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研究生(外文):Yi-Shien Mor
論文名稱(外文):Study on IC Process Integration of Low-Dielectric-Constant Materials
指導教授(外文):Simon M. SzeTing-Chang Chang
外文關鍵詞:low dielectric constant materialphotoresist strippingX-raypassivation
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為了建構高效能的積體電路,增加金屬內連線的層數與縮小導線間的距離成為必然的趨勢。此將導致電子訊號在積體電路中的傳送速度大幅降低,衍生所謂電阻-電容時間延遲 (RC delay time);在內連線結構中,使用低介電常數材料是克服此問題不錯的方法。本研究將探討四種極具潛力的低介電常數材料:Hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ),Methylsilsesquioxane (MSQ),Hybrid- Organic-Siloxane-Polymer (HOSP) 以及 Porous Organosilicate Glass (POSG),並探討其製程整合問題及其解決方法,藉以評估其在半導體製程中的相容性。
為了防止低介電常數材料在光阻去除製程中受到損害,本研究採用氫電漿與氨電漿作事前預防處理。在進行光阻去除步驟前,吾人利用氫電漿與氨電漿處理薄膜,使其在介電質表面形成鈍化層;此鈍化層可阻擋在光阻去除製程中,來自氧電漿與光阻去除液的損害。研究結果顯示,它不僅可鈍化位於薄膜表面不穩定的懸鍵,更將防止薄膜受損引發水氣吸附。故低介電常數材料經電漿處理後,即使再經光阻去除步驟,其優良的介電特性仍將不受影響。另一方面,對於製程中所產生的Si-OH 原子團,使用trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS) 與hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) 處理受損薄膜,可有效除去位於薄膜表面的Si-OH 鍵結。TMCS與HMDS不但能修補受損薄膜的缺陷,消除親水性的Si-OH,更可在薄膜表面形成Si-O-SiMe3的原子團。因Si-O-SiMe3原子團頗具疏水性,故經TMCS與HMDS的化學處理後,即可將親水性的受損薄膜,修補成為具有疏水性的介電薄膜,使薄膜中水氣含量下降,進而恢復薄膜之介電特性。
在漏電傳導機制方面,對於製程中受損薄膜,本論文有深入的探討。當受損薄膜受到外加電場作用時,所吸附的水氣將解離成帶正電的氫離子與帶負電的氫氧根離子;隨著電場持續作用,這些帶電的正負離子也將隨之移動,進而引發離子傳導電流穿過整個介電薄膜。實驗結果顯示,一但受損的介電薄膜吸收外界的水氣,介電質的漏電流行為將會由原來的Schottky emission 轉變成後來的 ionic conduction,這也是造成介電質劣化最重要的原因之一。另外,由於銅導線與低介電常數材料的組合是未來的趨勢,因此本文也將探討銅金屬與低介電常數材料SILKTM的整合問題。經過BTS測試後,銅會擴散至介電薄膜中,進而導致薄膜介電特性劣化。電性分析顯示,銅擴散將導致介電質的漏電流行為由Schottky emission 轉變成Poole-Frenkel emission。
As the device dimensions continue to shrink, interconnection delay becomes a limiting factor for increasing device speed. Since interconnection delay is the product of the resistance in metal interconnection and the capacitance between the metal lines, we have to minimize the parasitic capacitance and the resistance in interconnection. Incorporation of low-dielectric-constant materials in multilevel interconnect can effectively reduce parasitic capacitance, thus decreasing the transmission delay. In this study, four kinds of low-dielectric-constant materials are investigated: Hydrogen Silsesquioxane (HSQ), Methylsilsesquioxane (MSQ), Hybrid-Organic- Siloxane-Polymer (HOSP) and Porous Organosilicate Glass (POSG). Moreover, the effects of integration issue on the low-dielectric-constant materials are also studied to evaluate the compatibility of low-k materials on semiconductor process.
Photoresist removal is an indispensable process in integrated circuit fabrication. O2 plasma and wet stripper are commonly used to remove photoresist during photoresist stripping process. It is found that serious dielectric degradation often occurs in low-dielectric-constant materials during photoresist removal process. We have found that methyl-containing films (MSQ, HOSP and POSG) are very sensitive to O2 plasma. The O2 plasma can easily react with Si-CH3 groups in methyl-containing films, converting Si-CH3 groups into Si-OH groups. We have also found that alkalinity-containing wet stripper solution can lead to a hydrolysis reaction of HSQ and MSQ films, forming dangling bonds on the film surface. The dangling bonds on film surface can react with hydroxide ion (OH─) in wet stripper solution and form hydrophilic Si-OH groups. Consequently, these hydrophilic Si-OH groups caused by either O2 plasma or wet stripper can effectively absorb moisture in low-k film, resulting in dielectric degradation.
In order to protect low-k films from damage during photoresist stripping, H2 plasma and NH3 plasma pre-treatments are proposed. Prior to photoresist stripping process, plasma pre-treatments should be performed on low-k films so as to form a passivation layer on the surface of low-k film. The passivation layer, generated from either H2 plasma or NH3 plasma, is thought to be a barrier against O2 plasma and wet stripper damages. This layer can passivate dangling bonds on the surface of low-k film, and prevent low-k film from process-induced damage and moisture uptake during photoresist removal. As a result, low-k film can still keep its excellent properties even after photoresist removal process.
In case of Si-OH group formation during photoresist removal, the troublesome Si-OH group is the major issue to induce moisture absorption, causing dielectric degradation. Hence, we can utilize trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS) and hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) to eliminate hydrophilic Si-OH groups on damaged surface of low-k film. Both TMCS and HMDS treatments can react with Si-OH groups. Consequently, Si-OH groups are not only eliminated to repair the damaged low-k films, but also undergoing reaction with TMCS and HMDS, which form the Si-OSi(CH3)3 groups. Owing to hydrophobic Si(CH3)3 groups, the TMCS and HMDS treatments can change the film surface from hydrophilic to hydrophobic. For this reason, moisture content in low-k film will be reduced by TMCS or HMDS treatment and thus both the leakage current density and dielectric constant can be reduced for the damaged film.
The leakage current behavior of damaged low-k film is investigated. Moisture uptake is easily induced in damaged low-k film. Thus, when the exterior electric field is applied to the moisture-absorbing film, the mobile ions (H+, OH─) supported by absorbing moisture will move, leading to the ionic conduction leakage current across the whole dielectric film. Therefore, once moisture uptake occurs in damaged film, the leakage-current mechanism will transform from Schottky emission into ionic conduction, which is the most important reason to cause dielectric degradation in dielectric film. In addition, the integration issue between copper and low-k SiLK is also studied. After bias temperature stress (BTS) test, copper will diffuse into SiLK, causing dielectric degradation. Electrical analyses show that the behavior of leakage conduction transforms from Schottky to Poole-Frenkel mechanism.
Finally, a novel X-ray direct patterning is proposed to avoid process-induced damage during photoresist removal. The X-ray can cure exposure region of HSQ and HOSP films, which transforms dielectric films from cage-like structure into network structure. Then, X ray-uncured region can be dissolved by suitable solvent to achieve the desired pattern after development. After furnace annealing, the superior dielectric characteristics of X ray-cured films (desired pattern) can be achieved. Consequently, SiO2-based low dielectric constant materials can successfully avoid dielectric degradation caused by traditional lithography. Therefore, X-ray direct patterning is a key candidate for the next generation of multilevel interconnect technology.
Chinese Abstract  ------------------------------------------------------------- i
English Abstract  ------------------------------------------------------------- iii
Contents  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
Table Captions  --------------------------------------------------------------- ix
Figure Captions  -------------------------------------------------------------- x
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 General Background  --------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 Low Dielectric Constant Materials ----------------------------------- 3
1.3 Organization of the Thesis  -------------------------------------------- 10
Chapter 2 Enhancing the Resistance of Low-k Hydrogen Silsesquioxane (HSQ) to Wet Stripper Damage
2.1 Motivation  ------------------------------------------------------------- 21
2.2 Experimental Procedures  --------------------------------------------- 22
2.3 Results and Discussions  ---------------------------------------------- 24
2.4 Summary  ---------------------------------------------------------------- 30
Chapter 3 Improvement in the Quality of Methyl Silsesquioxane (MSQ)
3.1 Motivation  ------------------------------------------------------------- 45
3.2 Experimental Procedures  --------------------------------------------- 46
3.3 Results and Discussions  ---------------------------------------------- 49
3.4 Summary  ---------------------------------------------------------------- 59
Chapter 4 Eliminating Dielectric Degradation of Hybrid-Organic-Siloxane-Polymer (HOSP)
4.1 Motivation  ------------------------------------------------------------- 75
4.2 Experimental Procedures  --------------------------------------------- 76
4.3 Results and Discussions  ---------------------------------------------- 79
4.4 Summary  ---------------------------------------------------------------- 86
Chapter 5 Exploration of Ultra Low-k Porous Organosilicate Glass (POSG)
5.1 Motivation  ----------------------------------------------------------- 102
5.2 Experimental Procedures  -------------------------------------------- 103
5.3 Results and Discussions  --------------------------------------------- 106
5.4 Summary  -------------------------------------------------------------- 115
Chapter 6 Leakage Current Behavior of Low-k Aromatic Polymer (SiLK) and Porous Organosilicate Glass (POSG)
6.1 Motivation  ------------------------------------------------------------- 133
6.2 Experimental Procedures  -------------------------------------------- 134
6.3 Results and Discussions  -------------------------------------------- 136
6.4 Summary  -------------------------------------------------------------- 144
Chapter 7 X-ray Direct Patterning of Low Dielectric Constant Material
7.1 Motivation  ------------------------------------------------------------- 163
7.2 Experimental Procedures  -------------------------------------------- 164
7.3 Results and Discussions  -------------------------------------------- 167
7.4 Summary  -------------------------------------------------------------- 169
Chapter 8 Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Work
8.1 Conclusions -----------------------------------------------------------181
8.2 Suggestions for future work ----------------------------------------186
References ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------188
Vita -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------202
Publication List ------------------- -----------------------------------------------------203
Table Captions
Chapter 1
Table 1-1 The requirements for low-k dielectrics
Table 1-2 Low dielectric constant Materials for ULSI Interconnects
Table 1-3 Summary timeline of the material requirement in future generation multilevel interconnect structure (Near Term)
Table 1-4 Summary timeline of the material requirement in future generation multilevel interconnect structure (Long Term)
Chapter 2
Table 2-1 The conditions of H2 plasma and NH3 plasma pre-treatments for hydrogen silsesquioxane
Chapter 3
Table 3-1 Types of samples after O2 plasma and wet stripper treatment
Chapter 4
Table 4-1 The conditions of H2 plasma and NH3 plasma pre-treatment for hybrid-organicpsiloxane-polymer
Chapter 6
Table 6-1 Various values of the constant βat 25℃, 100℃, 150℃ and 200℃
Table 6-2 Porous organosilicate glass (POSG) with various O2 plasma treatment time
Table 6-3 The slurry properties of chemical mechanical polishing
Table 6-4 The parameters of chemical mechanical polishing
Figure Captions
Chapter 1
Fig. 1-1 The architecture of multilevel interconnect metallization
Fig. 1-2 The cross-section of interconnect system with parasitic capacitance
Fig. 1-3 Decrease in interconnect delay and improved performance are achieved using copper and low-k dielectrics (Source: Semiconductor International 200l)
Fig. 1-4 The dispersion of dielectric constant
Fig. 1-5 Foam Formation Process
Chapter 2
Fig. 2-1 FTIR spectra of HSQ film before and after a series of bake and furnace cure steps
Fig. 2-2 The enlargement of Fig. 2-1, (a) ranging from 800 to 1500 cm-1, (b)ranging from 2000 to 2500 cm-1
Fig. 2-3 The cage-like and network structure of HSQ33
Fig. 2-4 The furnace cure process converts HSQ structure from cage-like structure into network structure
Fig. 2-5 The thickness variation of the HSQ film during the bake and cure processes
Fig. 2-6 The refractive index variation of the HSQ film during the bake and cure processes
Fig. 2-7 The stress variation of the HSQ film during the bake and cure processes
Fig. 2-8 FTIR spectra of HSQ film before and after high alkalinity-containing wet stripper solution dipping at 60℃ for 10 min
Fig. 2-9 The scheme of the hydrolysis mechanism on HSQ
Fig. 2-10 (a) The leakage current density and (b) the dielectric constant of HSQ film before and after high alkalinity-containing wet stripper solution dipping at 60℃ for 10 min
Fig. 2-11 The FTIR spectra of H2 plsama-treated HSQ film (samples H-3, H-6 and H-9) after high alkalinity-containing wet stripper solution dipping at 60℃ for 10 min
Fig. 2-12 (a) The leakage current density and (b) the dielectric constant of H2 plsama-treated HSQ film (samples H-3, H-6 and H-9) after high alkalinity-containing wet stripper solution dipping at 60℃ for 10 min
Fig. 2-13 The FTIR spectra of NH3 plsama-treated HSQ film (samples NH-3, NH-6 and NH-9) after high alkalinity-containing wet stripper solution dipping at 60℃ for 10 min
Fig 2-14 XPS diagram of (a) the as-cured HSQ film and (b) NH3-plasma treated HSQ film, respectively
Fig. 2-15 (a) The leakage current density and (b) the dielectric constant of NH3 plsama-treated HSQ film (samples NH-3, NH-6 and NH-9) after high alkalinity-containing wet stripper solution dipping at 60℃ for 10 min
Chapter 3
Fig. 3-1 The cage-like and network structure of MSQ
Fig. 3-2 The FTIR spectra of MSQ film during a series of bake and curing process
Fig. 3-3 The thickness variation of MSQ film during a series of bake and curing process
Fig. 3-4 The refractive index variation of MSQ film during a series of bake and curing process
Fig. 3-5 The stress variation of MSQ film during a series of bake and curing process
Fig. 3-6 (a) The leakage current variation and (b) the dielectric constant variation of MSQ film after argon and boron implantation treatment
Fig. 3-7 (a) The thickness variation and (b) the refractive index variation of MSQ film after argon and boron implantation treatment
Fig. 3-8 (a) The stress variation of MSQ film after argon and boron implantation treatment. (b) the scheme of the stress variation after MSQ undergoing ion implantation
Fig. 3-9 The FTIR spectra of MSQ film before and after boron and argon implantation treatments
Fig. 3-10 The temperature dependence of moisture desorption of B-implanted MSQ and as-cured MSQ
Fig. 3-11 (a) The leakage current variation and (b) the dielectric constant variation of MSQ film after O2 plasma ashing and wet stripper dipping treatment
Fig. 3-12 The FTIR spectra of MSQ film after O2 plasma ashing and wet stripper dipping treatments
Fig. 3-13 The temperature dependence of moisture desorption of sample STD after O2 plasma ashing and wet stripper dipping
Fig. 3-14 The scheme of the hydrolysis mechanism on MSQ
Fig. 3-15 The leakage current variation of (a) the O2 plasma-treated MSQ (sample O) and (b) the wet stripper-treated MSQ (sample S) after being undergone HMDS or TMCS repair
Fig. 3-16 The dielectric constant variation of (a) the O2 plasma-treated MSQ (sample O) and (b) the wet stripper-treated MSQ (sample S) after being undergone HMDS or TMCS repair
Fig. 3-17 Temperature dependence of moisture desorption from (a) the O2 plasma-treated MSQ (sample O) and (b) the wet stripper-treated MSQ (sample S) after being undergone HMDS or TMCS repair
Fig. 3-18 The FTIR spectra variation of (a) the O2 plasma-treated MSQ (sample O) and (b) the wet stripper-treated MSQ (sample S) after being undergone TMCS repair
Chapter 4
Fig. 4-1 The FTIR spectra of HOSP film before and after a series of bake and furnace cure steps
Fig. 4-2 The variations of thickness of HOSP films before and after a series of baking and curing steps
Fig. 4-3 The variations of refractive index of HOSP films before and after a series of baking and curing steps
Fig. 4-4 Stress-Temperature spectrum of as-cured HOSP film
Fig. 4-5 FTIR spectra of HOSP films undergoing different curing temperature
Fig. 4-6 The leakage current density of HOSP films undergoing different curing temperature
Fig. 4-7 The dielectric constant of HOSP films undergoing different curing temperature
Fig. 4-8 The thickness variation of HOSP films after undergoing different O2 plasma ashing time
Fig. 4-9 The FTIR spectra of HOSP films after undergoing different O2 plasma ashing time
Fig. 4-10 (a) The leakage current variation and (b) the dielectric constant variation of HOSP film after undergoing different O2 plasma ashing time
Fig. 4-11 (a) The leakage current variation and (b) the dielectric constant variation of H2 plasma-treated HOSP film after O2 plasma ashing for 9 min
Fig. 4-12 The FTIR spectra of H2 plasma-treated HOSP film after O2 plasma ashing for 9 min
Fig. 4-13 The FTIR spectra of NH3 plasma-treated HOSP film after O2 plasma ashing for 9 min
Fig. 4-14 (a) The leakage current variation and (b) the dielectric constant variation of NH3 plasma-treated HOSP film after O2 plasma ashing for 9 min
Fig. 4-15 XPS diagram of (a) the as-cured HOSP film and (b) NH3-plasma treated HOSP film, respectively
Fig. 4-16 The FTIR spectra of O2 plasma-treated HOSP film (sample O) after TMCS or HMDS repair
Fig. 4-17 The enlargement of Fig. 4-16 ranging from 750 to 1300 cm-1
Fig. 4-18 The temperature dependence of moisture desorption of samples STD, O, TMCS and HMDS
Fig. 4-19 (a) The leakage current and (b) the dielectric constant of sample STD, sample O, sample TMCS (sample O with TMCS repair) and sample HMDS (sample O with HMDS repair)
Chapter 5
Fig. 5-1 The FTIR spectra of as-spun POSG film after a series of bake and furnace cure steps
Fig. 5-2 The FTIR spectra of POSG after various furnace-annealing time
Fig. 5-3 The thickness variation at 400℃ after POSG with various furnace- annealing time
Fig. 5-4 The stress variation at 400℃ after POSG with various furnace-annealing time
Fig. 5-5 The leakage current density of POSG film after various furnace-annealing time
Fig. 5-6 The dielectric constant of POSG film after various furnace-annealing time
Fig. 5-7 The FTIR spectra of POSG film after various furnace-annealing time
Fig. 5-8 The thickness variation after POSG with various furnace-annealing time
Fig. 5-9 The thickness variation of POSG after 85℃ hot water dipping with various dipping time
Fig. 5-10 The stress variation of POSG after 85℃ hot water dipping with various dipping time
Fig. 5-11 The FTIR spectra of POSG after undergoing various dipping time with 85℃ hot water dipping
Fig. 5-12 The leakage current density of POSG after 85℃ hot water dipping with various dipping time
Fig. 5-13 The dielectric constant variation of POSG after 85℃ hot water dipping with various dipping time
Fig. 5-14 The FTIR spectra of POSG films (sample STD) after O2 plasma ashing for 30 to 90 sec
Fig. 5-15 The thickness variation of POSG films (sample STD) after O2 plasma ashing for 30 to 90 sec
Fig. 5-16 The dielectric constant of POSG films (sample STD) after O2 plasma ashing for 30 to 90 sec
Fig. 5-17 The leakage current density of POSG films (sample STD) after O2 plasma ashing for 30 to 90 sec
Fig. 5-18 The SEM image of pattern profile of POSG film before photoresis stripping
Fig. 5-19 The SEM image of pattern profile of POSG film after O2 plasma ashing for 20 sec
Fig. 5-20 The SEM image of pattern profile of POSG film after O2 plasma ashing for 40 sec
Fig. 5-21 The FTIR spectra of POSG films after O2 plasma ashing for 20 and 40 sec
Fig. 5-22 Stress-temperature spectra of sample STD (as-cured POSG) and sample A (as-cured POSG with O2 plasma ashing for 20 sec)
Fig. 5-23 The FTIR spectra of sample A (POSG film with O2 plasma for 20 sec) before and after stress-temperature measurement
Fig. 5-24 The FTIR spectra of sample STD and sample H-5 after O2 plasma ashing for 90 sec
Fig. 5-25 The leakage current density of sample STD and sample H-5 after O2 plasma ashing for 90 sec
Fig. 5-26 The dielectric constant of sample STD and sample H-5 after O2 plasma ashing for 90 sec
Fig. 5-27 The thickness variation of sample STD, sample O-30, sample TMCS and sample HMDS
Fig. 5-28 The FTIR spectra of sample STD, sample O-30, sample TMCS and sample HMDS
Fig. 5-29 The enlargement of Fig. 5-28 ranging from 2600 to 3300 cm-1
Fig. 5-30 The leakage current density of sample STD, sample O-30, sample TMCS and sample HMDS
Fig. 5-31 The dielectric constant of sample STD, sample O-30, sample TMCS and sample HMDS
Chapter 6
Fig 6-1 J-E characteristic curves of Al/SILK/Si and Cu/SILK/Si capacitors, measured at 25℃ following a BTS test at 200℃ and a electric field of 1 MV/cm for 1000s
Fig 6-2 J-E characteristic curves of Al/SILK/Si and Cu/SILK/Si capacitors, measured at 100℃ following a BTS test at 200℃ and a electric field of 1 MV/cm for 1000s
Fig 6-3 J-E characteristic curves of Al/SILK/Si and Cu/SILK/Si capacitors, measured at 150℃ following a BTS test at 200℃ and a electric field of 1 MV/cm for 1000s
Fig 6-4 J-E characteristic curves of Al/SILK/Si and Cu/SILK/Si capacitors, measured at 200℃ following a BTS test at 200℃ and a electric field of 1 MV/cm for 1000s
Fig 6-5 In J versus E1/2 plots of Al/SILK/Si and Cu/SILK/Si capacitors, measured at 25℃
Fig 6-6 In J versus E1/2 plots of Al/SILK/Si and Cu/SILK/Si capacitors, measured at 100℃
Fig 6-7 In J versus E1/2 plots of Al/SILK/Si and Cu/SILK/Si capacitors, measured at 150℃
Fig 6-8 In J versus E1/2 plots of Al/SILK/Si and Cu/SILK/Si capacitors, measured at 200℃
Fig. 6-9 The FTIR spectra of POSG after undergoing O2 plasma treatment with various treatment time
Fig. 6-10 The chemical structure of POSG before and after O2 plasma ashing treatment
Fig. 6-11 The temperature dependence of moisture desorption of POSG after undergoing O2 plasma treatment with various treatment time
Fig. 6-12 The leakage current of sample STD after O2 plasma ashing with various treatment time
Fig. 6-13 The leakage current of sample O-5 before and after 150℃ bake ((curve I, sample STD measured at 25℃; curve II, sample O-5 measured at 25℃(before 150℃ bake); curve III, sample O-5 measured at 150℃; curve IV, sample O-5 measured at 25℃(after 150℃ bake))
Fig. 6-14 The leakage current of sample O-10 before and after 150℃ bake ((curve I, sample STD measured at 25℃; curve II, sample O-10 measured at 25℃(before 150℃ bake); curve III, sample O-10 measured at 150℃; curve IV, sample O-10 measured at 25℃(after 150℃ bake))
Fig. 6-15 The leakage current of sample O-15 before and after 150℃ bake (curve II and curve IV measured at 25℃)
Fig. 6-16 The leakage current of sample O-30 before and after 150℃ bake (curve II and curve IV measured at 25℃)
Fig. 6-17 The dielectric constant of POSG increases with the increase of O2 plasma treatment time (curve A sample measured at 25℃(before 150℃ bake); curve B, sample measured at 150℃; curve C, sample measured at 25℃(after 150℃ bake))
Fig. 6-18 J-E curve on a ln J versus E1/2 plot of sample STD showing Schottky conduction at high field region
Fig. 6-19 J-E curve on a J versus exp(E) plot of O2 plasma-treated POSG film (before 150℃ bake) showing ionic conduction in all field
Fig. 6-20 J-E curve on a J versus exp(E) plot of O2 plasma-treated POSG film (after 150℃ bake) showing ionic conduction in all field
Fig. 6-21 The leakage current density of sample O-5 before and after CMP process
Fig. 6-22 The leakage current density of sample O-15 before and after CMP process
Fig. 6-23 The leakage current density of sample O-30 before and after CMP process
Fig. 6-24 The FTIR spectra of O2 plasma-treated POSG film before and after CMP process
Chapter 7
Fig. 7-1 Scheme of photoresist removal process by using O2 plasma ashing and wet stripper dipping treatments during manufacture of damascene structure
Fig. 7-2 Scheme of X-ray direct patterning of low-k film during manufacture of damascene structure
Fig. 7-3 The optical system of the X-ray lithography beam line
Fig. 7-4 The power spectra of synchrotron radiation after going through each optical element
Fig. 7-5 The layout of beryllium window between the ultra-high-vacuum chamber and exposure chamber
Fig. 7-6 The FTIR spectra of as-baked HSQ films under various X-ray exposure dose
Fig. 7-7 The FTIR spectra of as-baked HOSP films under various X-ray exposure dose
Fig. 7-8 The SEM image of X ray-exposed HSQ film after undergoing development
Fig. 7-9 The SEM image of X ray-exposed HOSP film after undergoing development
Fig. 7-10 The leakage current density of as-baked HSQ film under various X-ray exposure dose
Fig. 7-11 The leakage current density of as-baked HOSP films under various X-ray exposure dose
Fig. 7-12 The leakage current density of X ray-exposed HSQ films (with various dose) after furnace annealing at 400℃ for 1 hr
Fig. 7-13 The leakage current density of X ray-exposed HOSP films (with various dose) after furnace annealing at 400℃ for 1 hr
Fig. 7-14 The dielectric constant comparison of X ray-exposed HSQ films (with various dose) before and after furnace annealing at 400℃ for 1 hr
Fig. 7-15 The dielectric constant comparison of X ray-exposed HOSP film (with various dose) before and after furnace annealing at 400℃ for 1 hr
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