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論文名稱(外文):Development on SOP IC 3D Lead Scanner System
外文關鍵詞:coplanaritypitchsweepstand offspreadblob analyzededge-detectedsubpixel analgsis
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為了檢測IC的外觀品質,本研究針對SOP IC的產品開發出一套結合機器視覺與IC檢測機台的檢測系統,用以檢測SOP IC的腳共面性(coplanarity)、腳距(pitch)、腳排彎(sweep)、腳高(stand off)及腳跨距(spread)等項目。
本系統可區分為兩個部份,分別是SOP IC檢測機台與檢測軟體。在SOP IC檢測機台方面,可概分為入料機構、分離機構、定位與檢測區、旋轉機構及分類出料區等五個部份。在檢測軟體方面,藉由影像處理中的二值化、連結體分析(blob analyzing)、邊緣尋找法(edge-detected),並透過次像素(subpixel)技術以提高系統檢測的重現性(repeatability)與精確度。經過一系列的實際檢測結果顯示,在測試重現性方面,所測得的結果其重現性指標(GR&R)在10%以內;另外在的精確度測試方面,經過本檢測系統所求得每一個樣本之數據與投影機所求得之數據相比,其結果相差之最大值為0.48mil。
關鍵字:腳共面性(coplanarity)、腳距(pitch)、腳排彎(sweep)、腳高(stand off)、腳跨距(spread)、連結體分析(blob analyzing)、邊緣尋找法(edge-detected)、次像素(subpixel)、重現性(repeatability)。
In this paper, an inspection system including the machine vision and a inspection mechanism is self-designed to inspect the size appearance of SOP IC component. The inspected items are coplanarity, pitch, sweep, stand off and spread etc.
The proposed system is collection of twofold subsystems. It consists of the inspection mechanism and inspection software. As for the inspection mechanism, the mechanism can be divided into the stations of loading, separation, alignment, inspection, rotation and output sorting. In inspection software phase, to attain the robust results in the repeatability and accuracy of the inspection, the image processing methods including binary-thresholded, blob-analyzed, edge-detected and subpixel technique are employed in the present thesis. The results of the inspection repeatability from a series of experiments show that the level of GR&R is within ten percent. Meanwhile, the measured results of comparing a projector instrument and the present inspection system demonstrate that the maximum deviation is not greater that 0.48mil for all of the measured samples.
From the overall view of evaluation on the present developed system, the repeatability and accuracy of the inspection ability with the function of automation system can effectively replace the bared eyes to meet the requirement of industrial application.
keywords:coplanarity、pitch、sweep、stand off、spread、blob analyzed、edge-detected、subpixel analgsis、repeatability accuracy。
摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 半導體產業的發展 2
1.3 IC製造過程簡介 3
1.4 研究動機與背景 3
1.5 研究目的 4
第二章文獻回顧 5
2.1 IC檢測機構的回顧 5
2.2成像技術的回顧 9
第三章實驗設備 22
3.1 個人電腦 22
3.2 攝影系統 23
3.2.1 影像擷取卡 23
3.2.2 工業攝影機(CCD) 25
3.3 氣壓管路設備 26
3.4 光源與照明系統 27
3.4.1 照明機構 27
3.4.2 光源種類 28
3.4.3 打光方式 30
第四章研究方法 34
4.1 檢測流程 34
4.1.1 檢測項目 35
4.2 檢測機構設計原理 39
4.2.1 入料機構 40
4.2.2 分離機構 43
4.2.3 定位機構 45
4.2.4 旋轉機構 47
4.2.5 分類出料區 49
4.3 取像方式 54
4.4 影像處理技術 56
4.4.1 影像分割 56
4.4.2 連結體分析(blob analyzing) 58
4.4.3 次像素 59
4.5 量測方法 61
4.5.1 腳位的量測 61
4.5.2 重現性 66
4.6 尺寸校正 67
第五章實驗結果與分析 70
5.1 測試系統之重現性 71
5.2 測試系統之準確性 80
5.3 結果分析 82
第六章結論與建議 83
6.1 結論 83
6.2 建議 84
參考文獻 85
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