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研究生(外文):Ching-san Kuan
論文名稱(外文):Studies on Reducing Acidity of Winter Pineapple Fruit
指導教授(外文):Ming-Hsiung Luan-Cha Lee
外文關鍵詞:PineappleHeat TreatmentBagging
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本研究目的在探討果實採收後熱處理及採收前套袋對鳳梨果實品質的影響,在熱處理試驗方面,供試品種為 ‘台農13號’ 及 ‘台農17號’,熱處理溫度為23 ± 2℃、33 ± 2℃、38 ± 2℃及43 ± 2℃。
試驗結果顯示,提高熱處理的溫度會增加果實的呼吸率及乙烯釋放量,更可改善果實的固酸比,但也會使失水率增加。 ‘台農13號’及‘台農17號’ 於 23 ± 2℃下,經 72 小時後,其失水率分別僅為 2.3%及1.7%,然置於 43 ± 2℃ 下進行熱處理之果實,其失水已達 8.0%及7.5%。熱處理也會降低果皮葉綠素含量及果實可滴定酸、檸檬酸及蘋果酸含量。但熱處理對果肉顏色、總可溶性固形物、葡萄糖及山梨糖醇含量沒有顯著的影響。
採收前進行套袋處理,提高果實表面之溫度,不但增加果實總可溶性固形物0.9 ° Brix,更可降低果實的酸度0.05 %。
The effects of heat treatments after harvest or bagging treatment before harvest on fruit quality were investigated in ‘TN 13’ and ‘TN 17’ ( Anana comosus (L.) Merr.). The temperature of heat treatment were 23 ± 2℃, 33 ± 2℃, 38 ± 2℃ and 43 ± 2℃.
The results indicated that the fruits in higher temperature treatments had higher respiration rate, more ethylene production, more weight loss, more TSS / TA ratio. After 72hours treatments, the weight loss of ‘TN 13’ and ‘TN 17’pineapple fruits were 2.3 and 1.7 % at 23 ± 2℃, but they were 8.0 and 7.5% at 43 ± 2℃. Heat treatment also the decreased chlorophyll content, titratable acidity , citric acid and malic acid of pineapple. However they had no significant effect on the fruit flesh color , total soluble solids and the content of glucose and sorbitol.
When pineapple fruits were bagging before harvest to increased fruit surface temperature and increased the total soluble solids about 0.9 °Brix , and also decreased the titratable acidity rate about 0.05%.
The results showed that heat treatment after harvest or bagging before harvest could decrease titratable acidity content and improved fruit flavor in winter season.
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