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研究生(外文):Sen-San Chen
論文名稱(外文):The evaluating Process of Foreign Entry-Mode Choice - A Case of the Motorcycle Industry
外文關鍵詞:Multi-Criteria Decision MakingFuzzy Delphi MethodScenario Analysis.Fuzzy Delphi Analytic Hierarchy ProcessEntry-Mode
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The foreign entry-mode choice is an important decision in international strategy because of its relationships to the performance and survival of a firm. How to choose appropriate foreign market entry-mode is the first problem of entrepreneurs which enter an international market. In the past, several problems of the choice of evaluating foreign entry-mode are as follows: (1) Lack of entire evaluated factors. (2) Lack of discussing how to determine weights of criteria. (3) Lack of explaining how to solve the consensus problem of the group decision. So the outcomes are in doubt.
Entry-mode selection problem has inherently contained the characteristics of multi-criteria decision-making problem. The problem of the process of evaluation is group decision-making problem. During the process of entry-mode selecting, the decision makers have to evaluate all kinds of criteria evaluated values under a fuzzy circumstance where the whole environment is uncertain and the future is unknown. For these reasons, we try to apply Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) method to the evaluating process of foreign entry-mode choice. Furthermore, we apply Scenario Analysis to provide decision makers suggestions under several special scenarios. Like what Porter said“Scenarios are the best used to guide the choice of a strategy, rather than as a means of confirming one”. To special scenarios, entrepreneurs can choice appropriate entry-mode for each other. We combine MCDM method with Industry Scenario Analysis to develop a new set of evaluating processes, which can provide information for entrepreneurs.
The results are as follows: (1) Besides the factor of host country level, managers also consider other levels to choose alternatives, like factory, Industry strategy and home country levels, and so on. (2) To compare with evaluating method before, this new evaluating process provides alternatives in different scenarios and more information to decision makers. (3) Simulating criteria weights by Sensitivity Analysis, we can rank all of alternatives for each scenario to find out if“alternatives adverse”has happened. Sensitivity Analysis can let decision makers to determine change entry-mode choice when circumstances will be changed in the future.
This evaluating process can integrate decision makers’ opinions effectively, and make weight of each criteria and evaluated values of alternatives objectively. By considering these factors, we can get appropriate method to explain each scenario reasonably.
第一章 緒論
第二章 文獻探討
第三章 建立評估程序
第四章 實證分析
第五章 結論與建議
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9. 徐村和、楊宗欣 (b),「媒體選擇影響因素之研究─習慣領域及灰色理論」,東吳經濟商學學報,第二十四期,民國88年,頁115-138。
10. 徐村和、陳龍潭、楊宗欣,「動態資源基礎觀點之模糊策略選取模式─以不鏽鋼產業為例」,管理學報,第十九卷、第五期,民國91年,頁843-871。
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1. 8. 徐村和、楊宗欣 (a),「應用模糊層級分析法評選廣告媒體」,管理與系統,第六卷,第一期,民國88年,頁19-39。
2. 9. 徐村和、楊宗欣 (b),「媒體選擇影響因素之研究─習慣領域及灰色理論」,東吳經濟商學學報,第二十四期,民國88年,頁115-138。
3. 10. 徐村和、陳龍潭、楊宗欣,「動態資源基礎觀點之模糊策略選取模式─以不鏽鋼產業為例」,管理學報,第十九卷、第五期,民國91年,頁843-871。
4. 7. 徐村和,「模糊德菲層級分析法」,模糊系統學刊,第四卷,第一期,民國87年,頁59-72。
5. 6. 徐村和、楊宗欣,「模糊綜合評判應用於人力資源管理之研究」,輔仁管理評論,第四卷,第二期,民國86年,頁85-100。
6. 23. 陳昭宏,「創業投資公司投資高科技產業模糊多準則評估之研究─以生物科技產業為例」,輔仁管理評論,第九卷,第二期,民國91年,頁87-110。
7. 21. 賴奎魁、鄭伶如、陳柏宇,「技術情境之研究─以接觸式影像感測器業為例」,管理與系統,第八卷,第四期,民國90年,頁421-438。
8. 16. 吳萬益、程永明,「台資企業投資中國大陸市場所有權進入模式之研究」,交大管理學報,第二十卷,第二期,民國89年,頁47-77。
9. 11. 曾國雄、蕭再安、鄧振源,「多評準決策方法之分析比較」,科學發展月刊,第十六卷,第七期,民國78年,頁1008-1017。