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研究生(外文):YUEH HUA, TAI
論文名稱(外文):The role of angiotensin II AT1 and AT2 receptors and its possible interaction in fructose-induced hypertension and insulin resistance in rats
外文關鍵詞:insulin resistancehyperinsulinemiarenin-angiotensin systemangiotensin IIAT1AT2Fructose-fed ratshypertension
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本實驗的目的為探討AT2接受器(AT2R)及AT1接受器(AT1R)在果糖誘發高血壓及胰島素阻抗的動物模式中其是否被活化及其間可能的交互作用。本實驗以SD大白鼠為實驗對象,各組在麻醉狀態下進行插管手術,做左側股靜脈插管以持續灌流葡萄糖、胰島素、藥物及3H3-glucose溶液,另做左側股動脈插管,以供抽取動脈血及測量動脈壓。實驗期間合併3H3-glucose灌流執行正常血糖高胰島素血症箝制試驗,此實驗分為三個階段:第一階段,開始灌流3H3-glucose直到實驗結束,第一階段目的在檢驗各組在基本狀態下葡萄糖代謝速率的變化,第二階段開始合併灌流藥物、vehicle溶液及不定量的葡萄糖水溶液(20% dextrose),目的在於觀察在有藥物的影響之下,血壓及葡萄糖代謝速率的變化,第三階段正常血糖高胰島素血症箝制期間再合併給予胰島素(8 mU/kg/min)及不定量的葡萄糖溶液,觀察各組高胰島素誘發血壓及葡萄糖代謝變化的情形。

Numerous clinical and animal studies have demonstrated that essential hypertension is correlated with insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. It has also shown that the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), especially the angiotensin II may play important role in the development of either hypertension or insulin resistance in several insulin-resistant and hypertension animal models. However, the pathological roles of AT1R and AT2R in the link of these cardiovascular and metabolic dysfunctions are not fully determined.
The aim of the study was to access that activation and interaction of AT1R and AT2R in fructose-induced hypertension and insulin resistance in rats.
Materials and methods:
Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed 60% fructose-enriched or regular chow diets for 4 weeks before acute experiment. At the end of wks 4, the rats were cannulated under anesthesia. After recovery for 3 days, all experiment was consisted of a 30-min control period and two 90-min test periods. [3H3] glucose as tracer was infused intravenously throughout the experiment. After control period, glucose was infused peripherally as needed to clamp euglycemia. During the two test periods, AT1R antagonist, (losartan, 10mg/kg i.v. bonus at time 0) and AT2R antagonist (PD123319, 50μg/kg/min, i.v.) alone or in combination were given to separate fructose-fed group. In the first test (basal) period, only saline was infused in all groups; in the second test (euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp, EHC) period, additional insulin was infused to evaluate insulin-dependent glucose metabolism. In chronic losartan-treated groups, losartan was given by adding in drinking water (10mg/kg/day) for 2 wks before acute experiment. Vehicle or PD123319 was given during two test periods to evaluate the attenuation of AT2R under chronic losartan treatment in fructose induced hypertension and insulin resistance in rats.
The results showed that plasma glucose levels were not significantly changed in all groups throughout the experiments. Plasma insulin levels were three fold higher in fructose-fed rats than in normal rats with regular diet in the control period and did not change by losartan and/or PD123319 treatment. During EHC period, insulin infusion significantly increased plasma insulin level by 8 folds. Acute losartan treatment reduced the elevated mean blood pressure (MAP) of fructose-fed rats to normal level. In contrast, acute PD123319 infusion further increased MAP of fructose-fed rats. However, the depressor effect of losartan and the pressor effect of PD123319 were not exhibited when both agents were given in combination. During EHC period, acute administration of losartan, but not PD123319, significantly increased the rate of whole body glucose uptake mainly by increasing the rate of whole body glycolysis. However, it further inhibited the insulin-mediated suppression of hepatic glucose production. The effects of insulin sensitivity were not observed when PD123319 was superimposed on losartan. Chronic losartan treatment significantly reversed fructose-induced hypertension and insulin resistance to normal levels. PD123319 infusion did not change the depressor and metabolic effects of losartan treatment.
These data showed that (1) activation of both AT1R and AT2R are existed in fructose-induced hypertensive and insulin resistant rats. (2) Activation of AT2R counterbalances the pressor and insulin desensitizing effects of AT1R in this hypertensive model. (3) Activation of AT1R is important for the functional activation of AT2R in fructose-induced insulin resistance and hypertension in rats.

目 錄…………………………………………………………… I
表 次……………………………………………………………III
圖 次……………………………………………………………IV
英文摘要………………………………………………………….. VIII
第一章 前言……………………………………………………….1
第一節 腎素-血管張力素系統………………………………...3
第二節 AT1R和AT2R與血壓調控及其間可能的交互作用……4
第三節 RAS與胰島素阻抗……………………………………..8
第四節 動物模式………………………………………………10
第二章 實驗目的…………………………………………………11
第三章 材料與方法………………………………………………12
第一節 實驗材料………………………………………………12
第二節 儀器設備………………………………………………12
第三節 化學製劑………………………………………………13
第四節 實驗設計………………………………………………15
第五節 測定方法與計算………………………………………20
第四章 結果……………………………………………………..29
第一節 AT1R拮抗劑的存在與否對AT2R作用的影響……….29
第二節 AT2R在給予急性或慢性AT1R拮抗劑治療中所扮演
第五章 討論……………………………………………………..42
第六章 結論……………………………………………………..53
表 次
圖 次
第一節 AT1R拮抗劑的存在與否對AT2R作用的影響
Fig1-1. 各組灌流期間血漿葡萄糖濃度及葡萄糖灌流速率之變化..56
Fig1-2. 各組灌流期間血漿胰島素濃度及胰島素灌流速率之變化..57
Fig1-3. 各組灌流期間平均動脈壓之變化…………………………..58
Fig1-4. 各組灌流期間心跳值之變化………………………………..59
Fig1-5. 各組灌流期間肝臟葡萄糖產生速率之變化………………..60
Fig1-6. 各組灌流期間全身性葡萄糖吸收速率之變化……………..61
Fig1-7. 各組灌流期間全身性葡萄糖儲存速率之變化……………..62
Fig1-8. 各組灌流期間全身性糖解作用速率之變化………………..63
Fig1-9. 各組灌流期間血漿一氧化氮代謝物(NOx)之變化…………64
第二節 AT2R在給予急性或慢性AT1R拮抗劑治療中所扮演
Fig2-1. 各組灌流期間血漿葡萄糖濃度及葡萄糖灌流速率之變化..65
Fig2-2. 各組灌流期間血漿胰島素濃度及胰島素灌流速率之變化..66
Fig2-3. 各組灌流期間平均動脈壓之變化…………………………..67
Fig2-4. 各組灌流期間心跳值之變化………………………………..68
Fig2-5. 各組灌流期間肝臟葡萄糖產生速率之變化………………..69
Fig2-6. 各組灌流期間全身性葡萄糖吸收速率之變化……………..70
Fig2-7. 各組灌流期間全身性葡萄糖儲存速率之變化……………..71
Fig2-8. 各組灌流期間全身性糖解作用速率之變化………………..72
Fig2-9. 各組灌流期間血漿一氧化氮代謝物(NOx)之變化…………73

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