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論文名稱(外文):The Research of Factors Affecting Consumption of Project Buffer under Critical Chain
外文關鍵詞:Risk management of projectCritical chainBuffer
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本研究所運用工具包含PROJECT 2000、@RISK FOR PROJECT及VISUAL BASIC for EXCEL,以模擬不同之專案特性下,評估何類因素將影響專案緩衝區之消耗程度。
The widely known traditional techniques of project management — CPM/PERT are mainly used for schedule management. They control the adjustment of schedule caused by delay for uncertainty in the level of activities. The study researches the consumption factors of project buffer in TOC (Theory of Constraints) built in the level of project. The author propose 4 factors, including the complexity of network, project risk, abundance of resources, and the heuristic rules of scheduling, and research further which factors mentioned will affect the outcome of consumption as well as the trend of affection.
Our computer tools are composed of PROJECT 2000, @RISK for PROJECT, and VISUAL BASIC for EXCEL. By simulation, we appraisal the influence of these factors to consumption of project buffer.
The conclusions of our study are as followed:
1.The conditions of project risk and abundance of resources are two essential factors necessary to consider when make use of project buffer.
2.In case the resources are fully abundant, the size of project buffer suggested by Critical Chain will be enough. On the other contrary, if the resources are much inadequate to meet the demand of coincident activities, the project will be postponed, though the project buffer is installed.
3.The consumption of buffer will enlarge as project risk increases.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍 4
1.4 研究架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 專案之時間管理 8
2.2 傳統專案排程技術-要徑法 / 計劃評核術 10
2.3 資源限制下之啟發式專案排程 13
2.4 制約論下關鍵鍊之專案管理 16
2.5 專案之風險管理 20
第三章 研究方法 24
3.1 關鍵鏈下之專案管理情境 24
3.2 影響因子之定義 25
3.3 評估準則之設定 28
3.4 研究假設 29
第四章 模擬與結果分析 31
4.1 模擬步驟與工具之使用 31
4.2 模擬參數設定 34
4.3 模擬結果 40
4.4 模擬結果分析比較 53
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 61
5.1結論 61
5.2管理意涵 62
5.3研究限制 63
5.4未來研究方向 64
參考文獻 67
附錄 VISUAL BASIC 原始程式碼[重點摘要] 72
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