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研究生(外文):Chiou, chian-yih
論文名稱(外文):Feasibility assessment of Encarsia pergandiella Howard as a biological control agent for Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring in greenhouse
指導教授(外文):Po-Yung Lai, Ph.D.
中文關鍵詞:Encarsia pergandiella銀葉粉蝨寄生偏好寄主取食偏好綜合防治
外文關鍵詞:Encarsia pergandiellaBemisia argentifoliiparasitism preferencehost-feeding preferenceintegrated control
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Encarsia pergandielal Howard雌蜂可寄生並取食不同齡期銀葉粉蝨的若蟲,其寄生較偏好三齡,寄生率為43.4%。寄生偏好依序為三齡>四齡>二齡>一齡。而取食則較偏好一齡,取食率為31.8%。寄主取食偏好依序為一齡>二齡>三齡>四齡。
在定溫28±1℃、60±10% RH,及光照週期14L:10D之植物生長箱中,寄生蜂發育日期依寄主之齡期之增加而縮短且有顯著性的差異。其分別為寄生於一齡寄主為16.4天、於二齡為14.1天、於三齡為13.6天及於四齡為12.7天。比較E. pergandiella寄生不同齡期銀葉粉蝨若蟲發育後的蛹之體長、體寬,寄生於一齡寄主的寄生蜂蛹,體長為0.523mm、體寬為0.256m較寄生二、三與四齡寄主之寄生蜂蛹小。
不同溫度處理寄生蜂蛹的羽化率,以逐步降溫處理方法為佳。分別在7℃與10℃處理5天與10天後其在室溫羽化率分別為在7℃處理5天為53.0%與10℃為62.0%,在7℃處理10天為22.0%與10℃為39.0%,且用線性回歸分析其溫度與成蟲羽化率呈正相關性( R25days=0.87,R210days=0.99 )。
於溫室中評估E. pergandiella之防治效果顯示在防治聖誕紅上之銀葉粉蝨尚未能有效抑制,推究其原因為低溫、種間競爭與銀葉粉蝨具有較高的生殖力有關。在實驗中亦發現兩種本省聖誕紅植株常見之寄生蜂:包括東方蚜小蜂(Eretmocerus orientalis Silvestri)及淺黃恩蚜小蜂(Encarsia transvena(Timberlak))。淺黃恩蚜小蜂較E. pergandiella寄生蜂及東方蚜小蜂具優勢。而在搭配使用藥劑作綜合防治研究時發現,各種殺蟲劑對寄生蜂之毒性以昆蟲生長調節劑布芬淨(buprofezin)對E. pergandiella之毒性最小。
Encarsia pergandiella Howard females were able to parasitize and feed on different instar nymphs of the silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii. The females preferred to parasitize on 3rd instar nymphs with a parasitism rate of 43.4%. This preference of parasitism, in descending order, was 3rd instar > 4th instar > 2nd instar > 1st instar. On the host feeding, the females preferred to feed on 1st instar with a feeding rate of 31.8%. This preference of host feeding, in descending order, was 1st instar > 2nd instar > 3rd instar > 4th instar.
Under a growth chamber set at 28±1oC, 60±10% RH and 14L:10D, the developmental time for E. pergandiella was shortened with the increase of nymphal instar and the difference was significantly different. The developmental time for E. pergandiella parasitizing on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instar nymphs was 16.4, 14.1, 13.6, and 12.7 days, respectively. When compared the body length and width of the pupae E. pergandiella parasitized on the different instars of the silverleaf whitefly, the body length and width of the pupae of E. pergandiella were 0.523mm and 0.256mm, respectively, which were significantly smaller than that of E. pergandiella parasitized on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instar nymphs.
When the pupae of E. pergandiella were exposed to different temperatures, their emergence rate was better after the pupae were treated with temperatures in a reduction gradient. When the pupae of E. pergandiella were exposed for 5 days at 7oC and 10oC, their emergence rates were 53% and 62%, respectively. However, when they were exposed for 10 days at 7oC and 10oC, their emergence rates were 22.0% and 39%, respectively. There was a positive correlation ( R25days=0.87,R210days=0.99 ) between the temperature and the emergence rate of E. pergandiella.
Under a greenhouse condition, E. pergandiella was unable to effectively control the silverleaf whitefly on poinsettia. This ineffective control may be attributable to low temperature, high fecundity of the silverleaf whitefly, and interspecific competition from the other two parasitoids, Eretmocerus orientalis and Encarsia transvena. The latter two parasitoids were dominant species, showing their potential for use in the control of the silverleaf whitefly. In studying the compatibility of E. pergandiella with pesticides in integrated control of the silverleaf whitefly, it was found that among the pesticides tested, the insect growth regulator, buprofezin, was least toxic to E. pergandiella.
三、Encarsia pergandiella之生物學特性……………………………9
二、E. pergandiella對不同齡期銀葉粉蝨若蟲寄生與寄主取食之偏好
三、定溫下E. pergandiella寄生不同齡期銀葉粉蝨若蟲之發育日期比較………………………………………………………………….…16
四、低溫對E. pergandiella蛹期羽化之影響…………………………..17
五、溫室內E. pergandiella對銀葉粉蝨防治效果之評估………..……18
六、數種推薦防治銀葉粉蝨殺蟲劑對E. pergandiella毒性之評估…...19
一、E. pergandiella對不同齡期銀葉粉蝨若蟲寄生與寄主取食之偏好
二、定溫下E. pergandiella寄生不同齡期銀葉粉蝨若蟲之發育日期比較……………………………………………………………...……..23
三、低溫對E. pergandiella蛹期羽化之影響…………………………..24
四、溫室內E. pergandiella對銀葉粉蝨防治效果之評估…………......25
五、數種推薦防治銀葉粉蝨殺蟲劑對E . pergandiella毒性之評估….28
一、E. pergandiella對不同齡期銀葉粉蝨若蟲寄生與寄主取食之偏好
二、定溫下E. pergandiella寄生不同齡期銀葉粉蝨若蟲之發育日期比較…………………………………………………………………….32
三、低溫對E. pergandiella蛹期羽化之影響…………………….…….33
四、溫室內E. pergandiella對銀葉粉蝨防治效果之評估……………..34
五、數種推薦防治銀葉粉蝨殺蟲劑對E. pergandiella毒性之評估…..36
表一、E. pergandiella對在蕃薯葉上不同齡期銀葉粉蝨若蟲之寄生率與取食率………………………………………………………..…….….49
表二、E. pergandiella寄生蕃薯葉上不同齡期銀葉粉蝨若蟲之發育日期…………………………………………………………………….50
表三-1、寄生不同齡期銀葉粉蝨若蟲E. pergandiella寄生蜂蛹之體長與體寬…………………………………………………………..………51
表三-2、E. pergandiella寄生不同齡期銀葉粉蝨若蟲寄生蜂羽化後粉蝨外殼之體長與體寬………………………………………………….52
表四、E. pergandiella蛹期低溫儲藏後成蟲之羽化率…………………….53
表五、E. pergandiella蛹期逐步降溫處理後成蟲之羽化率………………..54
表六、七種防治銀葉粉蝨殺蟲劑對E . pergandiella 成蟲24、48、72小時之死亡率及毒性分級……………………………………………….55
表七、六種防治銀葉粉蝨殺蟲劑對E. pergandiella不同發育期之毒效..56
圖二、E. pergandiella二齡幼蟲至羽化各階段發育情形…………………58
圖三、E. pergandiella寄生銀葉粉蝨前蛹期之情形….……..……………. 59
圖四、E. pergandiella寄生銀葉粉蝨不同齡期若蟲寄生蜂蛹之大小…….60
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