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研究生(外文):Hang-Shen Su
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Thermostability of Proteins
指導教授(外文):Jenn-Kang Hwang
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熱穩定酵素在工業以及分子生物實驗中都扮演了極為重要的角色,其在高溫環境下作用的機制,更是研究者急欲解開的奧秘。傳統的研究侷限於以單一點突變來觀察蛋白質的熱穩定性,而對結構的研究以及電腦模擬軟體的開發則更進一步輔助實驗的進行;近年來更有研究學者以直接演化(direct evolution)的方式來加快研究的速度。然而,這些方法還是需要大量的時間以及人力來進行。
本論文共蒐集了4428個蛋白質序列,並依據蛋白質的功能分類,以支持向量機(support vector machine, SVM)為預測工具,以各種不同的轉譯法 — n-peptide composition測試,結果對蛋白質熱穩定性預測率可達95%以上,甚至99.6% (預測DNA polymerase)。我們也計算了各種n-peptide composition在高低溫酵素間的平均差,以t-test來檢測顯著性。與單一胺基酸組成的分部圖作比較,我們可以更為清楚的觀察到不同種類酵素之間的差異。

The secret of thermophiles living under (extreme) high temperature is an interesting topic for scientists to uncover. Natural or artificial thermostable proteins are quite important in molecular biological and commercial application. However, it is still a challenge to increase the thermostability of proteins by traditional molecular biological engineering. Thus, computational methods may be helpful to analyze and identify the key parts of protein sequences that related to thermostability. We tried to classify the thermostability of proteins using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) with sequence information. In this study, our results show that SVM coupled with suitable global sequence-code schemes can assist the precise prediction of enzymes. Moreover, we have obtained encouraging results from our statistics that may reveal factors that influence thermostability from sequence information. Our approach should be useful in the study and prediction of protein thermostability.

Table of Contents
Chinese Abstract i
English Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Introduction 1
Materials and Methods 4
Data sets 4
Sequence Alignment 4
Secondary Structure Prediction 4
Input Coding Schemes 5
SVM Training and Testing Procedure 6
Measuring Performance 6
Statistic Analysis of Sequence Composition 7
Results 8
Sequence Alignment 8
Analysis of Amino Acid Composition 8
Prediction of thermostability of proteins 9
Statistic significance of SVM codes from protein sequences 13
Discussion 17
References 21
Tables 27
Figures 47

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