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研究生(外文):Cheng-Wen Tung
論文名稱(外文):Location pattern research
外文關鍵詞:Data MiningAssociation rules
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在本研究中我們將納入”空間架位”這個新的維度進來。為了了解商店的架位位置對產品的銷售有什麼的影響,在後面一章節中我們會發展了一些方法用來找出這些空間上的樣式,與尋找一些較好的和較壞的商品擺放位置,因此我們可找到一些相當有趣的樣式出來。例如,在日常生活用品區的馬桶刷和食物區的牛奶、餅乾如果過於靠近的話,也許會降低消費者的購買欲望。因此商品的架位位置對產品之間的銷售有一定程度的影響,我們想要了解什麼樣的商品陳列方式最能吸引消費者的目光? 什麼樣的商品組合方式最能被大家所接受? 怎麼樣的架位安排能讓產品賣得比較好? 在本研究中會提出AprioriLJ演算法出來用來解決上面所呈述的問題,AprioriLJ只需要掃描資料庫一次並同時記錄每一個物品交易次數與交易的編號,並由商品所擺放的架位歷史資料中取得商品在某個時間區間所擺放的位置,由空間和時間上的交集我們可以得具有架位空間上關係的樣式。

Traditional Association rule can’t find the location relation between sold trade article. Sometimes, the sale of beer and diaper highly in the store ,lowly in another store. We can’t understand the space relationship between each article. In this thesis, the issue of mining location relation is studied. We adopt the location issue. In order to understand the relationship of each article between location and sale. We develop Apriori-LJ to solve these problem, it just needed scan database once and record the transaction id. Find the cross common part between location simultaneously, then we can find the location pattern.

定義2.1 時間Time ...................................................................................5
定義2.2 物品Item ....................................................................................6
定義2.3 物品擺放位置............................................................................6
定義2.4 架位歷史表................................................................................7
定義2.5 物品之間的關係........................................................................8
定義2.6 Item Set ......................................................................................9
定義2.7 架位樣式資料庫d......................................................................9
定義2.8 架位樣式..................................................................................10
定義2.9 架位樣式之間關係..................................................................12
定義2.10 架位樣式擺時間......................................................................14
定義2.11 Pattern Basis.............................................................................14
定義2.12 Global Support.........................................................................15
定義2.13 P-Global Support .....................................................................15
定義2.14 Actual Support .........................................................................16
定義2.15 Strength ....................................................................................16
3.1 找出L1 及建立TID AVL Tree .................................................................20
3.2 C2 的產生.................................................................................................22
3.2.1 時間區間交集合併策略....................................................................23
3.2.2 物品之間關係....................................................................................24
3.2.3 計算樣式交易次數............................................................................25
3.3 找出高頻率樣式.........................................................................................28
3.4 Candidate itemset 的產生.............................................................................30
3.4.1 樣式關係組成....................................................................................32
3.4.2 時間區間交集合併策略....................................................................36
3.4.3 計算樣式交易次數............................................................................37
3.5 範例說明.....................................................................................................38
4.1 實驗設計.....................................................................................................43
4.1.1 環境描述............................................................................................43
4.1.2 交易資料之產生................................................................................43
4.2 參數調整.......................................................................................................46
4.3 實驗結果.......................................................................................................47
4.3.1 DB Scale up ...................................................................................47
4.3.2 交易時間........................................................................................48
4.3.3 物品個數........................................................................................49
4.3.4 平均交易長度(T) ........................................................................50
4.3.5 潛在Large itemset 的平均長度(I)............................................50
4.3.6 P_GlobalSupport............................................................................51
4.3.7 架位上H、M、L 的比例...........................................................52
4.3.8 架位上H、M、L的平均次數.....................................................53
4.3.9 變動和不變的層數........................................................................54
4.3.10 Negative and Positive Strength......................................................55

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