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研究生(外文):Ming-Lun Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Extraction and Tracking of Feature Points of Indoor Scenes
指導教授(外文):Jen-Hui Chuang
外文關鍵詞:feature point correspondencesfeature points extractionfeature points trackinggradient directions
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Establishing feature point correspondences from a pair of stereo or a long sequence of images is a common and critical problem in computer vision. We propose an algorithm to solve this problem and hope to achieve real-time performance by reducing the amount of calculation of the vision system. According to the proposed algorithm, we first extract corner points from images as feature points by the Harris corner detector. The image gradient obtained from Harris corner detector is then classified it into 9 regions according their gradient directions and magnitude. The quantized gradient directions are represented as different colors for each feature point to form a color code. Finally, the point correspondences are obtained by comparing the color codes as well as the spatial relationships between neighboring feature points. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm is efficient and very robust for the matching of feature point.
摘要 I
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 簡介 1
第二章 相關文獻探討 5
2.1 特徵點的擷取 5
2.2 立體影像特徵點對應 7
2.2.1 以極線限制建立特徵點的對應 8
2.2.2 以灰階比較為基礎建立特徵點的對應 11
2.2.3 以特徵比較為基礎建立特徵點的對應 12
2.3 連續影像特徵點追蹤 14
第三章 特徵點的擷取 17
3.1 Harris特徵點擷取演算法 17
3.2 由Harris演算法中分析並量化梯度方向 22
3.3 彩色碼 26
第四章 由立體影像建立特徵點的對應 30
4.1 雙向對應一致性 30
4.2 彩色碼比對機制 32
4.2.1 彩色碼比對之觀察與分析 32
4.2.2 以彩色碼評估對應關係 35
4.3 由相鄰對應點解決模稜兩可的對應問題 38
4.4 以彩色碼為基礎的特徵點對應流程 44
第五章 由連續影像追蹤特徵點 49
5.1 空間時間變化緩和限制 49
5.2 特徵點追蹤流程 50
第六章 實驗結果 56
6.1 立體影像特徵點對應 56
6.2 模稜兩可對應點之實驗與分析 62
6.2.1 CMU影像實驗 63
6.2.2 校正板影像實驗 68
6.3 連續影像特徵點追蹤 73
6.4 以極線限制驗證對應結果之討論 76
第七章 結論與未來展望 79
附錄A 量化梯度方向總數選擇 80
附錄B 以彩色碼校正特徵點位置 82
參考文獻 84
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