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研究生(外文):Jen-Shiang Wang
論文名稱(外文):Forward and backward movement control of two-wheel robot with self-balanced ability
指導教授(外文):Wen-June Wang
外文關鍵詞:balancetwo wheels
  • 被引用被引用:19
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The paper controls a two-wheel robot with self-balanced ability. It is divided into two parts --- the body and two wheels. We keep the balance of robot body using the computer and FPGA. We use the gyro to measure the angle and angular velocity of body and two encoders to measure velocity and position of two wheels, respectively. Fuzzy controller is used to control the robot for moving forward and backward in this paper.
The two-wheel robot with self-balanced ability is finished by two students. Two theses are proposed as follows :
(A)The robot balance control system and two-wheel synchronous control system are realized in the computer, respectively. They can achieve the goal of keeping the body balance and make the rotational speed of two wheels the same.
(B)The forward and backward movement control system and two-wheel synchronous control system are realized in the computer, respectively.
They can achieve the goal of moving forward and backward.
This thesis is focused on the research of (B).
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究的動機與目的1
1.2 論文架構2
第二章 硬體架構4
2.1 兩輪自我平衡機器人5
2.2 FPGA7
2.3 個人電腦7
2.4 直流伺服馬達、編碼器與馬達驅動器8
2.5 PCI-1202L AD/DA卡與電源轉換器10
2.6 陀螺儀與低通濾波器11
第三章 兩輪同步及馬達驅動控制14
3.1 兩輪同步控制器14
3.2 PWM產生器18
第四章 車身平衡控制23
4.1 機器人動作描述23
4.2 前進後退控制器26
第五章 實驗結果30
5.1 實驗一 : 兩輪同步控制31
5.2 實驗二 : 前進後退控制34
第六章 結論38
6.1 討論38
6.2 改進與展望38
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