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研究生(外文):Hsieh-Wei Li
論文名稱(外文):A VLSI Implementation for Non-Recursive 1D Biorthogonal Discrete Wavelet Transform
指導教授(外文):King-Chu Hung
外文關鍵詞:BiorthogonalWavelet Transform
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區段累加演算法(SAA),以克服濾波器係數級數成長的問題。SAA 係以低於原始
With the significant properties of noise resistance and local variance extractability, the
wavelet transform coefficients of coarser level are desired for the applications of pattern
recognition. However, all traditional VLSI architectures of the wavelet transform based on
the recursive pyramid algorithm require interleaving technique to solve the data confliction
problem happening at the entry. This will increase circuit complexity and time latency to
compute those useless wavelet transform coefficients in finer levels. Instead, we present a
non-recursive algorithm of the 1-D BDWT to solve this problem. The main difficulty of
the non-recursive 1-D BDWT is that the filter coefficients will be growing progressively as
k is increased. Based on the AOCA process, an efficient process called segment
accumulation algorithm (SAA) is proposed to overcome the filter growing problem. With
the property of using the same original data for all stages, data sharing technique can be
applied in the parallel processing scheme of the SAA for circuit complexity reduction. The
SAA provides four fundamental VLSI architectures with the advantages of requiring no
multiplex, less multiplier, adder, and non-interleaving process. Moreover, the latency of the
architecture is independent of the decomposition levels and can be very short.
1-1 研究動機……………………………………………………………………1
1-2 硬體架構回顧………………………………………………………………4
1-3 論文內容概述………………………………………………………………5
2-1 一維離散週期性小波轉換理論………………..……………………………6
2-2 一維雙正交離散小波轉換理論……………………………………………10
3-1 非遞迴式一維雙正交離散小波轉換演算法………………………………17
3-2 邊界資料處理方式一………………………………………………………28
3-2-1 邊界資料處理方式一的非遞迴式1-D BDWT 轉換係數……………28
3-2-2 邊界資料處理方式一的額外取樣資料………………………………30
3-3 邊界資料處理方式二………………………………………………………35
3-3-1 非遞迴式1-D BDWT 係數和遞迴式1-D BDWT 係數的差異…...…35
3-3-2 後邊界資料係數的濾波器係數……………………..…………..……39
3-3-3 前邊界資料係數的濾波器係數………………………..………..……43
3-3-4 邊界資料處理方式二的軟體模擬結果……………..…………..……47
第四章非遞迴式1-D BDWT 之VLSI 硬體架構……………………….……….49
4-1 邊界資料處理方式一的資料結構…………………………………………49
4-2 邊界資料處理方式一的硬體架構圖………………………………………56
4-3 邊界資料處理方式二的資料結構…………………………………………60
4-4 邊界資料處理方式二的硬體架構圖………………………………………63
5-1 邊界資料處理方式一之電路模擬…………………………..………..……68
5-2 邊界資料處理方式二之電路模擬…………………………..………..……76
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