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研究生(外文):Hsu Chi-Sui
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Concept-Based Integrated Teaching Model and its Effects for Integrated Learning Based on the Hierarchy Concept
外文關鍵詞:integrated teachingconcept teachingcurriculum integrationinterdisciplinary integrationlearning strategy
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摘 要
(二) 對未來研究之建議
A Study of the Concept-Based Integrated Teaching Model and its Effects for Integrated Learning Based on the Hierarchy Concept
The purpose of this study is to construct a Concept-Based Integrated Teaching Model and assess its effects for integrated learning. The subjects’ metacognition and teachers’ reflection are also collected by the researcher in order to understand their opinions about the concept-based integrated teaching.
The Concept-Based Integrated Teaching Model bases on the theories of curriculum integration, information processing and concept teaching. It is an interdisciplinary integration model, emphasizing the importance of considering key competencies when making the decision of integration curriculum, designing instruction and evaluating student’s achievement. An efficient mechanism of integrated learning is also arranged in this model.
A quasi-experimental method and context analysis are employed in this study. Two elementary 5th grade classes are sampled to participate in this experiment, one is experimental group having 31 students to whom the Integrated Approach Concept Teaching System is implemented, the other one as controlled group constituted with 30 students, will follow the traditional instruction for comparison.
The findings of this study are:
1.The Concept-Based Integrated Teaching Model is confirmed its constructive validity with the theory of curriculum integration, concept teaching and the information processing.
2.The Concept-Based Integrated Teaching shows significant effects on subjective achievement both Social Studies and Arts and Humanities.
3.The Concept-Based Integrated Teaching doesn’t show significant effects on subjective achievement both Language and Mathematics.
4.The Concept-Based Integrated Teaching shows significant effects on the integrated learning both within a discipline and across disciplines.
5.The students recognize that the concept-based integrated teaching can facilitate the concepts learning within one disciplinary and the learning transferring to the similar context. They also think that the learning strategies of peer questioning and explaining rehearsal can help them to integrate the conceptual knowledge which they have learned.
6.The teachers who participated the experimental instruction consider that the effects for integration learning of the Concept-Based Integrated Teaching Model. The suggestions which they give for the practice of the integrated teaching are that focus just one concept in curriculum integration one time will promote the learning motivation of students.
The suggestions for the further researches are:
1.To verify the effects for integrated learning of the Concept-Based Integrated Teaching Model in the educational stage of secondary school.
2.To explore the students’ learning transfer about the concepts which they have learned.
目 錄
第一章 緒 ………………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………………1
第二節 名詞釋義…………………………………………………………5
第三節 研究的限制………………………………………………………7
第二章 文獻探討 ………………………………………………………8
第一節 統整教學…………………………………………………………8
第二節 概念教學 ………………………………………………………27
第三節 促進學生學習統整之策略 ……………………………………36
第四節 後設認知 ………………………………………………………46
第五節 教師的反思與理解 ……………………………………………50
第六節 概念統整教學模式 ……………………………………………54
第三章 研究方法與程序………………………………………………66
第一節 研究設計 ………………………………………………………66
第二節 研究對象 ………………………………………………………69
第三節 以「階層」概念為核心之統整教學實施流程 ………………70
第四節 教學活動設計與補充教材的編寫 ……………………………73
第五節 研究工具 ………………………………………………………84
第六節 教師的訓練 ……………………………………………………89
第七節 實施程序 ………………………………………………………91
第八節 資料蒐集與分析 ………………………………………………95
第四章 結果與討論……………………………………………………96
第一節 概念統整教學對於個別學習領域學習成就的影響 …………96
第二節 概念統整教學對於促進學生概念知識統整的成效…………101
第三節 學生對統整教學的後設認知…………………………………123
第四節 教師對概念統整教學的反思與理解…………………………128
第五章 結論與建議 …………………………………………………140
第一節 結論……………………………………………………………140
第二節 建議……………………………………………………………143
附錄一 各學習領域學習單 ……………………………………………159
1-1社會學習領域 ………………………………………………………159
1-2語文學習領域(國語) ……………………………………………162
1-3數學學習領域 ………………………………………………………163
1-4藝術與人為學習領域(美勞) ……………………………………165
附錄二 各學習領域補充教材 ………………………………………166
2-1社會學習領域 ………………………………………………………166
2-2 語文學習領域(國語) …………………………………………167
附錄三 概念統整測驗 ………………………………………………168
附錄四 各學習領域成就測驗…………………………………………171
4-1社會學習領域單元成就測驗 ………………………………………171
4-2語文學習領域(國語)單元成就測驗 ……………………………173
4-3數學學習領域單元成就測驗 ………………………………………174
附錄五 實作評量標準 ………………………………………………176
附錄六 「階層」概念的發展脈絡……………………………………177
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1. 甄曉蘭(民90)。從課程組織的觀點檢討統整課程的設計與實施。課程與教學季刊,4(1),1-20。
2. 楊宗仁(民80)。後設認知的源起及其理論。資優教育,38,16-25。
3. 謝青龍(民84)。從「迷思概念」到「另有架構」的概念改變。科學教育月刊,180,23-29。
4. 郭金美(民85)。 Students'' Conceptual Change about Light。嘉義師院學報,10,407-453。
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8. 邱美虹(民85a) 學習策略與科學學習。科學教育(師大),191,2-15。
9. 吳和堂(民88)。國中實習教師教學反省的內容與層次分析。教育學刊,15,143-170。
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13. 歐用生(民88a)。從「課程統整」的概念評九年一貫課程。教育研究資訊,7(1),22-32。
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15. 游家政(民89)。學校課程的統整及其教學。課程與教學季刊,3(1),19-38。