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研究生(外文):Ching-Shan Jeng
論文名稱(外文):A Study for The Assessment of Alkylating Biodiesel on Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines
指導教授(外文):Kuo-Shuh Fan
外文關鍵詞:BiodieselAlkylating BiodieselAlternative fuels
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替代燃料 (Alternative Fuels) 之研發、推廣與使用,對改善空氣污染,維護環境品質與國民健康有其實質裨益。其中生質柴油具相當潛力為世界各國極力推廣,惟純生質柴油有冷天使用、物質相容性、氮氧化物排放增高及價格過高等問題,我國尚有原料缺乏、法令標準及通路等問題需克服,致無實質之推廣運用。
Alternative fuels, through investigation, promotion and application, are recognized as beneficial to improvement of air pollution, environment friendly and human health. The potential of the use of biodiesel are highly recommended , however the barrier lies beyond used in cold weather, material compatibility, mitigating NOx increase and cost-effectiveness, for the commercial application. Some specific problem also lies on biofuel deficiency, regulatory context and fuel distribution and supply in Taiwan, which had constrained the progress of biodiesel use.
This project aimed at the alkylating biodiesel , which combined with biodiesel and alkane, for the performance test. The newly combined biodiesel is expected to be lower fuel consumption, lower NOx emission and more competitive in price as compared with conventional biodiesel. Heavy-duty diesel engine test had been performed in different composition of 5%, 20%, 50% alkylating biodiesel with pure biodiesel, to analysis the fuel properties, engine performance and emission characteristics, and also the cost-effectiveness.
The emission characteristics analysis showed the best reduction effect with the 5% alkylating biodiesel sample, reduction rate had been tested at —29.0% in THC, -25.5% in carbon dioxide, -8.9% in NOx, -25.0% in particulate matters, -100% in sulfur oxides and -19.5% in smoke. The fuel property analysis results suggested that high cetane number in alkylating biodiesel will lead to easy-started and lower noise for diesel engine. Zero sulfur and aromatic hydrocarbons content will benefit with zero sulfur oxide and PAH emission. The test result also showed good lubrication property, and surpasses far beyond the diesel performance standard. The weakness of biodiesel is the high pour point, which can be modified via an additive used.
About engine performance, bio-diesel has the same fuel-consumption compared with conventional diesel. The horsepower and torsion lose of the bio-diesel are 7-8 % lower than conventional diesel.
Regarding of cost-effectiveness analysis, although bio-diesel cost more than conventional diesel about 5 N.T. dollars per liter at the initial stage, however, balance will meet if production of the bio-diesel reaches at 120,000 KL per year. At the time of commercial production of the bio-diesel take into practice, it would be highly competitiveness without enforcement by the agent, and it’s also technological feasible.
Promotion of bio-diesel had also suggested to be implemented in Kao-Ping Air Basin as an air pollution control measure. Calculated through air quality modeling, if 25% of conventional diesel had been substituted for 5% content bio-diesel in the Kao-Ping Air Basin, the reduction of the air pollution concentration along the freeway in Kaohsiung city will be 1.3μg/M3 for PM maximum daily average and 11 ppb for NOx maximum hourly average annually.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
一、 研究背景 ------------------------------------------------------- 1
二、 研究動機 ------------------------------------------------------- 2
三、 研究目的 ------------------------------------------------------- 4
一、 我國生質能發展現況 ------------------------------------------------- 5
二、 柴油車污染 --------------------------------------------------- 6
三、 油品物、化特性與引擎性能及排煙關係 --------------------------- 9
四、生質柴油 --------------------------------------- 15
(一)生質柴油的製造 --------------------------------------- 15
(二)生質柴油的特性 --------------------------------------- 19
(三)生質柴油的發展 --------------------------------------- 21
(四) 發展困境及因應措施 --------------------------------------- 24
一、研究方法 ----------------------------------------------- 28
(一) 研究流程 --------------------------------------------------- 28
(二) 試驗方法 --------------------------------------------------- 31
1. 引擎性能、油耗及污染排放測試 ---------------------------- 31
2. 油品物、化特性試驗 ------------------------------------ 31
3.各期垃圾車煙度檢測 ------------------------------------ 32
(三) 空氣品質減量效益評估模式 ----------------------------------- 32
二、實驗設備 ----------------------------------------------- 32
(一)引擎測功計及排氣稀釋道 --------------------------------------- 33
(二)氣狀污染物取樣及分析系統 --------------------------------------- 34
(三)實驗用柴油引擎 ---------------------------------------- 36
(四) 煙度檢測之車體動力計及車輛 -------------------------------- 36
三、實驗用油品 ----------------------------------------------- 37
(一) 生質柴油 ----------------------------------------------- 38
(二) 烷化物 ----------------------------------------------- 38
第肆章 結果與討論
一、油品物、化性分析結果 ------------------------------------------ 39
(一) 密度及熱值 ------------------------------------------ 39
(二) 動力黏度 ------------------------------------------ 39
(三) 燃料十六烷值 ------------------------------------------ 42
(四) 燃料潤滑性 ------------------------------------------ 42
(五) 流動點 ------------------------------------------ 42
(六) 含硫量 ------------------------------------------ 42
(七) 多環芳香烴與總芳香烴 ------------------------------------------ 45
二、引擎性能測試結果 ------------------------------------------ 48
三、引擎污染排放測試 ------------------------------------------ 53
(一) 暫態循環污染檢測 ------------------------------------------ 53
(二) 引擎黑煙排放測試 ------------------------------------------ 58
(三) 各期垃圾車煙度量測 ------------------------------------------ 58
四、成本分析 ------------------------------------------ 63
五、效益評估 ----------------------------------------- 65
(一) 排放量推估說明 ----------------------------------------- 65
(二) 烷化生質柴油之需求分析 ----------------------------------------- 67
(三) 空氣品質改善評估 ----------------------------------------- 68
(四) 單位成本減量估算 ----------------------------------------- 73
(五) 生產油脂作物面積估算 ----------------------------------------- 73
第伍章 結論與建議
一、結論 --------------------------------------------------------- 74
二、建議 --------------------------------------------------------- 75
三、未來研究方向 -------------------------------------------------------- 77
參考文獻 ----------------------------------------------------------- 78
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附錄二 動力計煙度測試結果
附錄三 高雄市柴油車排放量及烷化生質柴油取代25%高柴後之削減量分布
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12.K. Owen and T. Coley, Published by SAE, 1995, Automative Fuels Handbook。
13.Christopher A. Sharp,Southwest Research Institute,” Exhaust Emissions and Performance of Diesel Engines with Biodiesel Fuels”, www.biodiesel.org/resources /reportsdatabase/reports/ gen/gen -065.pdf
14.陳介武,”生化柴油發展與趨勢”, 2000,http://www.soybean.org.tw/tech6-3.htm.
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