 生產週期時間檢測 81
4.2.3 工單指派模組 82 工單分配之執行結果 82 工單排序之執行結果 83
4.3 晶圓針測廠生產規劃機制成果之綜合分析 84
4.3.1 產品指派求解績效分析 84
4.3.2 利用率平準化分析 84
4.3.3 設置時間比例值估算成果分析 89
4.3.4 產出達交度分析 92
4.3.5 允諾達交度分析 93
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 95
5.1 結論 95
5.2 未來研究方向 97
參考文獻 98
附錄 101
附錄A 產品製程資料 101
附錄B 產品設置時間 103
附錄C 針測廠工單分配規劃結果 104
附錄D 針測廠工單排序規劃結果 107
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