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論文名稱(外文):A Study Of Dynamic Master Logic Diagnosis and Assessment in Information System Outsourcing Process
外文關鍵詞:Dynamic Master logicknowledge managementinformation service outsourcing
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本研究為提高資訊服務委外之成功率,運用結合現行「政府採購法」作為國軍資訊委外活動流程,並藉由「知識管理」的導入、結合國際標準組織ISO/IEC12207--5.1籌獲作業,並以圖形展示由功能點分析所衍生的「動態主邏輯圖(Dynamic Master Logic Diagram , DMLD)」,允許使用者依其需要,將一個複雜的系統以階層的方式分解,成為許多小型系統的模型,再加以分析,並度量活動成效,以提出異常警訊供系統和專案人員立即解決問題,如此在資訊委外規劃初期便可有效測知範圍、功能相關定義及可掌控的彈性。在定義範圍之下,便可檢測出專案進行是否無誤.在運用個案推理機制,建立資訊服務委外知識庫,存放於Internet或Intranet上,使相關人員能迅速取得最新資訊,有效監控委外的開發。當有新的委外要規劃時,便可透過交談式介面(Interactive Interface),從知識庫中擷取出適當的執行計畫,便可大幅降低規畫及開發成本,提昇資訊服務委外作業的品質。

Successful factor in information service outsourcing, has the thoughtful layout first, and the successful layout relies on mainly to evaluate and supervise and control the process tightly in the good operation.Its key is to lie in programing whether the Chow postpone, can satisfy the strategic requirement in executive?And whether have the flexibility?Because in project activity, the fluctuating is existent, is requirement, resource or outside and environmental change of fixed cost etc.s in spite of, testing the outsourcing to carry on in all aspects.Therefore the accumulation of the outsourcing experience is also a not important substance, the look alike outsourcing experience is all can through the mode of the regularization, mutual - sharing and spread to accept, promoting of fleetness the knowledge level of the outsourcing, can reduce the rate of failure of the outsourcing then
The spirit of the dynamic master logic is for programing its beginning in the information service outsourcing operation, settling the function of the requirement clear after reviewing with user(customer) well, finding out its related factor at the same time, can know well then in whole development process at which region come amiss more and easily, or be to run operation creation abnormality, find out the crux immediately, with in most a short time, the modification of the fulfillment bug, then promote the software quality.
This research is the successful rate of the jack information service outsourcing, the current" state procurement method" in usage wedge bonding is used as the army information outsourcing movable process, and by" knowledge management" duct into, the international standard organizational ISO/ IEC12207-5.1 in wedge bonding raises to get the operation, and with the graphics display to click" main logic diagram( Dynamic Master Logic Diagram, DMLD) in dynamic state" that the analysis develop by the function, allowing the user to depend on it needs, resolving a sophisticated system by stratum, become many models of small scaled system, then take into the analysis, and generous character activity result, to put forward the excrescent alarm to provide the system and projects the personnel the prompt settlement problem, thus in the information outsourcing layout in the early years then can effectively sensing related definition in range, function and the flexibility that can control.At define the range under, can examine the project to carry on then whether without any error. at make use of the mechanism of case reasoning, establishment information service outsourcing knowledge base, save on the Internet or Intranets, make the related personnel be able to acquire quickly lately information, supervise and control the development of the outsourcing effectively.When is the new outsourcing to want to program, then can through interactive interface( Interactive Interface), pick the execution of the fairness to plan from the knowledge base, can reduce the planning and developing costs significantly then, promote the quality of the information service outsourcing operation.

中文摘要 I
致謝詞 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究目的 4
第三節、研究範圍與限制 7
第四節、研究方法與論文架構 8
第一節、資訊服務委外 10
一、資訊服務委外定義 10
二、資訊服務委外的範圍項目 13
第二節、知識管理 23
一、知識管理的定義與內涵 23
二、知識管理的類型及移轉過程 25
三、知識管理所需之組織能力及核心活動 27
第三節ISO/IEC 12207標準 29
一、ISO/IEC 12207 源起 29
二、ISO/IEC 12207規範架構 30
三、ISO/IEC 12207之籌獲作業 35
第一節系統架構 40
第二節、資訊委外整體流程 45
第三節、動態主邏輯 54
第四節、實作工具DML-US2000及DML-US2002介紹 63
一、DML-US2000介紹 63
二、DML-US 2002介紹 64
第五節、研究架構小結 69
第四章 實例驗證 71
第一節、案例背景說明 71
第二節、案例導入 73
第三節、小結 83
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 84
第一節、結論 84
第二節、未來研究方向 86
第六章、參考文獻 87

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