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研究生(外文):Chien-Wei Huang
論文名稱(外文):Comparisons between four prophylactic cervical carcinoma vaccines including AAV-L1, HPV 16 L1 VLPs, HPV 16 L1 DNA, and AAV-L1+Ad-GM-CSF
指導教授(外文):Show-Li Chen Ph.D
外文關鍵詞:prophylactic cervical carcinoma vaccines
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子宮頸癌是台灣婦女癌症發生率排名第一的惡性腫瘤,且高居台灣女性癌症死亡率第五位,也是全世界婦女常見的癌症。子宮頸癌的發生,除了多產婦,多重性伴侶外,可能和human papillomavirus(HPV types 16,18)的感染有關。根據國內外的研究,子宮頸癌患者若HPV測定為陽性,則HPV-16佔了50%左右。HPV具有八個早期基因和二個晚期基因,其中,晚期基因能夠轉譯為外鞘蛋白,而外鞘蛋白又可以分為主要外鞘蛋白(major capsid protein,即L1 protein,佔80%)和次要外鞘蛋白(minor capsid protein,即L2 protein,佔20%),文獻指出,L1 protein能夠自行組裝成為virus-like particles (VLPs)的結構,且VLPs的傳染途徑及感染力都與天然的HPV相當,能夠在實驗動物身上引發高濃度的抗體免疫反應,因此,我們利用L1 protein的此項特性來從事預防性疫苗的研究。
另外,我們以腺相關病毒(adeno-associated virus,即AAV)當作載體,利用三種不同的質體DNA包括pXX6-YP,pXX2-YP及pXX-16 L1共同轉染293細胞,可以生產出攜帶L1基因的腺相關病毒,也就是recombinant AAV-16 L1,亦會引發抗體免疫反應,至於L1 DNA,亦有文獻指出可以當作疫苗來誘發抗體免疫反應。本實驗室之前利用AAV-L1及L1 DNA當作疫苗給予小鼠,並評估兩者之間對於引發L1-specific抗體的能力,結果發現AAV-L1的表現優於L1 DNA。故,我們承襲之前的研究,除了AAV-L1及L1 DNA外,再加上L1 protein,以肌肉注射方式將此三種疫苗給予小鼠,再用ELISA來比較他們之間對於引發專一性抗體的的差異性,結果是L1 protein的表現大於AAV-L1,而L1 DNA則表現最差。
根據文獻,GM-CSF能夠藉由促使macrophages及dendritic cells的增加而加強antigen presentation的能力,提供一個環境使免疫反應得以加強。因此,我們又利用腺病毒(adenovirus)來攜帶GM-CSF生產出Ad-GM-CSF,以Ad-GM-CSF合併AAV-L1的協同作用,亦能夠引發小鼠的抗體免疫反應,甚至高於VLPs的反應。同時,除了L1-specific antibody的測定外,我們再取小鼠血清用ELISA作IL-4及IFN-的測定,以期能夠更深入瞭解是否進行Th1或Th2路徑。
目前,臨床上對於子宮頸癌的治療多以外科手術為主,而以放射線治療及化學治療為輔,但是,對其預後和轉移的避免都沒有真正令人滿意的結果。因此,本研究利用人類乳突瘤病毒之L1 protein當作疫苗,與其它AAV-L1疫苗,或是AAV-L1合併Ad-GM-CSF疫苗,甚至說L1 DNA疫苗做一比較,以期能夠找到一個真正具有潛力的子宮頸癌預防性疫苗。

According to the statistical incidences in Taiwan, cervical carcinoma is the first common malignancy in recent years and remains the fifth cause of deaths due to malignancies in women. Besides,it always belongs to one of the usual cancers all over the world. The reasons of cervical carcinoma are numerous inclusive of multiparity,and multiple sexual partners;the major one is the infection of human papillomavirus ( HPV ),especially the types 16 and 18. Many documents indicate that if patients with certain cervical carcinoma reveal positive reactions of human papillomavirus infection,the type 16 accounts for 50%.
HPV owns eight early genes and two late genes. Among them, the late genes can translate into outer sheath proteins;they can divide into major capsid protein ( L1 protein ) and minor capsid protein ( L2 protein ).Papers point out that L1 protein can self-assemble into the structure of virus-like particles ( VLPs );the routes of infection and infective activities are similar to those of nature HPV. In addition, VLPs can induce high titers of neutralizing antibodies in experimental animals. So,we utilized the characteristics of L1 protein to reseach the prophylactic HPV vaccine.
We used adeno-associated virus ( AAV ) as a vector and combined three different plasmids including pXX6-YP,pXX2-YP and pXX-16 L1 to cotransfect the 293 cells in order to produce the recombinant AAV-16 L1.There are also papers showed that AAV-L1 can cause immune responses to induce neutralizing antibodies. As to L1 DNA, it can give rise to the same responses as well.
Our laboratory used to take AAV-L1 and L1 DNA as prophylactic HPV vaccines to give mice and evaluated the activities to evoke L1-specific antibodies.The results revealed that the expression of AAV-L1 was superior to that of L1 DNA.So,we followed the previous research and integrated three prophylactic HPV vaccines including AAV-L1,L1 protein and L1 DNA to give mice via muscular and venous injections. Then, we made use of ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) to compare their differences of inducing the neutralizing antibodies. The outcome showed that the expression of L1 protein was better than that of AAV-L1 and the latter was better than the expression of L1 DNA.
Based on research reports,GM-CSF can enhance the activity of antigen presentation by promoting the increase of macrophages and dendritic cells, and cause an environment to strengthen the immune responses. So, we utilized adenovirus as a vector to carry GM-CSF gene to produce Ad-GM-CSF;then,we combined AAV-L1 with Ad-GM-CSF to be vaccines to give mice and tested the neutralizing antibodies. The results illustrated that the expression of combination was superior to that of L1 protein alone.Besides, we checked the concentrations of IL-4 and IFN- to further investigate if the immune response would go on Th1 or Th2 pathway.
Currently, the treatments of cervical carcinoma in clinical are surgery,radiotherapy and chemical therapy.But, there was no truly satisfying achievements in progress and prevention of metastasis.So, we compared the above mentioned vaccines to research which one was really available,and we hoped to find out a pontential prophylactic HPV vaccine for prevention of cervical carcinoma.

目錄 -----------------------------------------------------1
圖目錄 ---------------------------------------------------4
中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------5
英文摘要 -------------------------------------------------7
一 前言
第一節 緒論 ---------------------------------------10
第二節 子宮頸癌與人類乳突瘤病毒之關係 -------------10
第三節 人類乳突瘤病毒的基本特性 -------------------11
第四節 人類乳突瘤病毒的外鞘蛋白 -------------------12
第五節 L1 protein vaccine的發展 -------------------14
第六節 利用AAV作為輸送基因的載體 -----------------23
第七節 發展子宮頸癌的腫瘤疫苗 ---------------------25
主題一. 攜帶人類乳突瘤病毒16型L1基因之腺相關
及人類乳突瘤病毒16型L1 DNA三種預防性
子宮頸癌疫苗的比較 ------------------------------26
壹. 細胞培養 --------------------------------------26
貳. 由桿狀病毒系統生產L1 protein [即virus-like
particles (VLPs)] -----------------------------27
參. 生產攜帶人類乳突瘤病毒16型L1基因
之腺相關病毒 ----------------------------------28
肆. 細胞感染 (infection) --------------------------39
伍. 細胞轉染 (transfection)--磷酸鈣沈澱法 ---------39
陸. 西方點墨分析法 (Western blot) -----------------40
柒. ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) ------42
壹. 以西方點墨分析法評估L1 protein是否正確 -------45
貳. 以限制酵素檢查三種質體DNA ---------------------46
參. 以dot-blot評估AAV-L1的濃度 ------------------46
肆. 以西方點墨法評估AAV-L1是否可生產L1 protein ---47
伍. 以ELISA評估L1-specific antibody的表現 -------47
四 討論(1) ----------------------------------------------51
主題二. 攜帶人類乳突瘤病毒16型L1基因之腺相關
子宮頸癌疫苗的比較 ------------------------------53
壹. 生產攜帶GM-CSF的腺病毒 -----------------------54
貳. ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay)------56
壹. 以ELISA評估GM-CSF的表現 ---------------------57
貳. 以ELISA評估L1-specific antibody,IL-4
及IFN-的表現 --------------------------------57
四.討論(2) ----------------------------------------------63
五.參考文獻 ---------------------------------------------66

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