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研究生(外文):Lin Chi Hung
論文名稱(外文):Changes in the Physicochemical Properties of Adzuki Cotyledon Tissues During Cooking Processes
指導教授(外文):C. H. HwrongH. C. Chang
外文關鍵詞:Adzuki beanScanning Electron MicroscopeSEMFourier Transform Infra-red SpectroscopyFTIRcotyledon cellsPrincipal Component AnalysisPCApectin fraction
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本論文主要探討紅豆水煮過程之理化特性的變化,分為兩個部分。第一部份探討不同條件下水煮過程,紅豆子葉組織質地特性、化學成分及顯微觀察之間的關係。加熱使得水溶性物質流失、降低果膠質含量及組織硬度,增加色澤、游離澱粉含量及豆粒水分。果膠質區分實驗顯示,子葉組織內冷螯合劑可溶性果膠質(CHP)比熱水可溶性及熱酸可溶性果膠質(HWP & HAP)快速溶解,總果膠質含量損失約66~68%。掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)觀察顯示,子葉組織加熱到90℃時才產生型態上的變化。光學顯微鏡切片染色觀察顯示,蛋白質變性改變糊化澱粉顆粒的型態,形成不規則形狀變形。因此豆沙顆粒的形成是經由蛋白質變性、細胞內澱粉的糊化,中膠層果膠物質的溶解而成。
第二部分探討紅豆子葉組織在不同溶液下烹煮(硬化及軟化處理),細胞壁物質及微細結構的關係。紅豆處理為1) 鈣鹽(0.1%、0.5%及1.0%)水煮及10 % 糖液水煮處理,為硬化因子組 2) 去離子水水煮及0.1 % 碳酸鈉水溶液水煮處理,為軟化因子組,去離子水浸漬及經酸鹼處理後的子葉細胞為對照組。質地分析、主要成分化學分析、電子顯微鏡(SEM)及傅立葉紅外光分析儀(FTIR)使用於紅豆子葉細胞壁變化的研究。熱處理時子葉組織因中膠層果膠物質β-脫去反應的作用而分解,子葉細胞分離。顯微觀察顯示軟化處理者,子葉組織間中膠層溶解,子葉細胞分離,硬化處理者細胞壁外層中膠層黏著有增強現象,所有處理法之子葉細胞均保持完整,以EDS能量光譜儀分析顯示鈣離子及鈉離子分布於細胞壁外層。FTIR圖譜顯示硬化處理者細胞壁成分留存一些酯類吸收峰,主成分分析法(PCA)分析結果,前三個主成分(PCs)可以解釋93%以上的總變異量, PC3是區別細胞壁物質的主成分因子。
The investigation on the changes in the physicochemical properties of adzuki cotyledon tissues during cooking processes were carried out in this experiment. In the first-part study, the relationships among the textural properties, the chemical components and the microstructure of the adzuki beans cotyledon tissues during cooking in various conditions were discussed. Heating resulted in the loss of water-soluble materials, decreased the pectin substances and the tissues firmness, but increased colour of cooked beans, the free starch content and bean moisture. The results of pectin fractions showed that cold hexametaphosphate -soluble pectin (CHP) of cotyledon tissues is degraded faster than hot water- soluble pectin (HWP) and hot acid-soluble pectin (HAP). The total pectin content lost about 66~68%. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that the cotyledon tissues of adzuki bean were morphologically changed by heating until 90℃.For light microscopic observations, semi-thin sections were cut and stained. Protein body were found to be denatured and covered the gelatinization starch granules. The gelatinization starch granules inside cotyledon cell showed an irregular shape. It was found that the formation of Ann granules involves protein denaturation, starch gelatinization inside cells, and pectin substances degraded in the middle lamella.
The second-part investigation was the relationships between cell wall materials and the microstructure of the adzuki beans cotyledon tissues during cooking in different solutions(harden or soften treatments). Adzuki bean was treated by 1) cooked in calcium salt(0.1%, 0.5% and 1.0%) and 10% sugar solution, as a group for the harden bean. 2)cooked in deionized water and sodium carbonate solutions, as the other group of soften bean. Bean soaked in deionized water and treated with acid and alkaline were prepared as the control. The textural and chemical analysis、Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Fourier Transform Infra-red spectroscopy(FTIR) were used to study the changes of cotyledon cell walls. During heat treatment, the pectin substances in the middle lamella were degraded by the way of β-elimination, the cotyledon cells were then separated from each other. Softening treated beans showed a breakdown of the middle lamella, while hardening treated beans resulted in the strengthening of middle lamella. The cotyledon cell walls of softening and hardening treated beans remained intact. Energy dispersive spectrometer(EDS)showed that the calcium ions and the sodium ions distributed around the outer layer of cell wall. FTIR spectra indicated that the wall residues in the hardening treated beans remained in the form of ester linkage. Principal component analysis(PCA)showed that the first three principal components (PCs) explained more than 93% of the total variance of the system. PC3 is the principal factors for differentiation of the cell wall materials.
2.FTIR 應用於細胞壁物質的分析------------------------28
3.AIS 中果膠質酯化度之測定--------------------------46
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