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研究生(外文):Sharon Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Evaluating the Effects of Grip Span,Maximum Wrist Extension/Flexion,and Gloves on Grip Strength and Time Needed to Reach Different Levels of Exertion
指導教授(外文):Yuh-Chuan Shih
外文關鍵詞:Grip strengthmaximum volitional contractionGrip spanmaximum wrist extension/flexiongloves
  • 被引用被引用:27
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of grip span,maximal wrist extension/flexion,and gloves on grip strength and time needed to reach different levels of exertion. 30 subjects participated in Eexperiment 1in which MVC and time needed to reach different levels of exertion were measured using 4 levels of grip span and 3 levels of wrist posture.results indicate that femal performed MVC was 58% of male and the greatest MVC was occurred on neutral. When posture changed from maximum flexion, through neutral, to maximum extension, the span with better MVC output seems to move from a smaller span to a larger span. as T-level, it took more time on the later period of exertion. 20 subjects participated in Eexperiment 2 in which MVC and time needed to reach different levels of exertion were measured using 3different kinds of gloves.results indicate that femal performed MVC was 55% of male and wearing gloves decreased the MVC of grip .
KEYWORDS:Grip strength、maximum volitional contraction、Grip span、maximum wrist extension/flexion、gloves
摘要 I
目錄 V
第一章 緒論 VIII
第二章 研究背景及相關文獻探討 2
2-1研究背景與動機 2
2-2文獻探討 5
2-2-1 性別 6
2-2-2姿勢 7
2-2-3手套 8
2-3研究目的 12
2-4研究限制 13
2-5研究架構 13
第三章 性別、握距及手腕姿勢對靜態握力施力之影響 14
3-1研究方法 15
3-1-1受試者 15
3-1-2實驗設計與資料擷取 16
3-1-3實驗儀器及設備 18
3-1-4實驗程序 19
3-2結果 21
3-2-1握力MVC 21
3-2-2到達不同施力程度所需時間 27
3-3討論加3-3-1MVC 3-3-2到達不同施力程度所需時間 45
第四章 手套對握力及達不同施力程度所需時間之影響 51
4-1研究方法 51
4-1-1受試者 51
4-1-2實驗設計與資料擷取 52
4-1-3實驗儀器及設備 53
4-1-4實驗程序 54
4-2結果 54
4-2-1握力MVC 54
4-2-2到達不同施力程度所需時間 56
4-3討論 60
第五章結論與建議 61
5-1結論 61
5.1.1握力 MVC 62
5.1.2到達不同施力程度所需時間 62
5-2建議 63
5-3未來研究方向 64
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