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研究生(外文):Chia-Yi Chen
論文名稱(外文):Divalent cation-induced conformational changes and oligomerization of KChIP1
指導教授(外文):Long-Sen Chang
外文關鍵詞:KChIPconformational changeoligomerization
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KChIPs family為鉀離子通道結合蛋白,可與電位驅動型鉀離子通道(Kv4)��-subunit之N端產生分子間作用力,並調控其功能。 此蛋白質家族經alternative splicing作用產生許多isoforms,其胺基酸序列主要差異在N端,而C端含有保留性之4個EF hands。 而KChIP3/Calsenilin/DREAM已被證實為一具有multi-function之蛋白質,在細胞中不同位置可與不同目標分子結合,且受到鈣離子調控其聚合作用以及DNA結合性質。 本論文利用5’-RACE得到KChIPs cDNA之後,進一步轉殖入表現載體於E.coli系統成功表現重組蛋白。 藉1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate(ANS)可與蛋白質疏水性區域結合之特性,偵測KChIPs重組蛋白在二價金屬離子(Mg2+,Ca2+,Sr2+,Ba2+)誘導下之構形變化;並以螢光強度變化相對於離子濃度求得解離常數。 結果得到KChIP1及KChIP2具有兩種鈣離子親和性,而對於其他離子則只有一種。 去除掉第四個EF hand之後僅可測得一種鈣離子解離常數,且親和性與其他金屬離子相似,顯示第四個EF hand對於高親和性鈣離子結合部位扮演重要功能。 去除第三及第四個EF hands之後,仍具有鈣離子結合功能,但已無法結合ANS,且其CD spectra與wild type顯著不同,顯示第三及第四個EF hands在KChIP1構形上之重要性。 此外,in vitro蛋白質分子間聚合實驗結果得到KChIP1及KChIP2之聚合作用亦受到鈣離子調控,而pull down則證實兩者可形成hetero-oligomer,且N端並未參與此蛋白質分子間之聚合反應。

KChIPs are Kv channel-interacting proteins that bind to the cytoplasmic N-terminus of Kv4 ��-subunits and regulate the ion-current of Kv channel. Several isomeric KChIPs arise from alternative splicing have been identified. These KChIPs share a high degree of sequence homology at their C-terminal region which is constituted with four EF hands, but their N-terminus sequence is notably diversified. Among them, KChIP3/Calseniline/Dream has been found to be a multifunctional protein, and interacts with different targets according to its cellular sub-localization. Noticeably, KChIP3 shows a Ca2+-dependent DNA-binding and oligomerization. In the present study, using 5’-RACE PCR, the KChIP 1 and KChIP2 were successfully amplified from human brain and heart cDNA libraries, respectively. The recombinant KChIP proteins were prepared from E. coli expression system, and purified by His-bind resin or GST-resin according to their fusing proteins. The interaction between the KChIP proteins with divalent cations (Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+) was explored by 8-anilinonaphthalene sulfonate (ANS) fluorescence. The results showed that KChIPs possessed both high affinity and low affinity Ca2+-binding sites. However, only one kind of binding-affinity for the other divalent cations was noted. Removal of EF hand 4 caused an abolishment of the high Ca2+-affinity, and the resulting mutated protein exhibited a similar binding affinity for Ca2+, Mg2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+. The mutant lacked EF hands 3 and 4 lost its ANS-binding ability, but it still could bind with Ca2+. Moreover, this mutated KChIP showed a noticeable change in its secondary structure as evidenced by CD spectra. The results of in vitro cross-linking indicated that KChIP1 and KChIP2 could form homo-oligomer in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Interestingly, hetero-oligomerization between KChIP1 and KChIP2 was noted as revealed by pull down assay. The N-terminal region was not involved in homo- or hetero-oligomerization of KChIPs. Taken together, our findings suggest that the integrity of EF hand 4 is essential for the high affinity for Ca2+, and both EF hands 3 and 4 are crucial for maintaining the conformation of KChIPs. However, the oligomerization reaction is highly dependent upon the presence of EF hands.
參、縮 寫……………..…….……………………………………..4
肆、緒 論.…………….….………………………………………..5
伍、材 料……….…….………………………………………….11
Pull down assay……………………...…………………………………....21
KChIPs cDNA之選殖……………………………………………………24
捌、討 論.…….……….…………………………………………31
玖、圖 表…………...……………………………………………37
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