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研究生(外文):Yu-Jen Cheng
論文名稱(外文):On the Governance and Incentive Mechanism of State-owned Enterprises’ Privatization
外文關鍵詞:Perfect Bayesian EquilibriumPrivatizationMixed OligopolyBonus-sharing and Employees Stock Ownership PlanIncentive contractAsymmetric InformationPublic Stock offering RatioTransfer Price
  • 被引用被引用:24
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This dissertation explores the issues of mixed oligopoly, restructuring, and M&A that occurs in turn on the stages of policy set-up, preparation, and performing when the government attempt to privatize the state-owned enterprises (SOEs).
On the policy set-up stage, private firms in domestic market are not necessary confined to originate at home country. Foreign private firms may establish an oversea subsidiary and create a mixed oligopoly market structure at home country. In addition, those foreign private firms may not passively accept all the trade policies that came from the government decision of home country. Mixed oligopoly competition between one domestic public firm and one subsidiary of foreign private firm is been formulated to investigate the following questions: (1) how the agents compete under the cases that home country government adopts policies such as corporate tax rate, repatriation tax rate, and partial offering public stocks; and the foreign private firm implements strategies such as vertical integration and transfer pricing; (2) the impact on social welfare and the decision of optimal public stock-offering ratio while home country government’s policies and foreign private firm’s strategies have changed.
New findings include (1) Home country government can not maximize social welfare by simply adopting strategic policies; (2) For home country government, the best strategy for privatizing SOEs maybe partial privatization; (3) For home country government, “mass privatization” should be avoided as the means of manipulating domestic market shares.
On the preparation stage, an incentive scheme model is designed to analyze the governance mechanism for improving SOEs’ situation. First, different types of SOEs are classified according to their own ability and the employees’ attitude for privatization. By offering a sound device of incentive scheme, the government is able to strengthen the SOEs’ ability and employees’ desirability. Within a one-stage symmetric information game framwork, it proves that SOEs with high ability and their employees with high privatization desirability can implement the highest amount of public stock offering ratio. Next, it utilizes a two-stage asymmetric game model for discussing how to improve the SOEs’ ability and how to encourage the employees to support privatization. By providing an incentive contract, the government not only can coerce the SOEs but also can inspire their employees to reveal their true information. The due process of public stock offering is able to strengthen the abilities of SOEs via “restructuring” on the one hand, and to facilitate the issue of “training subsidies” for hatching the entrepreneurship of employees on the other hand. Finally, it investigates the impact on public stock offering ratio for the amount of specific grants, and found that the more generosity of incentive contract, the higher the public stock offering ratio.
On the performing stage, it adopts the incentive theorem to analyze the outcome of SOEs’ privatization by inviting a named firm. The named firm takes over the SOEs through M&A for the purpose of long-term operation. In order to encourage the employees of the privatized company working more aggressively, the named firm comes up incentive schemes including bonus-sharing and Employees Stock Ownership Plan, ESOP. It found that whether there exists information asymmetry or not between the named firm and the employees of the privatized company will affect the following decision-makings: the level of the employees’ effort, the willingness of the employees’ stock-holding, and the achievement of the named firm’s profit maximizing objective. In particular, it shows that the change of the contents of the incentive schemes will affect the bargaining outcomes between the named firm and the trade union of the SOEs on the issue of working conditions after privatization.
論文摘要 I
Abstract IV
謝辭 VII
目錄 i
圖次 ii
表次 ii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 國營事業民營化的原因與目的 2
1.3 國營事業民營化的方式與過程 4
1.4 國營事業民營化的成果 6
1.5 本論文各章間之階段性與聯繫性 8
第二章 外國私有企業進入、混合寡占與民營化 10
2.1 前言 10
2.2 基本模型 14
2.3 外國私有企業直接出口最終產品銷售本國市場 17
2.4 外國私有企業出口中間原料在本國生產並銷售最終產品 24
2.5 本章結論 31
第三章 國營事業民營化之治理機制分析 33
3.1 前言 33
3.2 基本模型 35
3.3 對國營事業提出包含直接投入專案經費的誘因契約 40
3.4 對國營事業員工提出間接補助的誘因契約 48
3.5 專案補助與國營事業類型的分辨效果 51
3.6 本章結論 53
第四章 洽特定對象民營化之誘因機制分析 55
4.1 前言 55
4.2 基本模型 58
4.3 Firm1擁有Firm2之完全資訊 60
4.4 Firm1與Firm2間存在資訊不對稱 62
4.5 Firm1與Firm2之工會談判工作條件 66
4.6 本章結論 70
第五章 結論與建議 72
參考文獻 77
附錄一:比較靜態分析的數學運算 85
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