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研究生(外文):En-Chi Liu
論文名稱(外文):Controlling Transverse Modes in a VCSEL with Optical Feedback
指導教授(外文):Tsu-Chiang Yen
外文關鍵詞:VCSELtransverse modes controloptical feedback
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這個研究工作是探討VCSEL的偏振和橫模的基本性質,並企圖以光回饋控制VCSEL輸出的橫模。在基本性質研究方面,實驗中所使用的VCSEL,其輸出光束中包含兩種偏振方向互相垂直的線性偏振光,而且兩偏振分量具有不同的閥值電流和橫模分佈,我們也發現VCSEL的模態具有較良好的溫度穩定性。在控制橫模的研究中,我們利用Iris分別對兩個偏振之特定橫模進行選擇性回饋,實驗結果顯示,此方法確實可增強被回饋的橫模。在主要偏振的單基模控制方面,已經可以得到很好的單基模輸出,其SMSR可高達19.8 dB,RIN降低幅度達20 dB/Hz以上。在次要偏振的回饋實驗中,回饋量較低時,反而會加強VCSEL橫模之間的競爭,使VCSEL輸出光的品質變差。我們也進行了正交偏振光回饋的實驗,由於回饋量太低,沒有明顯的效果。
This work investigated the characteristics of transverse modes and polarization of a VCSEL and attempted to control its transverse mode with optical feedback. The fundamental studies indicated that this solitary VCSEL''s output consisted of two mutually orthogonal linear polarizations with different threshold currents and different transverse mode distributions. Furthermore, the temperature dependence of the transverse modes of the VCSEL revealed a better stability than that of edge-emitted lasers. In the mode controlling experiments, an iris was employed to select a specific transverse mode for feedback, resulting in an enhancement in the power of the feedback mode. A significant improvement was accomplished in the feedback of the fundamental mode of the major polarization component: the laser oscillated in a single mode with a side mode suppression ratio greater than 19.8 dB and with a depression of the relative intensity noise more than 20 dB/Hz. Nevertheless, a week feedback in the minor polarization component would stimulate more competition among transverse modes and degraded the performance of the VCSEL. Finally, no effect was observed in the orthogonal-polarization optical feedback experiment due to the excessively small of feedback ratio.
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