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研究生(外文):Elvis Chuan-Yi Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Ni:Si/Ge characteristics and their applications on OEIC
指導教授(外文):Albert Chin
外文關鍵詞:silicideMOS tuneeling diodeSiGeE-beampoly-Si TFT
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第二部分談到先進金屬矽化物模組。以超大型積體電路0.18mm以下製程最為人接受的鎳矽化合物及鈷矽化合物作為研究對象,分別在高界電常數材料:氧化鑭上形成的全金屬矽化閘極與高頻應用的單晶矽鍺/係基板上的金屬矽化作特性研究。在全金屬矽化閘極的N-型及P-型金氧半電晶體表現上,攝氏九百度形成的鈷矽化合物閘疊在十五埃氧化鑭上會有大量的漏電流。這大電流的來源有可能因為在攝氏九百度如此的高溫下,鈷元素過度擴散進入矽基材所造成。然而,以攝氏四百度所製成的全鎳矽化金屬矽化閘極在電壓1伏特的偏壓下卻僅有0.2毫安培/平方公分,如此小的漏電流密度與鋁電極相當。由全鎳矽化金屬矽化閘極所制成的N-型及P-型金氧半電晶體,萃取出來的功函數是4.42電子伏特、臨界電壓分別為0.12和 -0.70 V、電子遷移率和電洞遷移率與未氫化的氧化鉿電晶體差不多,分別為156 和 44平方公分/伏特-秒。在金屬矽鍺化合物的特性上,鎳及鈷與矽鍺的化合物表現也有不同。鎳矽鍺化合物不管在P+N或N+P接面都能低到4-6歐姆/方格的片電阻,這要比起鈷矽鍺化合物的片電阻小多了。此外,鎳矽鍺化合物在P+N或N+P接面,接面漏電流密度都可以小到3´10-8安培/平方公分及 2´10-7安培/平方公分。如此好的特性應該歸因於非常平整的鎳矽鍺化合物層。
In this work, the techniques of room temperature crystallization, advanced silicide, and SiGe/Si MOS tunneling diode have been studied. The first topic was regarding the crystallization. Electron-beam crystallization at room temperature for poly-Si thin-film transistor was applied and discussed. In contrast to the high crystallization temperature and long duration of conventional furnace crystallization, electron-beam crystallization could be performed at a low thermal budget even without substrate heating. It also provides better device characteristics than conventional furnace annealing, including smaller threshold voltage, higher mobility, smaller subthreshold swing, and larger ION/IOFF ratio. The much smoother surface than excimer laser annealed sample is also important for further gate oxide integrity and device performance improvement.
The second part discusses the NiSi or CoSi2 characterization and its applications as a gate electrode as well as germano silicide. We have fabricated the fully silicided NiSi on La2O3 for n- and p-MOSFETs. For 900 oC fully silicided CoSi2 on La2O3 gate dielectric with 1.5 nm EOT, the gate dielectric has large leakage current by possible excess Co diffusion at high silicidation temperature. In sharp contrast, very low gate leakage current density of 2×10-4 A/cm2 at 1 V is measured for 400 oC formed fully silicided NiSi and comparable with Al gate. The extracted work function of NiSi was 4.42 eV, and the corresponding threshold voltages are 0.12 and -0.70 V for respective n- and p-MOSFETs. Electron and hole mobilities of 156 and 44 cm2/V-s obtained by n- and p-MOSFETs are comparable with the HfO2 MOSFETs without using H2 annealing. The Ni and Co germano-silicide on Si0.3Ge0.7/Si have also different behavior. The Ni germano-silicide shows a low sheet resistance of 4-6 W/? on both P+N and N+P junctions, which is much smaller than Co germano-silicide. Besides, small junction leakage currents of 3´10-8 A/cm2 and 2´10-7 A/cm2 are obtained for Ni germano-silicide on P+N and N+P junctions, respectively. The good germano-silicide integrity is due to the relatively uniform thickness as observed by cross-sectional TEM.
The third part is related to the optical communication realization on single crystalline SiGe/Si substrate. We have compared the electroluminescence of SiO2 tunnel diode, Al2O3 tunnel diode, and Al2O3/ITO superlattice tunnel diode on Si. The electroluminescence intensity of 2.3nm Al2O3 tunnel diode is more than one order of magnitude higher than 2nm SiO2 tunnel diode or 0.18mm MOSFET, while the electroluminescence intensity of 3 periods 20Å-ITO/15Å-Al2O3 superlattice tunnel diode has three orders of magnitude larger than 20Å SiO2 tunnel diode. By Al2O3/Si1-xGex MOS tunnel diodes on Si scheme, we have fabricated SiGe/Si LED with emitting light at around 1.3 mm, for x = 0.7. The emitted photon energy is smaller than the bandgap energy of Si, thus avoiding strong light absorption by the Si substrate. The optical device structure is compatible with that of a MOSFET, since a conventional doped poly-Si gate electrode will be transparent to the emitted light. Increasing the Ge composition from 0.3 to 0.4 only slightly decreases the light emitting efficiency.
1.1 Crystallization technology 1
1.2 High-k dielectrics 4
1.3 Metal gated MOSFETs 6
1.4 Ni germano silicide 8
1.5 MOS tunneling diodes 12
2.1 Poly-Si Thin-Film Transistors Crystallized By Electron Beam Annealing 13
2.1.1 Motivation 13
2.1.2 Experiment 14
2.1.3 Results and discussions 16
2.1.4 Conclusion 22
3.1 Fully Silicided NiSi Gate On La2o3 MOSFETs 23
3.1.1 Motivation 23
3.1.2 Experiment 24
3.1.3 Results and discussions 25
3.1.4 Conclusion 31
3.2 Formation Of Ni Germano-Silicide On Single Crystalline Si0.3Ge0.7/Si 32
3.2.1 Motivation 32
3.2.2 Experiment 33
3.2.3 Results and discussions 36
3.2.4 Conclusion 40
4.1. Electroluminescence in Al2O3 tunnel diode and Al2O3/ITO superlattice tunnel diode on Si 41
4.1.1 Motivation 41
4.1.2 Experiment 42
4.1.3 Results and discussions 44
4.1.4 Conclusion 50
4.2 Light emission near 1.3 mm using Al2O3/Si0.3Ge0.7/Si tunnel diodes 50
4.2.1 Motivation 51
4.2.2 Experiment 52
4.2.3 Results and discussions 53
4.2.4 Conclusion 58
5.1 Conclusion 59
5.2 Future Work 62
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