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研究生(外文):Quei-Yi Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Parallel Monte Carlo Computing Technique for the Numerical Simulation of Traffic Boltzmann Transport Equation
外文關鍵詞:Traffic flowBoltzmann transport equationMonte Carlo simulationparallel
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動態車流的研究自從Lighthill 與 Whitham在五十年代提出了以波動方程式來描述交通車流行為的模式,愈來愈多學者投入用數學方程式來描述交通車流行為的研究。且根據不同之交通現象與道路狀況所建立的相關模式與研究也被陸續提出。
蒙地卡羅模擬法是利用隨機的方法來模擬一個系統。在本研究中,蒙地卡羅模擬法乃是利用電腦對車子的運動做直接的物理模擬(direct physical simulation),而非去解車流運動數學模型的數值解。雖然蒙地卡羅模擬法較精確的描述車子運動行為,但其在模擬的效率上來說並不是很好。所以最後我們就將利用個人電腦叢集計算的技術來改善蒙地卡羅模擬效率。
Lighthill and Whitham proposed their kinematic traffic flow model five decades ago, then the mathematical description of traffic flow operations has been a lively subject of research and debate for traffic scientists. There were a wide range of traffic flow theories and models, which were developed to describe traffic flow operations.
In this study, we focus on mesoscopic traffic flow model. The gas-kinetic traffic flow model of Prigogine and Andrews, one of mesoscopic traffic flow model, was developed during 1960’s. They modified some of the key concepts in the kinetic theory of gases and wrote down an equation alike to the Boltzmann transport equation. We present a new traffic Boltzmann transport equation describes the dynamics of the velocity distribution functions of vehicles in the traffic flow. From the traffic Boltzmann transport equation, we consider the vehicles governed by drift, traffic field, deceleration, and lane-changing. The Monte Carlo simulation technique plays an important role in solving the complex equation.
The name of Monte Carlo simulation technique is usually given to stochastic methods that employ a stochastic process to simulate a system. In this study, Monte Carlo simulation technique is introduced to directly solve the traffic Boltzmann transport equation by direct physical simulation. Monte Carlo simulation technique offers an accurate description of transport, but it requires intensive computation and hence has not found wide use for traffic flow applications. Then we introduce the parallel Monte Carlo simulation technique used for improving the drawback of Monte Carlo simulation. Finally, comparison the simulation results with real VD data is discussed.
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation and Objective
1.2 Study Procedure
1.3 Outline of Thesis
Chapter 2 Literatures review
2.1 A Review on Dynamic Traffic Flow Model
2.1.1 Macroscopic Traffic Flow Models
2.1.2 Microscopic Traffic Flow Models Car-following models Cellular Automaton Models
2.1.3 Mesoscopic Traffic Flow Models
2.2 A Review on the Computational Methods for the Boltzmann Transport Equation
2.3 Introduction to the development of Message Passing Interface
Chapter 3 Traffic Boltzmann Transport Equation
3.1 Boltzmann Transport Equation for mesoscopic traffic flow
3.2 Scattering Mechanisms
Chapter 4 Monte Carlo Simulation Technique
4.1 A Short History of Monte Carlo
4.2 Pseudorandom number generators
4.3 Procedure of Monte Carlo Simulation Technique
4.4 Technique in Parallel Computing
Chapter 5 Numerical Simulation of Freeway Traffic Flow
5.1 Numerical Results of Some Examples
5.2 Comparison with Real Data
5.2.1 Space Mean and Time Mean Speed
5.2.2 Simulation Results
5.3 Result of Parallel Monte Carlo Simulation Technique
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Works
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Future Works
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