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研究生(外文):Fei-hsin Cheng
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Customer Knowledge and Role Participation On Service Quality Expectations--Kaohsiung Private Banking Industry as an Example
指導教授(外文):Fu-yung Kuan
外文關鍵詞:private bankingservice quality expectationsrole participationcustomer knowledge
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綜觀服務接觸攸關文獻,皆將焦點置諸「員工」角色,而少有由「顧客」角度以衡量服務傳遞或服務接觸品質(Kelley et al, 1990)。故本研究特以「顧客」角度,探討服務接觸的涉入或參與程度對服務品質期望的影響關係。
據之前揭動機,本研究遂以財政部九十一年經濟金融概況有關本國銀行財務、業務概況表所列之銀行為抽樣標準,先排除公營金融機構、郵局及民營中小企業銀行等,選擇其中之三十九家民營銀行客戶作為本研究對象,探討「顧客知識」與「服務品質期望」間的關係,並檢視「角色參與」之中介歷程效果。透過結構方程模式中之AMOS(Analysis of Moment Structure)分析工具檢測研究假設後,獲致主要結果為:
As the ratio of GDP has been largely contributed by service sectors, the development of these industries worthy notifying. Also, accompanied by the government''''s disregulating of private bank establishment, some related information is easily accessible as you want. However, it is important to know that whether the quality of these banking services has been rising, and whether the accumulation of knowledge about banking services will influence the expectation to the service quality.
From the literature reviewing, we see that the study of service encounter has been focused on the role of employees, and it is seldom issued with the viewpoints of customer. So the present study will follow these efforts to investigate the effects of service encounter participation on the expectation of service quality.
Based upon this motivation, the study has used 255 customers as samples from the 39 private-owned retailing bank company listed in the Ministry of Finance. And we used statistical AMOS to investigate whether the impact of the customer knowledge on service quality expectations was moderated by role participation and tests of some related hypotheses. We find that:
1. There is positive correlation between customer knowledge and service quality expectations, and also the role participation. So the positive correlation will be seen between role participation and service quality expectations
2. There appears that role participation has actually displayed the moderated effect between customer knowledge and service quality expectations.
3. Compared with perceived quality, we see that the customer’s service quality expectations somewhat is significantly higher. Although the service quality is better than other banks, it means that the banking company will have some opportunity to improve in the future.
4. Customer thought bank must improve the service levels and the first two key points are service provider''''s attitude and service operations speed.
To summarize the finding, we suggest that for improving service quality, banking can motivate their customers'''' participation in service encounter through the provision of benefit to the customer. Furthermore, banking can offer the customized service to decrease the gap between perceived and expected service quality. For example, building the personal managed finances center to offer financial portfolio to satisfy customers'''' needs.
第壹章 緒論………………………………………………………………………….1
第一節 研究背景及動機………………………………………………………….1
第二節 研究目的………………………………………………………………….5
第三節 研究流程………………………………………………………………….6
第四節 研究對象………………………………………………………………….8
第貳章 文獻探討……………………………………………………………………10
第一節 顧客知識之涵義與相關研究……………………………………………10
第二節 角色理論及相關名詞之涵義與研究……………………………………21
第三節 服務品質之涵義與相關研究……………………………………………35
第參章 研究方法……………………………………………………………………49
第一節 研究架構…………………………………………………………………49
第二節 研究變項之操作性定義…………………………………………………50
第三節 研究假設之建立…………………………………………………………51
第四節 問卷編製…………………………………………………………………53
第五節 分析工具…………………………………………………………………54
第六節 研究工具之信效度分析…………………………………………………57
第七節 抽樣設計與問卷回收……………………………………………………66
第肆章 實證分析與討論……………………………………………………………68
第一節 顧客知識、角色參與暨服務品質期望之評量…………………………68
第二節 顧客知識、角色參與暨服務品質期望之關聯…………………………72
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………………………………74
第一節 研究發現之彙整…………………………………………………………74
第二節 行銷意涵…………………………………………………………………76
第三節 研究限制…………………………………………………………………77
第四節 後續研究建議……………………………………………………………78
附錄一 前測問卷…………………………………………………………………90
附錄二 正式問卷…………………………………………………………………95


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