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研究生(外文):Chao-Wu Huang
論文名稱(外文):The investigation of how compensation system equity affects employee attitude
外文關鍵詞:job standard factorperformance standard factororganizational commitmentjob evaluationemployee attitud
  • 被引用被引用:88
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For many years now, the base to Taiwan’s economic development has been from the medium and little-sized business enterprises, but with the restrictions of domestic economic development, the rising costs of labor, and the intense competition of the international environment, many proprietors believe that for these enterprises to weather through another winter is in itself a difficult task, how would they have the time for discussions of the improvement and development of human resources? Previous academic research and models were all designed for large business enterprises, but are these models fit for those medium and small-sized enterprises? At present, local studies are short of this type case study information and research, therefore, this paper targets medium and small-business enterprises that have been through job evaluation for research in hopes to find a successful human resource management and development model for medium and small-sized business enterprises from successful relevant case studies. Ethan M. Rasiel(1999) said, “No matter what you do, you will always have the chance that there will always be some other person in some other place that has done similar things as you have: learn from other people’s success and lessons, cherish your precious time, don’t try to reinvent tires.

The main purpose of this research is to discuss the effect that compensation system design has on cognitive compensation equity and the effect cognitive compensation equity has on employee attitude. The survey method is used for research, with retrieval of 223 effective surveys. Results after analysis of the data are stated below:

1. The effect compensation system design has on cognitive compensation equity is more notable with two factors: ‘compensation adjustment plan’ and ‘the degree of compensation understanding’. The ‘performance standard factor’ has almost no effect on distributional equity; this is an issue that is worth looking into.

2. The effect cognitive compensation equity has on employee attitude, among which ‘distribution equity’ has notable effects with compensation satisfaction. Moreover, procedural equity has notable effect on moral commitment, emotional commitment and work commitment; what more to be noticed is that only external equity and compensation openness has notable effect on prolonged commitment. This explains why medium and small-sized business enterprises cannot retain employees. So is this the fate of medium and small-sized business enterprises or is it the ignorance towards compensation design?

3. This research sampled middle and small-sized companies with an employee count of 200 or less. Although there is not a great number of case studies companies, but the results are still impressive, especially the distinct improvement of employee attitude. From this research, it is shown that the cadre members of middle and small-sized business enterprises are younger, have higher academic background, have abundant source of information, like open communication and interaction, have their own opinions on how to set the human resource management system, and expect themselves to become professional managers.
目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 研究流程 6

第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 薪酬制度 8
第二節 薪酬公平的認知 16
第三節 員工工作態度 23

第三章 研究方法 31
第一節 研究架構 31
第二節 研究假設 32
第三節 研究對象與資料蒐集 32
第四節 研究變項之操作性定義與衡量 35
第五節 資料分析方法 42
第六節 研究限制 43

第四章 研究結果與分析 46
第一節 研究變項之描述性統計分析 46
第二節 薪酬制度設計對薪酬公平認知的影響 49
第三節 薪酬公平認知對員工工作態度的影響 58
第四節 本研究之假設結果驗證 65

第五章 結論與建議 69
第一節 結論 69
第二節 建議 70

參考文獻 72

附錄 77

圖 目 錄
圖1-1 本研究之研究流程圖 6
圖2-2 薪資設計兩構面情境模式 9
圖2-3 工作績效影響因素 12
圖3-1 研究架構 31

表 目 錄

表4-1 薪酬制度設計要素敘述性統計分析 47
表4-2 分配公平與程序公平之敘述性統計分析 47
表4-3 組織承諾、薪酬滿足及工作投入之敘述性統計分析 48
表4-4 薪酬制度變項對薪酬公平認知之Pearson 相關性分析 49
表4-5 薪酬制度設計對員工「外部公平」之迴歸方程式之模式摘要 50
表4-6 薪酬制度設計對員工「內部公平」之迴歸方程式 51
表4-7 薪酬制度設計對員工「個人公平」之迴歸方程式 52
表4-8 薪酬制度設計對員工薪酬「公開」之迴歸方程式 54
表4-9 薪酬制度設計對員工薪酬「溝通」之迴歸方程式 55
表4-10 薪酬制度設計對員工薪酬「互動」之迴歸方程式 56
表4-11 薪酬制度設計對員工薪酬「申訴」之迴歸方程式 57
表4-12 薪酬公平認知對員工態度之Pearson 相關性分析 58
表4-13 薪酬公平認知對員工「情感性承諾」之迴歸方程式 59
表4-14 薪酬公平認知對員工「道德性承諾」之迴歸方程式 60
表4-15 薪酬公平認知對員工「持續性承諾」之迴歸方程式 61
表4-16 薪酬公平認知對員工組織承諾各變項顯著程度彙整表 62
表4-17 薪酬公平認知對員工薪資滿足之迴歸方程式 63
表4-18 薪酬公平認知對員工工作投入之迴歸方程式 64
表4-20 薪酬制度設計對薪酬公平認知的影響顯著性彙整表 66
表4-21 薪酬公平認知對員工工作態度的影響顯著性彙整表 67
表4-22 假設驗證結果彙整表 68
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