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研究生(外文):Chang-Wei Sun
論文名稱(外文):The analysis of labor market flows and their relation to labor productivity in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chia-Yu Hung
  • 被引用被引用:2
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The analysis of labor market flows
and their relation to labor productivity in Taiwan
In this paper we first examine patterns of job flows and worker flows in Taiwan. We construct seven indexes, namely, job creation rate, job destruction rate, job reallocation rate, net employment growth rate, accession rate, separation rate, and worker turnover rate. Examining the indexes over time, we find job creation rate and net employment growth rate reach the highest in 1997. The labor market of that year indicates the situation of acute change and rapid growth. After 1997, the job flows decrease rapidly. Through the comparison of indexes across industry, we are able to distinguish declining industries from rising industries. In particular, higher job reallocation rate and higher net employment rate indicate the volatility and rapid growth in rising industries. In contrast, net employment growth rates are lower in declining industries. Their job reallocation rates are, however, unsteady because of fierce competition among firms. Furthermore, in a regression framework, we analyze the important factors that affect worker flows and job flows. We find the size and labor productivity of the industry influence both flows in the same direction, but the effects are stronger on worker flows. The growth rate of industrial production has negative impact on both separation rate and job destruction rate. Capital intensity and export ratio have insignificant effects on both flows. We take 1990 as the base year for comparison. Both worker turnover rate and job reallocation rate in 1994 are significantly higher than those in 1990, but both rates in 1998 are lower. The recession of 2000 reflects in its lower accession rate and job creation rate, and higher separation rate. Taking“transport equipment manufacturing and repairing” as the base group, both worker and job flows are higher in the industry of precision equipment. However, the industries such as electricity, gas and water, petroleum and coal products, transport, storage and communication have obvious lower worker flows and job flows.
Taiwan industries are restructuring in recent years. Though unemployment rate is rising, we may consider this adjustment process as reallocation of resources and invoke labor to a better use of higher productivity. This serves as our second topic in this thesis. We first decompose the aggregate labor productivity into within-industry effect, inter-sector effect, and cross effect. Due to the lack of 1995~96 data, in our regression analysis, we can only consider the effects of current job reallocation rate on current labor productivity change. We find the job reallocation rate has insignificant effect on the labor productivity in Taiwan.
表目錄 Ⅴ
第一章、前言 1
第一節、論文的重要性 1
第二節、文獻回顧 3
第二章、建構台灣工作流動和勞工流動指標與實證模型 10
第一節、觀察產業與觀察期間的選取 10
第二節、工作流動指標與勞工流動指標的計算公式與資料來源 11
第三節、實證模型 15
第四節、實證模型的資料來源與整理 18
第三章、勞工/工作流動指標的基本統計分析 21
第一節、工作流動與勞工流動指標產業別的比較 21
第二節、工作流動與勞工流動指標年度別的比較 25
第四章、實證結果 33
第一節、影響勞工流動的因素 33
第二節、影響工作流動的因素 39
第三節、勞動生產力變動的分析 49
第五章、結論 56
第一節、論文的重要結果與貢獻 56
第二節、後續發展方向 59
參考文獻 61
附表 62
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