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研究生(外文):Ju-Yin Huang
論文名稱(外文):Exploring the effect of the Gender and Age differences on the individual decision - making processes of intention to continue using Web-based Instruction
指導教授(外文):Chao-Min Chiu
外文關鍵詞:Web-based InstructionContinuance IntentionDecomposed Theory of Planned BehaviorAgeExpectation- Confirmation TheoryGender
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隨著網路科技的蓬勃發展,已使商業競爭從「實體市場」移轉至「網路空間市場」,線上學習產業也應運而生。要順應環境變遷、推動終身學習,網路教學的永續經營有其必要性。因此,本研究以解析式計劃行為理論 (DTPB) 為基礎,整合期望-確認理論的觀念 (ECT),探討影響網路教學續用意向之相關因素。進一步以性別及年齡為中介因素,探討個人差異是否影響網路教學續用意向的決策過程。本研究以問卷調查法針對高雄師範大學「特殊教育」學分班的學員進行調查,取得有效問卷223份,並進行資料分析。
As the explosive development of Internet technology, commercial competition has been transferred from brick-and-mortar market to the virtual one. Therefore, e-learning comes with the tide of fashion. In order to adapt to the environmental transition and to carry out lifetime learning, sustainable management of web-based instruction (WBI) is necessary. This study, based on the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB), coordinates the Expectation-Confirmation Theory (ECT) to investigate the related factors that effect the WBI continuance. Furthermore, this paper investigated gender differences as well as age differences in the overlooked context of individual continuance intention of WBI. This study administered survey to students joining the “special education” program in National Kaohsiung Normal University. A total of 223 valid questionnaires were collected for data analysis.
The results show that users’ continuance intention is determined by perceived controllability and satisfaction, which is in turn jointly determined by perceived usefulness, perceived risk and perceived playfulness. This study also indicates that the effect of subjective norm on satisfaction diminished to nonsignificant over time. Additional, on the part of the effect of moderating factors obtain the following six findings. First, female and older learners’ continuance intention were more strongly influenced by their Internet self-efficacy. Secondly, gender and age do not serve as moderating factors to the relationship between continuance intention and perceived controllability. Thirdly, gender and age do not serve as moderating factors between satisfaction and interpersonal influence, social influences, perceived risk respectively. Fourthly, male and younger learners’ satisfaction to WBI were more strongly influenced by their perceived usefulness. Fifthly, younger learners’ satisfaction to WBI were more strongly influenced by their perceived ease of use. Finally, older learners’ satisfaction were more strongly influenced by perceived playfulness.
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
(一) 網路教學的定義7
(二) 網路教學的類型7
(三) 網路教學的特性9
(四) 網路教學的優點12
(五) 網路教學所面臨的挑戰14
(六) 各種理論模式在網路學習之應用16
(一) 理性行為理論 (Theory of Reasoned Action, TRA)19
(二) 計劃行為理論 (Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB)21
(三) 科技接受模式 (Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)24
(四) 期望確認理論 (Expectation-Confirmation Theory, ECT)25
(一) 主觀規範的解析28
(二) 態度的解析29
(三) 知覺行為控制的解析32
(一) 性別差異的影響33
(二) 年齡差異的影響35
(三) 潛在混淆因子36
(一) DTPB模式39
(二) 性別的調合作用45
(三) 年齡的調合作用48
(一) 潛在混淆因子檢測71
(二) 性別73
(三) 年齡77
(一) 網路教學續用意向之DTPB模式85
(二) 性別調合87
(三) 年齡調合88
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1. 5、林奇賢, 1997,”全球資訊網輔助學習系統:網際網路與國小教育”,資訊與教育,58期,頁2-11。
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