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研究生(外文):Feng-Hsu Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Bandwidth, Edge-Bandwidth and Cyclic Bandwidth of Graphs
指導教授(外文):Yung-Ling Lai
外文關鍵詞:bandwidthedge-bandwidthline graphcyclic bandwidth
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一個圖形的帶寬(bandwidth)是該圖形上相鄰頂點之間最大編號差的最小值。圖形帶寬的最小值問題有相當廣泛的應用範圍,例如在稀疏矩陣的儲存、平行計算網路、超大型積體電路的設計、及反向追蹤於強制滿足問題等等。若在將圖形中的邊給予編號,該圖之邊帶寬(edge-bandwidth)則定義為圖形上相鄰邊之間最大編號差的最小值。圖形之邊帶寬問題是包含於圖形之帶寬問題的一個子問題,求得一個邊圖形(line graph)的帶寬值就相當於求得一個或多個圖形的邊帶寬值。然而圖形之邊帶寬問題的計算複雜度至今仍不為人知。與帶寬相似的圈帶寬(cyclic bandwidth),亦可應用於平行計算網路及超大型積體電路的設計上。對任意圖形而言,求其帶寬或圈帶寬的最小值問題,都是NP-Complete的問題。本論文針對一些特定圖形給予其帶寬、邊帶寬、及圈帶寬問題的解。

The bandwidth of a graph is the minimum of the maximum difference between labels of adjacent vertices in the graph. Bandwidth of graphs is an useful parameter for many applications including solving linear equations, parallel computation network, VLSI layout problem, back tracing in the constraint satisfaction problem etc. If we label the edges instead of the vertices of the graph, we can define the edge-bandwidth accordingly. The edge-bandwidth of a graph is the minimum of the maximum difference between labels of adjacent edges in the graph. The edge-bandwidth problem is a restricted version of the bandwidth problem. Establishing the bandwidth of a line graph is equivalent to verifying the edge-bandwidth of one or more graphs. However, the computing complexity of the edge-bandwidth is unknown up to now. Another parameter which is related to bandwidth is called cyclic bandwidth of a graph. The application about the cyclic bandwidth is also in the area of parallel computation network and VLSI layout. It is known that the decision problems corresponding to finding the bandwidth and the cyclic bandwidth of an arbitrary graph are NP-complete. In this thesis we solved bandwidth, edge-bandwidth and cyclic bandwidth for some classes of graphs with extensive proof.

中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
1.1 Motivation and Background 1
1.2 Terminology 3
1.3 Organization 7
2.1 Applications 9
2.2 Some Known Results 11
3.1 Composition of a Complete Bipartite Graph with Other Graphs 18
3.2 Strong Product of a Complete Bipartite Graph with Other Graphs 22
3.3 Tensor Product of a Complete Graph with a Complete Graph 29
4.1 Edge-Bandwidth for the Tensor Product of a Path with a Path 32
4.2 Edge-Bandwidth for the Tensor Product of a Path with a Cycle 35
4.3 Cyclic Bandwidth of a d-Dimensional Hypercube 41
5.1 Conclusions 43
5.2 Future Works 44

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