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研究生(外文):Yang Ming-Chang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Disclosure Behavior on Firms with Going-Concern Uncertainties
指導教授:汪 進 揚
外文關鍵詞:Going ConcernMandated DisclosureVoluntary DisclosureAnnual ReportContent Analysis
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資訊不對稱一直是政策制定者所關切的課題。然以往有些研究指出,財務困難公司在訊息的揭露上具有較強烈的投機誘因;基此,本研究以內容分析法衡量資訊揭露程度,並嘗試探討繼續經營不確定公司 (以下簡稱GC公司) 在年報資訊的揭露行為。經36個收到第一次會計師經營疑慮意見的樣本公司實證,研究結果指出:(1)GC公司的自願性與強制性揭露程度皆顯著低於非GC公司;(2)GC事件年的強制性揭露程度顯著低於非GC事件年;(3)GC或非GC公司之銷售預測均不準確,並且有過於樂觀的預測傾向;(4) ROA與GC公司自願性揭露程度存有顯著的正向關係,而負債比率(D/A)與強制性揭露程度呈顯著負向關係。此結果支持財務困難公司會規避資訊的揭露,以防止“失敗”的自我預言實現。
Information Asymmetry has been of major concern to policy setters. Previous studies, however, indicate that companies in situations of financial distress might exercise greater opportunism in dealing with corporate disclosure. In an attempt to examine disclosure behavior of firms receiving a going-concern audit report (thereafter, GC companies), this study employs a content analysis method to measure extent of disclosure in annual reports. Using a sample of 36 first-time GC companies, this study reaches the following major conclusions. First, GC companies have lower degree of disclosure, in terms of voluntary or mandated disclosures, compared with non-GC companies. Second, GC companies in the period of receipt of a going-concern uncertainty opinion have lower degree of disclosure than during receiving a clean report. Third, sales forecasts made by both GC and non-GC companies are largely inaccurate and tend to be optimistically biased. Finally, my results in the GC company tests show that Return on Assets (ROA) is positively associated with degree of voluntary disclosure, and that Debt Ratio (D/A) is negatively related to degree of regulated disclosure. Overall, my findings lend support to the notion that stressed companies are less likely to make full disclosures, which might prevent from failure via a self-fulfilling prophesy.
目 錄
中文摘要 ……………………………………………………………………Ⅰ
英文摘要 ……………………………………………………………………Ⅱ
誌謝 …………………………………………………………………………Ⅲ
目錄 …………………………………………………………………………Ⅵ
圖目錄 ………………………………………………………………………Ⅶ
表目錄 ………………………………………………………………………IX
第一章  緒論………………………………………………………………1
1.1 研究背景動機……………………………………………………1
1.2 研究目的與觀念架構……………………………………………3
1.3 研究流程與論文章節……………………………………………4
第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………………………6
2.1 企業失敗與監視...………………………………………………6
2.1.1 企業失敗的定義……..……………………………………7
2.1.2 審計報告與繼續經營不確定查核意見……………..……10
2.2 資訊揭露之成本與效益……………………………….…………13
2.2.1 揭露行為……………………………..……………………13
2.2.2 資訊揭露成本與效益………………..……………………15
2.3 強制性揭露行為的探討…………………….……………………19
2.3.1 強制性揭露定義………………………..…………………19
2.3.2 強制性揭露相關研究主題……………..…………………20
2.3.3 強制性揭露相關研究實證…………..……………………21
2.4 自願性揭露行為的探討…………………….……………………24
2.4.1 自願性揭露定義………………………….………………25
2.4.2 自願性揭露相關研究主題……………….…………….…25
2.4.3 自願性揭露相關研究實證…………………..…………....27
2.5 會計弊端……………………………………………………….…31
2.6 揭露程度與公司特性相關研究…………………………………33
2.6.1 揭露程度的計算………………………………………….34
2.6.2 公司特性相關研究……………………………………….35
第三章 研究假說與研究方法………………………………………..….38
3.1 研究假說…………………………………………………………38
3.2 樣本選取與資料來源……………………………………………40
3.3 樣本分配…………………………………………………………41
3.4 變數之操作性定義………………………………………………43
3.5 研究設計與統計分析方法………………………………………45
第四章 實證結果與分析………………………………………………...46
4.1 敘述性統計………………………………………………………46
4.1.1 GC vs 非GC公司特性 ………………………………...46
4.1.2 年報揭露指數…………………………………………….47
4.2 GC公司 vs 非 GC公司揭露程度差異性檢定……………….51
4.2.1 自願性揭露差異性檢定………………………………….51
4.2.2 強制性揭露差異性檢定………………………………….52
4.2.3 年報總揭露指數差異性檢定…………………………….53
4.3 GC公司事件年 vs GC前一年揭露程度差異性檢定 ………..53
4.3.1 自願性揭露差異性檢定……………………………….…53
4.3.2 強制性揭露差異性檢定………………………………….54
4.4 GC 公司揭露正確性的檢定.………………….………………..56
4.4.1 準確性分析…………………………………………….…56
4.4.2 強制性揭露差異性檢定………………………………….57
4.5 GC 公司的揭露行為 …………………………………………..58
第五章  結論、研究限制與建議…………………………………….…..63
5.1 結論………………………………………………………………63
5.2 研究限制…………………………………………………………64
5.3 建議………………………………………………………………64
參考文獻 ………………………………………………………………...…66
附 錄 …………………………………………………………….…….…70
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